Water Well Identification Plates

Last updated on March 26, 2019

A well identification plate is a small, numbered stainless steel plate that is attached to the well casing or near the well to identify the well on the ground, and which forms part of the well record.

Purpose of Well Identification

Each well identification plate that is attached to a new or altered well is inscribed with a unique identification number. The number on the plate is added to the well record in Groundwater Wells and Aquifers, along with information about the well's construction, yield and purpose, and geology encountered during drilling.
Well ID Plate


A well identification plate is required on all wells that are part of water supply systems (e.g. a community well). In addition, plates must be attached immediately after drilling or altering any of the following:

  • Water supply well
  • Recharge or injection well made by drilling
  • Permanent dewatering well made by drilling.

Attaching a Well Identification Plate

A plate must be securely and permanently attached by the person responsible for drilling a new well or altering an existing well so that the number is clearly visible.  Attach the plate to the casing using a slotted, stainless steel hose clamp strap. If you cannot attach the plate using a clamp strap, you may use an epoxy adhesive. If it is not possible to attach the plate directly to the well, it can be attached to the pump house or a nearby post as long as the plate is clearly visible and associated with a specific well.

If you own a well that supplies a water supply system (e.g. a community well), you must attach a well identification plate if one is not yet attached.


The driller will record the well identification number on the well construction report form for new or altered wells that require identification.

Water supply systems are required to have well identification plates. If you are the owner of a water supply system that does not yet have an identification plate, request your free identification plate from the Deputy Comptroller. Once the plate is attached, you must return a completed Well Identification Report to the Deputy Comptroller within 90 days.


Well Identification Report

Complete your Well Identification Report (PDF) for your water supply system well and submit by mail or email

Deputy Comptroller
Ministry of Environment
PO Box 9362 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria B.C.
V8M 9M2

Email: Groundwater@gov.bc.ca

Obtaining Well Identification Plates

Drillers and consultants who require well identification plates can contact Groundwater@gov.bc.ca to obtain a new set.