737 - Computer Hardware & Software

Last updated on January 30, 2025

Records relating to ministry/agency commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, hardware, storage media, and peripheral and multi-function devices (MFDs) (e.g., printers).

Record types include correspondence, forms, work orders, reports, and licence certificates and agreements, including relevant end-user licence agreements (EULAs).

For computer inventories, see primary 705.
For computer system operations, see primary 6820.
For computer orders (e.g., Oracle iStore orders), see primary 825.
For contracts, see primary 1070.
For reported incidents and user help and support, see primary 6820.
For service request approvals, see primary 6000.
For software and system development, see primary 6450.
For workstation refresh projects, see secondary 400-40.

The ministry or agency OPR is the computing services branch or equivalent unless otherwise specified below.

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for: SO nil DE

Primary-Secondary Records Series OPR
737-00 Policy and procedures
7y = The retention period is consistent with the seven year retention period for related computer hardware and software history files classified under secondary -25.
SO 7y DE
737-01 General FY+1y nil DE
737-25 Computer hardware and software history files
(covers guarantees and warranties, loans, technical and operating manuals, hardware, software and storage media care, handling, research, and history files, and inter-ministerial hardware transfers)
SO = upon replacement or disposal of computer hardware or software
7y = The retention period is based on the six-year limitation period for commencing an action arising from economic loss under the Limitation Act (RSBC 1996, c. 266, s. 3), plus one year for the service of documents.  It also ensures that software licenses and agreements are retained for the six-year limitation period.
SO 7y DE

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