Administrative Services Collaborative

Last updated on April 21, 2023

The Administrative Services Collaborative (ASC) is a collaboration on administrative and support services between B.C.’s 25 public post-secondary institutions, BCNET, and the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. Founded in 2012/13, the ASC has evolved, focusing on knowledge sharing and collaboration on both sector-generated ideas and government initiatives to deliver value for the whole sector. The ASC steering committee is comprised of senior representatives from post-secondary institutions, primarily Vice-Presidents of Finance and Administration, the President and CEO of BCNET, and representatives from the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. The steering committee provides leadership, oversight, and advice to advance initiatives that address common sector challenges through shared solutions. 

Resources and Contact Information

The ASC has partnered with BCNET to offer services including:

  • Strengthening cybersecurity through the Cybersecurity and Identity Management Services Committee, which brings together key partners to collaborate on service requirements, influence sector-wide practices and standards, identify common cybersecurity service needs, prioritize service delivery, and promote service adoption.
  •  A wide range of joint procurement agreements with the largest area being technology hardware/software as well as  general services and supplies (e.g. facilities, finance, travel, hardware and software). Institutions are encouraged to work with BCNET to take advantage of these opportunities and to achieve quality and savings by increasing their percentage spending through joint procurement agreements. Institutions are expected to  utilize joint procurement contracts unless there are unique circumstances such as existing contractual commitments.

Please contact if you would like more information about the ASC or have an idea for a collaborative opportunity that could benefit the post-secondary sector.

Building on previous successes and working with the sector, the ASC has developed a new strategic plan to guide its activities through 2022/23-2025/26. The ASC’s priority initiatives over the coming years will include accessibility, cyber security, procurement, financial services, business continuity readiness, enterprise resource planning, and campus safety and security. 
