PARP Background

Last updated on August 15, 2024

The purpose of this program is to establish public industry performance indicators, governance criteria and performance measures, and quota management reporting criteria and performance measures.

Regulated Boards:

  • BC Hog Marketing Commission (HMC)
  • BC Cranberry Marketing Commission (CrMC)
  • BC Vegetable Marketing Commission (VMC)

Supply-Management Boards:

  • BC Chicken Marketing Board (CMB)
  • BC Egg Marketing Board (EMB)
  • BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission (BHEC)
  • BC Turkey Marketing Board (TMB)
  • BC Milk Marketing Board (MMB)


PARP originated from BCFIRB’s 2018 Quota Assessment Tools Supervisory Review decision. In the review, BCFIRB examined its 2005 quota policies and directions to determine if they continued to deliver sound marketing policy. BCFIRB noted a lack of data and objective evidence against which to assess the board recommended changes. To address this gap and facilitate future requests to amend quota policies, BCFIRB directed the boards to start publicly and annually reporting on quota management and data to demonstrate if they continue to reflect sound marketing policy and serve the public interest. BCFIRB also stated in its decision that the expanded quota reporting was to be incorporated in to a broader set of reporting expectations and performance measures around board governance, to be developed in consultation with all boards.

PARP has a different focus from, and expands on, the information reported in existing commodity board annual reports. The PARP reporting process through BCFIRB also enables consistency in the information reported by each board.

BCFIRB worked in consultation with the boards in 2018 to develop criteria for reporting on sector performance targets, governance practices and quota management and movement. In 2018, each board was asked to provide a public report to BCFIRB on these targets and measures by June 2019.

Following this first round of reporting, BCFIRB met with the commodity boards in winter 2019 to receive feedback on the reporting requirements. Subsequently BCFIRB updated its performance measures and reporting criteria for 2020 and provided a reporting Guide and templates.

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1 250 356-8945


PO Box 9129 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9B