Hearings and decisions

Last updated on May 10, 2024

This section summarizes information outlined in the Hearing Rules Document [PDF,344KB]. Refer to this document for more details.

Learn about:

Types of hearings

If a licensee disputes a decision, the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) conducts a hearing. The LCRB has three types of hearings: 

  • Licensing hearing
  • Compliance hearing
  • Enforcement hearing

Licensing and compliance hearings

A licensing hearing is to determine whether to: 

  • Issue, renew, transfer or amend a licence or permit
  • Issue or amend an authorization
  • Impose or amend terms and conditions on a licence, permit, endorsement or authorization

A compliance hearing is to determine whether to:

  • Cancel, suspend or order the transfer of a licence or part of a licence
  • Cancel a permit or an authorization in response to a concern identified by the decision-maker

Opportunity to be heard 

Before a licensing or compliance decision is made, the LCRB gives the licensee or applicant an "Opportunity to be Heard" by sending them a letter:

  • With the proposed consequences 
  • Requesting a response to the allegations or concerns

The licensee or applicant can respond to the Opportunity to be Heard and provide supporting evidence (also called showing cause) for the decision-maker to consider.

  • If you are an applicant, you must show cause in writing
  • If you are a licensee, you show cause in writing, unless the decision maker determines that an oral submission is necessary

Learn more about the Oral Submissions Procedure in the Hearing Rules [PDF,344KB]ā€‹.

Reconsideration is not available 

Once a licensing or compliance hearing decision is made, it is final. There is no process for reconsideration. 

Enforcement hearing

An enforcement hearing is to determine:

  • Whether a licensee has contravened
    • the Act
    • Regulations, or
    • Terms and conditions of a licence or permit
  • If a penalty or licence suspension is applicable 

Learn about the enforcement hearing process and format, including liability and your eligibility for defence of due diligence. 

Reconsideration is available

Learn about applying for reconsideration of an enforcement hearing order. 

Hearing decisions and penalties

Learn about the types of enforcement decisions that result from a hearing including monetary penalty, payment periods, licence suspensions, and more.  

Published enforcement decisions

Find published enforcement decisions and a waiver summary report through the enforcement hearing search