Operational Records Classification Systems

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Operational records are unique to each government ministry, agency or broader public sector organization. They document the specific operations or services of each government body.

Operational Records Classification Systems (ORCS) are information schedules used to classify, file, retrieve and dispose of operational records.

Most approved ORCS are available in the ORCS Library.

Creating New ORCS

For Government

If you’re part of a government program area and need to create or amend an existing ORCS, contact your Government Information Management Specialist (GIMS) to start the process.

Government Information Management (GIM) Branch staff will work with you to understand your business and develop an ORCS to meet your needs.

For Broader Public Sector Organizations

If you’re part of a broader public sector organization and need to create or amend an ORCS, contact your Government Information Management Specialist (GIMS) for help and advice about government standards for ORCS.

You can also use the following templates:

ORCS Schedules

Approved ORCS are published in ORCS Library.


Learn how government records are managed:

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For general inquires, contact the Government Information Management (GIM) Branch at: