
Last updated on January 2, 2024

The Province's partnerships with Indigenous justice organizations, communities and people have led to the creation of programs, services and policies that help meet the needs of indigenous offenders and victims of crime.

Aboriginal Justice Strategy

The Aboriginal Justice Strategic Plan - 2012 to 2016 addresses the Aboriginal Justice Strategy's vision of a justice system that responds to the holistic needs of Indigenous people and their communities, and implements justice initiatives that are based on culture and owned by the community.

It addresses the challenges of Indigenous people in their interactions with the criminal justice system and responds to the overrepresentation of Indigenous people as both victims of crime and offenders. It includes a number of efforts:

  • Improving the relationships and understanding between the Corrections Branch, justice officials and indigenous people and their communities
  • Enhancing the effectiveness of programs and services for Indigenous offenders
  • Being responsive to the justice needs identified by Indigenous communities

The Aboriginal Justice Strategic Plan focuses on:

  • Reducing crime and victimization
  • Alternative measures
  • Sentencing circles and peacemaking
  • Mediation and arbitration in family and civil cases
  • The court justice program

Read more about

Justice B.C. Services


Education & Resources

Victim Support

  • VictimLINK
    A multi-lingual (17 North American Indigenous languages) referral service to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support.

Custody, Sentencing & Corrections Support

  • B.C. Custody Programs
    Programs and services available to those serving a sentence in a provincial correctional centre. Some are programs specifically for Indigenous people.
  • Sentencing or Convicted Offender
    Pre-sentencing Gladue reports for Indigenous offenders. Gladue rights refer to the special consideration that judges must give an Indigenous person when setting bail or during sentencing.

Adult Offender Corrections Support

Policing in First Nations Communities

Human Trafficking, Missing Persons, Women, Public Inquiries

Child Protection

Ministry of Attorney General Articling Program

The Ministry of Justice hires articled students who have a strong interest in public law  to help them to become effective public sector lawyers. One articled position is designated to an Indigenous Canadian law student.

Contact information

VictimLINK B.C.

A toll-free, confidential, multilingual service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Provides information and referral services to victims of crime and crisis support.