285 - Forms Management

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Records relating to forms management, including forms analysis, design, and control. This primary includes the original artwork used in forms production, but does not include blank forms.

Records types include correspondence, forms, and reports.

For blank forms, see Transitory Information (schedule 102901).
For form purchase requisitions and orders, see primary 825.
For records management, see primary 432.

non-OPR NOTE: Offices will retain non-OPR copies of records for SO nil DE

Primary-Secondary Records Series OPR
285-00 Policy and procedures SO nil DE
285-01 General CY+2y nil DE
285-02 Forms register SO+1y nil DE
285-20 Forms management files
(covers documentation of form design and history, functions, procurement, and distribution)
SO = when a form is no longer used, or the information is no longer required
NOTE: Copies of forms which document or support administrative or operational functions should be retained on appropriate -00 policy and procedure files.
SO+1y nil DE

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