The permanent Small Business Roundtable (Roundtable) was established in 2005 to engage in dialogue with small business owners from across British Columbia to identify top of mind issues and opportunities facing small businesses. The Roundtable board is comprised of small business leaders from across B.C. who collectively represent the diverse interests of small businesses from all regions and sectors.
Chaired by the Minister responsible for small business, this arms-length advisory board engages with the small business community on behalf of the Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation through community consultations and through feedback received from the Roundtable’s website. The Roundtable presents their findings, recommendations, and priorities for government and small business owners to consider through their Annual Report to Government.
In May 2018 the Minister established a Small Business Task Force (Task Force) as a special initiative of the Roundtable to engage with stakeholders from all sectors and regions to better understand the challenges small businesses face. Throughout summer 2018, the Task Force hosted ten engagement sessions in seven communities across B.C. and received input from small businesses from an online survey.
The Roundtable will continue to work with government leaders to support the implementation of the recommendations found in the Small Business Task Force final report.
To request a consultation in your area, or to contact the Roundtable, please fill out the following form and we will follow up with you. For more detailed information about the Roundtable and its work, visit the official website.
The 12th Annual Report to Government highlights the Roundtable’s work of 2016/2017.
The Small Business Task Force Final Report 2018 presents findings and recommendations from the Task Force’s engagement with small businesses over the summer of 2018.
The Roundtable's 12th Annual Report includes recommendations on how the Province can continue to apply a small business lens to policies that impact small business and priorities of the Small Business Task Force to help government address challenges small businesses face.
We want to hear from you. For comments, requests or issues you want to voice, email us and let the Roundtable bring your voice to the Minister.