Oil, gas and LNG environmental management

Last updated on March 26, 2024

The regulated waste discharges from the oil and gas industry are typically in the form of liquid effluent, solid waste and air emissions.

The regulations:

  • Set limits on environmental quality parameters for example, nitrogen oxide emissions
  • Provides details on the registration process, applicable fees and offences for non-compliance

The Oil & Gas Commission issues permits for oil and gas activities within the province, such as construction of facilities and discharges to the environment and administers the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation.

The B.C. government issues permits for discharges to the environment from federal facilities, and the oil and gas service sector.

Oil and Gas Waste Regulation

This regulation applies to small to medium volume discharges from the oil and gas industry's drilling and production activities.

The regulation authorizes some very small discharges unconditionally, and sets out discharge and registration requirements for others.

Permits or approvals are still required for large facilities.

Review the Oil and Gas Waste Regulation.
