Resources to Support the Use of Contracts

Last updated on November 29, 2024

The Ministry of Finance fully supports the use of established solicitation and best practice documents for the public and private sectors. However, the use of such documents is not a mandatory requirement of the Capital Asset Management Framework.

The Provincial Government has worked with the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC), the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies British Columbia (ACEC-BC) and the BC Construction Association (BCCA) to develop supplementary conditions to be used by British Columbia Provincial public sector project owners requiring the use of the following industry standard contracts:

Architectural Services:
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC)’s Document 6 (Doc6) 2022 is the Canadian Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services to be used when an architect is engaged in the lead consultant role.

Engineering Services:
The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) created CCDC 31 Service Contract Between Owner and Consultant (CCDC 31 – 2020) to be used when an engineer is engaged in the lead consultant role.


The CCDC 2 – 2020 Stipulated Price Contract is the standard contract form between Owner and prime Contractor that establishes a single, pre-determined fixed price, or lump sum, for the project. The BC Documents Committee (BCDC) created BCDC 2 - 2024 Documents, which include standard documents and guidelines for stipulated price bids on publicly funded projects.  

The CCDC 5A – 2010 Construction Management Contract – for Services is a standard contract between Owner and Construction Manager for which the Work is to be performed by Trade Contractors.

The CCDC 17 – 2010 Stipulated Price Contract for Trade Contractors on Construction Management Projects is a standard contract form between Owner and Trade Contractor to perform the Work for a single, predetermined fixed price, regardless of the Trade Contractor’s actual costs.

Further information on the use of specific contracts is available in A Summary Guide to BC Construction Standards and Guidelines (PDF).

The Provincial Owner-Controlled Construction Insurance Program also provides owner controlled course of construction and wrap-up liability insurance coverage for public sector construction projects. This website provides owner and contractor insured supplementary conditions specific to insurance, contract security and indemnification clauses for use with various CCDC documents.