You will need the following information to complete your application.
Find a child care provider
1. Find a child care provider.
2. Complete and sign the Child Care Arrangement form (CF2798) (PDF) with your child care provider as a new applicant. You will need to submit this form with your application.
Your personal information and identification for everyone on your application
You will be asked to provide the name and birth date for you, your spouse (if applicable) and your children.
A copy of one piece of government-issued identification is required for each family member. Examples include:
Convention refugees or persons in need of protection must confirm their status in Canada. Accepted documents include letters, documents or certificates from the Government of Canada.
Spouse’s personal contact information
Both you and your spouse, if any, will have parts of the application to complete. You will need to provide your spouse’s email address. Please make sure it’s an email address they regularly use.
Once you submit your part of the application, your spouse will receive an email with a code. They can use this code to log into My Family Services with a BCeID. Your spouse will be able to provide their personal information and consent. Canada Revenue Agency will confirm their income.
Supporting information and documents
When you apply, you will indicate your reason for requiring child care. Qualifying reasons for requiring child care, and documents you may be asked to provide for each include:
Documents can be scanned images or photos and must be clear and completely visible.
A qualifying reason for care may not be required if your child is attending a licensed preschool program.
If you have a child with support needs, you may provide one of the following:
Note: Application delays are often due to missing required forms, supporting documentation, or information. Before submitting your application, ensure you have included:
Once you start, you will have 60 days to upload your supporting documents and submit your application. Before you apply, your provider must complete their sections on the Child Care Arrangement form (CF2798) (PDF).
Note: Please be advised that care providers who submit a hard copy of the Child Care Arrangement Form (CF2798) are required to sign section 4 using a pen.
Use the My Family Services portal to complete or check the status of your application. You can complete the intake form all at once or save it and finish later. Once started, you will have 60 days to complete your application. It takes approximately 10 business days to process electronic applications.
Apply for funding or check status
After you apply, you can log in to review messages about the status of your application.
The ministry recommends that you renew your benefit 30 days in advance of your plan expiry date. You can find your plan expiry date on the eligibility assessment letter in My Family Services.
You can submit your application and supporting documents by mail or fax. This method can take three weeks, or longer. Be sure to provide all supporting documents to avoid delays.
Child Care Service Centre
PO Box 9953 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9R3
Include a cover page
You can also get help in person from:
The ministry will review your application and supporting documents to determine if you are eligible and how much you may receive. Once approved, you will receive a benefit plan. The plan will include your monthly benefit amount, and start and end date of the monthly benefit payments.