290 - Information & Privacy, General

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Records relating to freedom of information (FOI) and protection of privacy issues not shown elsewhere in this primary block. This primary includes Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) investigations that are independent of the OIPC’s review of records requests.

Records types include correspondence, reports, and other types of records as indicated under relevant secondaries.

NOTE: Refer to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) (RSBC 1996, c. 165) and the Recorded Information Management (RIM) Glossary for definitions of terms used in this primary block.

For information security, see primary 470.
For OIPC or judicial reviews of records requests and related complaints, see secondaries 292-30 and 292-40.
For records management, see primary 432.

The ministry or agency OPR is the information access office unless otherwise specified below.

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for SO nil DE

Primary-Secondary Records Series OPR
290-00 Policy and procedures SO nil DE
290-01 General CY+2y nil DE
290-02 FOI and personal information directories
(covers freedom of information directory of records)
SO+1y nil DE
290-04 FOI and privacy matters of other entities
(covers documentation from other jurisdictions and other public bodies)
CY+1y nil DE
290-20 Information/Privacy Commissioner investigations
(includes correspondence, briefing notes, working notes, and investigation reports)
SO = when not required for reference
FR = The government archives will fully retain Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) investigations because they document significant issues, incidents and complaints regarding information and privacy programs
NOTE: This secondary is intended for documentation relating to OIPC investigations for which the ministry or agency is directly responsible. Classify OIPC investigations of other public bodies under secondary -04.
SO 5y FR

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