
Last updated on June 4, 2024

The Community Care and Assisted Living Act and the Assisted Living Regulation set out operators’ responsibilities to residents in assisted living residences.

To register, applicants must provide the assisted living registry with detailed information.

  • An application for registration is required for each class of assisted living residence
    • Seniors and persons with disabilities
    • Mental health
    • Supportive recovery
  • Your application for registration is based on the class of the assisted living residence and the number of units
  • View the registration package

Application and Registration Fees

A one-time non-refundable application fee of $250 is required. This application fee is required for each class of assisted living.

If the registration is approved, a registration fee of $12.50 per unit will be required. The registration year runs April 1-March 31.

  • Registration is non-transferable and automatically cancelled if residence changes operators, address or class

Registration Approval

The Registry staff may approve the registration when:

  • Satisfied that the housing, hospitality services and assisted living services will be provided in a manner that promotes and protects residents’ health and safety
  • Satisfied that staff have the training, experience and other qualifications required under the regulations
  • All required documents are received; and
  • All fees are paid in full

If approved, operators will receive a Registration Certificate for each class of assisted living residence, which must be posted prominently in the residence along with any conditions of the registration.

Written Notice of Changes

Operators need to notify the assisted living registry office of key changes to operations. Some changes require approval ahead of time to ensure your registration remains valid.

For more information on what you need to notify the registrar about and associated timelines, see:

Can a Registration Become Invalid or Be Cancelled? 

Yes, if an operator:

A registration may be suspended or canceled, have conditions attached or vary the conditions if it is necessary to protect the health and safety of residents.

* A registration may also be subject to summary action and attachment of conditions, without notice, if there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is an immediate risk to the health or safety of a resident.

Annual Renewal

  • Operators must renew their registration every year before March 31
  • Operators need to complete and submit an Application to Renew
  • This fee is also due if an operator’s registration expired or became invalid
  • If your annual renewal registration fee is submitted late, you may be subject to a late fee charge of $250