ORCS Library

Publication date: March 28, 2017

Information schedules for operational records govern the classification, retention and disposition of information relating to specific business functions.

Approved ORCS

To search by approval date, use the format: yyyy-mm-dd.

Note: This is not a complete list of all approved schedules. Please contact your Government Information Management Specialist (GIMS) if you need further assistance.

Browse by Title



Aboriginal Health Program Services (schedule 128755) (PDF)
Approved: 2001-03-19

Accommodation and Real Estate Services (schedule 140666) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-10-15

Adult Forensic Psychiatric Services (schedule 122349) (PDF)
Amended:  2018-11-08

Adult Mental Health Services (schedule 122347) (PDF)
Amended: 2005-02-21

Affordable Child Care Benefit (schedule 169600) (PDF)
Amended: 2023-10-23

Alcohol and Drug Program Client Files (schedule 870453) (PDF)
Approved: 1992-06-29

Archaeology (schedule 170415) (PDF)
Amended: 2011-05-19

Archives and Records (schedule 881148) (PDF)
Amended: 2003-05-29


Banking and Cash Management (schedule 191019) (PDF)
Amended: 2017-05-29

Barrister and Solicitor Services (schedule 164437 ) (PDF)
Approved: 2019-03-21

Base Mapping and Geomatics (schedule 186999) (PDF)
Amended: 2012-05-31

BC OnLine Services (schedule 144010) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-06-18

BC Pavilion Corporation (schedule 144009) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-01-22

BC Prosecution Service (schedule 201915) (PDF)
Approved: 2019-12-18

BC Services Card Program (schedule 144008) (PDF)
Amended: 2023-10-23

BC Statistical Services (schedule 112108) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-05-03

BC Transit (schedule 195734) (PDF)
Approved: 2023-06-26

British Columbia Coroners Service (schedule 116356) (PDF)
Approved: 2001-03-19

British Columbia Enterprise Corporation (schedule 170469) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-05-27

British Columbia Housing Management Commission (schedule 110225) (PDF)
Amended: 2017-09-08

British Columbia Lottery Corporation (schedule 141678) (PDF)
Amended: 2023-10-13

British Columbia Review Board (schedule 116357) (PDF)
Amended: 2003-05-29

Building and Safety Standards (schedule 164435) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-09-08

Business and Contract Management (schedule 190109) (PDF)
Amended: 2023-05-26

Business Risk Management Programs (schedule 147650) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-05-29


Climate Change Strategy (schedule 169594) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-07-16

Columbia Power (schedule 206186) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-09-08

Combat Sports Regulation (schedule 201310) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-05-03

Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (schedule 164494) (PDF)
Amended: 2015-02-03

Communicable Disease Control Services (schedule 122350) (PDF)
Approved: 1999-07-15

Community Development Trust records (schedule 191000) (PDF)
Approved: 2011-05-19

Community Health Programs (schedule 122353) (PDF)
Amended: 2011-05-19

Community Initiatives and Olympic Bid (schedule 143916) (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Conservation Officer Services (schedule 201311) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-05-03

Consumer Taxation (schedule 159625) (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Continuing Care Patient Files (schedule 881207) (PDF)
Approved: 1997-11-25

Conversation on Health records (schedule 191564) (PDF)
Approved: 2011-05-19

Co-ordination of Agencies, Boards and Commissions (schedule 118365) (PDF)
Approved: 1995-07-12

Corporate Software Licence Management records (schedule 190123) (PDF)
Approved: 2011-05-19

Corrections Branch (schedule 891849) (PDF)
Amended: 2018-11-08

Court of Appeal (schedule 158561) (PDF)
Approved: 2019-04-17

Court Services (schedule 100152) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-09-24

Criminal Justice (schedule 880699) (PDF)
Amended: 1995-07-12

Critical Incidents (schedule 195742) (PDF)
Approved: 2024-01-26

Crown Agency Services (schedule 115484) (PDF)
Approved: 2008-05-28

Cultural Services (schedule 143933) (PDF)
Amended: 2018-05-22

Data Integration and Analytic Services (schedule 170472) (PDF)
Approved: 2021-12-09 

Destination BC Services ORCS (schedule 170468) (PDF)
Approved: 2024-11-25


Education (schedule 105085) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-09-19

Education Data Reporting and Analytics (schedule 195780) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-01-22

Emergency Health Services (schedule 123390) (PDF)
Amended: 2011-05-19

Emergency Health Services : ARCS Supplement (schedule 206185) (PDF)
Approved: 2011-05-19

Emergency Management Services (schedule 120776) (PDF)
Amended: 2014-04-10

Emergency Medical Assistants Licensing (schedule 181700) (PDF)
Amended: 2011-05-19

Employment Standards (schedule 112971) (PDF)
Amended: 2023-10-20

Environmental Assessment (schedule 132564) (PDF)
Amended: 2013-11-07

Environmental Protection (schedule 144020) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-09-06

Expropriation Compensation (schedule 118257) (PDF)
Approved: 1995-07-12


Facility Design and Construction (schedule 125812) (PDF)
Amended: 2002-05-14

Federal-Provincial Relations and Research (schedule 123512) (PDF)
Approved: 1995-07-12

Financial Services Regulation (schedule 170460) (PDF)
Amended: 2023-01-24

French Language Education Programs (schedule 170171) (PDF)
Approved: 2012-05-31


Gaming (schedule 179964) (PDF)
Approved: 2007-11-22

Global Education Programs (schedule 201306) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10

Government Agent Services (schedule 117851) (PDF)
Amended: 2013-09-17

Government Communications (schedule 881035) (PDF)
Approved: 2011-05-19


Health Authority Performance Management (schedule 122352) (PDF)
Amended: 2012-05-31

Health Professions Review Board Services (schedule 170479) (PDF)
Approved: 2023-03-14

Health Protection and Safety Services (schedule 122346) (PDF)
Approved: 1996-08-13

Heritage Conservation (schedule 143928) (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Housing Policy (schedule 195772) (PDF)
Approved: 2012-05-31

Human Resources : ARCS Supplement (schedule 206270) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10


Income Taxation (schedule 881260) (PDF)
Amended: 2021-08-30

Information and Privacy (schedule 194900) (PDF)
Amended: 2018-05-22

Information Technology Services (schedule 143282) (PDF)
Amended: 2023-03-13

Intellectual Property Management (schedule 201302) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10


Justice Institute of British Columbia (schedule 105575) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10


King's Printer Publishing Services (schedule 170405) (PDF)
Approved: 2023-02-28


Legal Services (schedule 105050) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-05-07

Library Services (schedule 134320) (PDF)
Amended: 2005-02-21

Liquor Control and Licensing (schedule 111801) (PDF)
Approved: 2006-03-01

Liquor Distribution (schedule 190527) (PDF)
Approved: 2007-11-22

Liquor Distribution : ARCS Supplement (schedule 190530) (PDF)
Approved: 2007-11-22

Local Government Services (schedule 126379) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-12-20


Maintenance Enforcement and Locate Services (schedule 163478) (PDF)
Approved: 2006-03-01

Medical Services Plan (schedule 142798) (PDF)
Amended: 2024-03-27

Mineral, Oil, and Gas Revenue (schedule 159500 (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Mines and Mineral Resources (schedule 164438) (PDF)
Approved: 2023-02-15

Multiculturalism and Immigration (schedule 121158) (PDF)
Amended: 2024-03-28

Museum (schedule 118000) (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21


Natural Resource Authorization Processing (schedule 187000) (PDF)
Approved: 2007-11-22

Non-Emergency Health Information Services (schedule 179409) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10

Nursing Directorate Services (schedule 190000) (PDF)
Approved: 2008-05-28


Office of the Comptroller General (schedule 180968) (PDF)
Amended: 2017-09-08

Office of the Comptroller General (schedule 880967) (PDF)
Amended: 2021-10-20

Office of the Fire Commissioner (schedule 116756) (PDF)
Approved: 1998-07-29

Office of the Premier and Executive Council (schedule 881099) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-07-16

Office of Protocol (schedule 881036) (PDF)
Amended: 2018-03-26

Oil and Gas Regulation (schedule 163507) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-03-26


Parks and Protected Areas (schedule 186896) (PDF)
Amended: 2014-05-14

Patient Care Quality Review Boards (PCQRB) Secretariat records (schedule 201224) (PDF)
Approved: 2011-05-19

Payroll Services (schedule 190091) (PDF)
Amended: 2014-11-04

Pharmacare Services (schedule 123389) (PDF)
Amended: 2024-03-27

Police Services (schedule 111540) (PDF)
Approved: 2007-11-22

Postal and Service Delivery (schedule 181056) (PDF)
Approved: 2012-05-31

Procurement Project Services (schedule 201305) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10

Property Taxation (schedule 160184) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-12-18

Provincial Health Services Authority : ARCS Supplement (schedule 143419) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10

Public Service Personnel Management (schedule 181080) (PDF)
Amended: 2023-10-24



Reconciliation Initiatives and Agreements (schedule 170467) (PDF)
Approved: 2024-08-20

Records Management Services (schedule 201294) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10

Regulation of Private Training Institutions (schedule 170464) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-05-22 

Residential Tenancy Dispute Files (schedule 106037) (PDF)
Amended: 2019-01-30

Resource Management (schedule 144100) (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Revenue and Student Loan Contract Management (schedule 201395) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10

Revenue Services British Columbia (schedule 144038) (PDF)
Amended: 2021-05-21

Risk Management (schedule 179474) (PDF)
Approved: 2011-05-19

Riverview Hospital Patient Assessment and Treatment (schedule 147710) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-12-20

Road Safety BC (schedule 148000) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-07-16

Science, Technology and Telecommunications ORCS (schedule 106107) (PDF)
Amended: 2002-02-21

Screening Mammography Client Registration and Examination (schedule 201303) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10

Security Programs (schedule 119244) (PDF)
Amended: 2024-01-26

Seniors' Issues and Project Files (schedule 138612) (PDF)
Approved: 1999-07-15

Social Services (schedule 133400) (PDF)
Amended: 2017-12-14

Society and Cooperative Registration (schedule 170466) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-01-22

Sport and Physical Activity Services (schedule 143934) (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Student Financial Assistance Services (schedule 117457) (PDF)
Amended: 2018-01-22

Support to Motion Picture Production (schedule 144003) (PDF)
Approved: 2014-04-10


Taxation Revenue Appeals (schedule 139190) (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Taxation Revenue Collections (schedule 159490) (PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Teacher Regulation (schedule 205843) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-09-08

Tobacco Litigation Document Discovery (schedule 160260) (PDF)
Approved: 2007-11-22

Tourism BC (schedule 139205)(PDF)
Approved: 2005-02-21

Transportation Infrastructure Projects and Development (schedule 158557) (PDF)
Approved: 2023-01-31


University Endowment Lands Administration and Public Works (schedule 120620) (PDF)
Approved: 1998-07-29


Victim Services and Crime Prevention (schedule 201301) (PDF)
Approved: 2017-05-03

Vital Statistics Services (schedule 163600) (PDF)
Amended: 2017-05-29


Women's Equality (schedule 117476) (PDF)
Amended: 2015-05-22

Workers' Compensation Services (schedule 195732) (PDF)
Approved: 2024-04-30



Youth Justice, Forensic and Specialized Intervention Services (schedule 144823) (PDF)
Approved: 2018-11-08



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