Assessments must be conducted by a qualified BC specialist (Pediatrician, Psychiatrist or Registered Psychologist) trained to diagnose autism.
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), and
The Autism Diagnostic Interview-revised (ADI-r)
To be eligible for Autism Funding in B.C., all assessments for children of any age for the must include the implementation of both assessment tools.
The ministry will accept Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised assessment done virtually, or by telephone.
The ministry does not accept Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule assessments done virtually, or by telephone, as it has not been validated by these means.
MCFD does not currently accept short form assessments, including hospital discharge summaries, or summary letters and recommendations.
All completed assessment reports must be submitted, along with necessary documentation, to the child’s local MCFD office before the family is able to apply for autism programs.
For children under the age of 6, the assessment must show a multidisciplinary diagnosis of autism, including psychological pediatric, and speech-language pathology reports.
The ministry is undertaking a full review of autism forms to streamline and update information and language.