Protecting the public interest and maintaining safe communities is a key function of all governments. An estimated 25-30% of provincial government employees work in or support some form of compliance or enforcement function. The legal frameworks that establish and give authorities to the agencies/branches with these compliance and enforcement (C&E) functions may differ, but the nature of the audit, inspection, investigation and/or enforcement work has many commonalities. This provides opportunities for C&E sector organizations to collaborate and support one another to address common challenges and concerns.
Established in 2012, the Compliance and Enforcement Collaborative (C&EC) is an inter-agency working group and community of practice with a mandate to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the C&E sector through facilitating collaboration, training, and bringing continuity amongst its member agencies. The C&E Collaborative meets quarterly to discuss and educate on relevant topics, network amongst members and work on short- and long-term projects.
The C&E Collaborative seeks to achieve this mandate through a strategic plan that is re-established every three years. The administrative and project functions of the C&E Collaborative are supported and facilitated through a permanent business unit called the C&E Secretariat. This Secretariat reports out on the achievements and outputs of the previous year to the C&E Collaborative members, Operational Leadership Group and ADMs’ Groups through the annual year-in-review report.
C&E Collaborative Membership
The C&E Collaborative consists of operational leaders from provincial and federal agencies, branches, Crown corporations, commissions and departments that have some form of compliance or enforcement function, which may include conducting audits, inspections, investigations, and/or protecting public safety.
Key Roles and Responsibilities
C&E Collaborative Members
- Attend quarterly meetings
- Represent their division, branch, or unit for their respective Ministry
- Provide input and guidance on C&E Collaborative discussions and projects
- May participate in working groups to provide project-specific guidance and direction
- Spread awareness and access to C&E Collaborative services and resources
- May send a delegate to meetings and events if unable to attend
Chair of the C&E Collaborative
- Opens and facilitates C&E Collaborative meetings and events
- Provides strategic guidance and direction to the C&E Collaborative and Secretariat
- C&E Collaborative Chairs branch/agency houses the C&E Secretariat
- Liaises with the ADMs' Leadership Group and Stakeholder Group representatives who fund the Secretariat
- Keeps senior government levels informed
Executive Director, C&E Secretariat
- Leads the C&E Secretariat to achieve key deliverables (see below)
- Fills in for the C&E Collaborative Chair when needed at meetings and events
- Ensures the Terms or Reference are adhered to
- Acts as the nexus point for this collaborative
C&E ADMs’ Leadership Group Members
- Attend briefings and updates on the C&E Collaborative projects as requested by the Chair
- Provide strategic leadership support, guidance and decision-making where appropriate on cross-sector strategic planning priorities, objectives, activities and funding
Operational Leadership Group
- Ensure a cross sector approach in the implementation of strategic priorities and activities identified by the ADMs' Leadership Group and C&E Collaborative strategic plan
- Maximize, and where necessary redeploy, resources to support C&E Collaborative and Working Group projects
- Employ risk and harm reduction strategies and activities through culturally inclusive and transparent C&E practices
- Strengthen the C&E community by introducing and supporting a sector approach to recruitment, talent development, resource sharing, and access to subject matter expertise and tools to do the work well
Key Deliverables
The key deliverables are set by the C&E Collaborative Operational Leadership Group with input from the ADMs’ Leadership Group as part of the strategic planning process. Previous plans and projects have focused on:
- Training: Developing low cost, easily accessibly training options for key C&E roles
- Safety: Creating a culture of greater awareness and consideration of safety best practices in the C&E environment
- Information sharing & management: Finding ways to support member organizations information needs through a culture of appropriate and timely information sharing practices
- Human resources: Looking for opportunities to increase mobility, attraction and retention of C&E talent across government
- Resource sharing: Assist in sharing of knowledge and physical resources among member agencies where possible and appropriate
- Legal information: Ensuring members remain current in administrative and natural justice and laws which impact regulatory and/or criminal investigations
C&E Secretariat Deliverables
In its role to support and facilitate the C&E Collaborative, the C&E Secretariat performs the following tasks/deliverables:
- Plan and facilitate C&E Collaborative and C&E ADMs’ Leadership Group and Operational Leadership Group meetings and events
- Manage the C&E Collaborative’s online presence
- Management and coordination of Strategic Plan initiatives
- Exploratory research for projects and initiatives
- Evaluation of Strategic Plan initiatives
- Develop promotional materials of C&E products and services
- Develop and maintain a shareable C&E skills and resources inventory database for member organizations
Funding for the C&E Collaborative, Secretariat and Action Plan initiatives is provided through an annual stipend of $21,500 paid by each British Columbia Public Service ministry. The collection of this stipend is processed through the Public Service Agency.
The C&E Secretariat is currently housed within the Policing and Security Branch in the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.