2014 disability consultation submissions

Last updated on April 4, 2022

The 2014 public consultation was designed to ensure people had multiple opportunities and ways to participate – to ensure everyone had the chance to have their say.

All submissions, including Conversation Toolkits and other submissions from groups and organizations, emails, phone messages, mail submissions, ASL messages and social media, received during the Disability White Paper consultation have been thoroughly reviewed.

Emails, phone messages and mail submissions

We received over 325 submissions by email and regular mail (DOC, 523KB) over the course of the consultation process, as well as phone messages (DOC, 17KB).

Social media

Social media, such as Twitter, was used to promote the consultation process and engage with different groups. The #disabilitybc hash tag was used in over 1,100 tweets (DOC, 25KB) over the course of the consultation.

Submissions from groups and organizations

Over 60 submissions were received from groups and organizations around the province. The effort, energy and passion put into the preparation of these submissions was greatly appreciated.