Red, Blue & Yellow Lists

Last updated on November 8, 2023

Based on their conservation status rank, each species and ecosystem is assigned to the red, blue or yellow list to help set conservation priorities and provide a simplified view of the status of B.C.'s species and ecosystems.

These lists also help to identify species and ecosystems that can be considered for designation as "Endangered" or "Threatened."

There are a number of factors used in assessing the conservation status of ecological communities or species. The CDC assigns each one to the red, blue or yellow list based on their conservation status rank – a code that identifies the level of concern about their risk.

Species that are exotic (non-native) or accidental are not assigned a status rank and are not placed on the lists.


Find out about how the red and blue lists were developed:

  • Harper, B., S. Cannings, D. Fraser and W.T. Munro. 1994. Provincial lists of species at risk. Pp. 16-23 in Biodiversity in British Columbia. L.E. Harding and E. McCullum (eds.), Canadian Wildlife Service, Delta, B.C. Available online here.

Contact information

Please contact the Conservation Data Centre for more information.