Stage 5 - Remote Learning

Last updated on August 10, 2020

School districts and independent school authorities should have the necessary plans in place to be able to shift between stages if and when required.

Last update: August 10, 2020

On this page:

Five Stages Framework for K-12 Education: Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5

Instructional Delivery

Suspension of in-class instruction in all K-12 schools.

Self-directed and remote learning in place of in-class instruction for all students.

Student learning groups are not applicable for this stage.

School Density Targets[1]

  • 0% for all schools

Curriculum, Report Cards & Assessment

  • Full breadth of provincial curriculum for all students at all grade levels, with an increased focus on core skill development and support for social-emotional health and safety
  • Educators prioritize, plan for and deliver learning through a variety of methods appropriate to this stage and the needs of their students
  • Student Reporting Policy remains in effect for K-12
  • Provincial assessments may be delayed or modified
  • Individual Education Plans (IEPs) must be updated annually and progress reports provided for each reporting period for all students including students who have an IEP

Health & Safety[2]

  • No students in schools.

Students Requiring Additional Support

No in-school supports provided.

  • IEPs, outreach and assessment to determine student needs
  • Teachers and support staff assist students and families with remote learning
  • Consideration should be given to monitoring and responding to the needs of children and youth in care and Indigenous students as appropriate

Children of Essential Service Workers

  • No in-school supports provided
  • If desired, school districts/authorities can partner with a licensed child care provider or become licensed to provide before and after school care

[1]Density targets pertain to the maximum percentage of students that should be physically present in the school at one time based on total student enrolment or school design capacity, whichever is greater. Density targets do not apply to child care operations on school grounds – child care licensing regulations remain in effect.

[2]Stage-specific health and safety expectations are subject to change further to updated public health guidance from the Provincial Health Officer and the BC Centre for Disease Control.