Cannabis at a special event

Last updated on June 18, 2024

Find information and rules about cannabis at special events.

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A Special Event Permit allows the host of an event (permittee) to serve or sell liquor according to B.C.’s liquor laws and regulations. In B.C. only a licensed Cannabis Retail Store or Production Retail Store (cannabis licensee) may sell cannabis to the public. A Special Event permittee may not supply cannabis to attendees or the public.

A cannabis licensee may take orders online or by phone and deliver cannabis to any address in B.C. Permittees may set up a designated area for cannabis deliveries to limit disturbances to the surrounding area.

Selling cannabis at an event

On-site retail cannabis sales at events are not permitted.

  • For example, a cannabis licensee may not provide on-site cannabis sales through a booth at an event or a pop-up shop.

To sell cannabis, you must be a Cannabis Retail Store (CRS) or Production Retail Store (PRS) licensee. Cannabis licensees may deliver cannabis to event sites:

  • Licensees must abide by any relevant local government or Indigenous Nation bylaws or provincial rules.
  • Cannabis orders made by customers online or by phone must be prepared inside the licensed retail store.
  • Payment for the order must be received before the order leaves the store. The delivery person may not collect payment for the order at the time of delivery. 
  • The delivery person must have a valid Selling it Right certificate.
  • The delivery person must get the name and signature from the customer that ordered the cannabis. Another adult may accept the delivery on behalf of the customer. In this case, the delivery person must get the name and signature of the adult accepting the order on the customer’s behalf.
    • If the delivery person cannot get a name and signature from the person accepting the delivery, the cannabis must not be delivered and must be returned to the licensed retail store.
  • Cannabis must be delivered between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m., and must follow any limits set by the local government or Indigenous Nation on the cannabis licence.
  • A cannabis licensee must not provide cannabis, including by delivery, to any person who is intoxicated or showing signs of intoxication from alcohol or drugs.
  • Refer to the relevant cannabis licensee handbook for complete information on deliveries.

CRS licensees, PRS licensees and Marketing licensees must not provide free samples of cannabis to customers or the public.

Preventing sales to minors

Selling or delivering cannabis to a minor is a serious contravention. 

  • The cannabis licensee must take steps, both at the point of purchase and delivery, to ensure that customers are not under the age of 19, by checking a person’s identification.
  • If delivering cannabis to an event for attendees over 19 years of age, the cannabis licensee should not rely on the event’s age verification and must take reasonable steps to ensure cannabis is not sold or delivered to minor.

Find information about preventing contraventions for further guidance.

Promoting cannabis sales

Only cannabis licensees are allowed to promote cannabis for the purpose of selling it. A Special Event permittee may not promote cannabis for the purpose of selling it. Find information on cannabis advertising and promotion.

Find information about Cannabis Promotion Prohibitions from Health Canada for a summary of the rules and commonly asked questions about cannabis promotion prohibitions, including rules about sponsorship.

Smoking or vaping cannabis at an event

In B.C., adults can generally smoke or vape cannabis in a public place where smoking and vaping tobacco is allowed. Special Event permittees may set aside outdoor spaces for smoking or vaping cannabis, if permitted under local government or Indigenous Nation bylaws.

There are some spaces where smoking and vaping are not permitted:

  • Find information about public consumption for a list of places where smoking and vaping are not permitted.
  • Smoking or vaping cannabis is not permitted at indoor public places or indoor spaces (whether fully or substantially enclosed) where staff or volunteers work.
  • A Special Event permittee may also prohibit smoking or vaping cannabis anywhere at their event, if they choose.
  • Individuals, including permittees, must abide by any relevant local government or Indigenous Nation bylaws or provincial rules.

Promoting cannabis consumption spaces

Individuals, including permittees and cannabis licensees may promote a place to consume cannabis or spend time after consuming cannabis. Cannabis licensees can find more information about promoting cannabis-friendly spaces in bulletin 24-01

If your event sells liquor

A liquor Special Event Permit (SEP) is needed for an event host to sell or serve liquor. Visit the Special Event Permit webpages for more information.


The Special Event permittee is responsible for ensuring attendees are not intoxicated at the event site.

  • A person who is intoxicated or appears to be intoxicated may not enter or stay in the liquor service area.
  • The permittee must refuse the person service, have the person removed and ensure they leave safely.

The cannabis licensee is responsible for ensuring cannabis is not delivered to a person who is intoxicated or appears to be intoxicated

The Terms and Conditions handbook for your licence class or permit has more information about your responsibilities.

Review information about preventing contraventions for further guidance on this topic.


Contact information

Contact the cannabis policy team. 

Cannabis policy