Opening an Assisted Living Residence

Last updated on April 12, 2022

The Community Care and Assisted Living Act and the Assisted Living Regulation set out operators’ responsibilities to residents in assisted living residences.

A person or corporation who is considering opening an assisted living residence must apply for registration well in advance of starting operations. Staff of the assisted living registry will review the application and notify potential operators of next steps.

Operators are required to register the residence if:

  1. They offer:
    • Housing; and
    • Hospitality services; and
    • Assisted living services; and
  2. They provide support and services to 3 or more adults who are not related by blood or marriage to the operator of the premises; and
  3. These services are provided by or through the operator.

If registering an assisted living residence for the first time, please refer to the factsheet, “Should I Register My Residence?”

See Registration page for more information and resources.