1120 - Fee Management

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Records relating to the establishment and inventory of licence, permit, cost recovery, chargeback, and other non-tax fees administered and collected by ministries and agencies.

Record types include correspondence, fee schedules, rate guides, and services catalogues.

For fee payment transactions to or from external customers, see secondaries 925-20 and 935-20 respectively, or secondary 1050-09.
For fee payment transactions to or from internal customers (e.g., chargeback and cost recovery transactions), see secondary 1050-04.
For fee programs, see the ORCS of the relevant program area.
For fee proposals and approvals, see secondary 1000-20.
For membership fee information of associations, clubs, and societies, see primary 160.

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for: SO nil DE 

Records Series OPR
1120-00 Policy and procedures SO 7y DE
1120-01 General FY+1y nil DE
1120-20 Ministry/agency fee inventory files
(covers fee schedules for ministry services)
SO nil DE

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