Legislation and Regulation
eLearning Course: Assisted Living in BC, Providing Person-Centered Service
The interactive online course provides information about operator responsibilities and engages learners through knowledge check questions, interactive activities and interview clips with people living in or providing services in assisted living.
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Fact Sheets
- Administrative Matters (PDF, 267KB)
- Assisted Living Services (PDF, 321KB)
- Cannabis and Tobacco (PDF, 120KB)
- Criminal Record Check (PDF, 212KB)
- Emergency Preparedness and First Aid (PDF, 142KB)
- Notice of Changes to Registrar (PDF, 170KB)
- Operator's complaint poster for display (PDF, 469KB)
- Outcome-focused Regulations (PDF, 279KB)
- Personal Service Plans (PDF, 456KB)
- Reportable Incidents (PDF, 220KB)
- Residency Agreement (PDF, 187KB)
- Resident Needs and Capabilities (PDF, 307KB)
- Role of Investigators and the Investigation Process (PDF, 270KB)
- Supportive Recovery, Exit Planning (PDF, 210KB)
- Transition Plan and Planning (PDF, 198KB)