Past Surveys

Last updated on February 18, 2025

Review our list of surveys BC Stats has conducted going back to 2014.

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Heritage Capacity and Economic Impact Survey

Collection period: November 28, 2024 to January 24, 2025

Collection method: Online


Description: This survey, conducted on behalf of the Heritage Branch of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport (TACS), collects heritage conservation information from local governments, regional districts and grant-providing organizations. The results will be used to assess economic impacts of heritage-related activities in B.C. and advocate for heritage conservation granting activities and programs.


Saanich Resident Pulse Survey

Collection period: December 2, 2024, to January 26, 2025

Collection method: Online, Paper, Telephone

Description: The District of Saanich, in partnership with BC Stats, is currently conducting an online survey of residents. Residents are asked to provide feedback on their satisfaction with services that Saanich provides, overall impressions toward the quality of life in Saanich, and perceptions of the current Saanich Council. Results will help Saanich Council set budget priorities, evaluate programs, and improve services.




Agriculture New Entrants Needs Assessment

Collection period: January 3, 2024 to February 15, 2024

Collection method: Online

Contact: 1-888-447-4427,

Description: The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is interested in the experiences and opinions of individuals who have recently started a farm, agricultural business or new farming enterprise.


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone or web


Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former baccalaureate graduates. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree, & Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January to July

Collection method: Telephone or web


Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former diploma, associate degree, and certificate students. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January to June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training or the required level of a progressive apprenticeship program and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development and to inform prospective students.



BC Public Service Work Environment Survey (WES)

Collection period: January 25 to February 16, 2024

Collection method: Online

Description: Conducted annually or semi-annually since 2006, the Work Environment Survey (WES) measures the health of the work environment within the BC Public Service, including employee engagement.

Corporate and ministry results will be posted to the Data BC Catalogue.

Consult the About the Work Environment Survey (WES) for more information about the survey.


Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO) 2024 Diversity Survey

Collection period: May 2024

Collection method: Online

Description: A survey of the current provincial appointees to all B.C. Crown corporations, agencies, boards, and commissions. This survey was conducted on behalf of the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO), and the results are used to identify opportunities for improved diversity.


Employee Commute Survey

Collection period: May 7 to May 22, 2024

Collection method: Online


Description: BC Stats is conducting the 2024 Employee Commute Survey for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. The purpose of the survey is to understand the travel behaviour of BC Public Service employees commuting to and from work, and to inform the BC Public Service about the importance of providing the right mix of transportation options for employees, ensuring accessibility and promoting sustainable commuting practices.


Greater Victoria Public Library (GVPL) Work Environment Survey (WES)

Collection period: January 9, 2024 to January 29, 2024

Collection method: Online

Contact: 1-888-447-4427,

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) Work Environment Survey (WES)

Collection period: May 7 to June 3, 2024

Collection method: Online

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


Minor Ailments and Contraception (MAC) Patient Survey

Collection period: May to October

Collection method: Online and Telephone

Contact: 1-888-447-4427,

Description: Minor ailments and contraception services (MACS) is a new service which started on June 1, 2023, where a B.C. resident can be assessed by a pharmacist and get a prescription for 21 minor ailments and contraception. The assessment may result in a prescription, advice for self-care, or a referral to see another health care professional for further assessment. Conducted with the Ministry of Health, this survey will be asking about recent MACS experiences with a pharmacist and feedback will be used to plan improvements and changes to the MACS Program.


Office of the Auditor General 2024 Work Environment Survey (WES)

Collection period: April 9 to May 2, 2024

Collection method: Online


Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.




BC Demographic Survey

Collection period: June 6 to October 15, 2023

Collection method: Online, mail and telephone

Description: We have heard from many Indigenous and racialized people that they are being left behind because government services weren’t designed with them in mind. The information that we collect through the BC Demographic Survey will help identify gaps in our services so that we can then make them more accessible and inclusive.

During community engagement on the Anti-Racism Data Act, Indigenous, Black and racialized communities called on government to take a coordinated approach to collecting demographic data. As the province’s statistics agency, BC Stats was selected to conduct this survey.

The BC Demographic Survey contains demographic questions that will be used to identify and understand systemic racism in government programs and services. The survey was developed and is being delivered in line with the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, including the rights of Indigenous Peoples to define themselves and ownership of their data.

The BC Demographic Survey will inform our efforts to identify systemic racism and make B.C. a more equitable province. This survey was created through engagement with the public and Indigenous, Black and racialized communities.

For more information, visit

Take the BC Demographic Survey, and help us fill the gaps!


BC Hydro Employee Engagement Survey (EES)

Collection period: September 18, 2023 to October 11, 2023

Collection method: Online

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January to June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training or the required level of a progressive apprenticeship program and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Online and telephone


Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree, & Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January to July

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former diploma, associate degree and certificate students. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development and to inform prospective students. The BC Student Outcomes Program has partnered with the BC Behavioural Insights Group (BC BIG) to test the impact of behaviourally informed email survey invitations on response rates for former diploma, associate degree and certificate students. Questions? Contact 



City of Victoria Employee Engagement Survey (EES)

Collection period: October 23, 2023 to November 10, 2023

Collection method: Online

Description:  A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


Community Living BC Employee Engagement Survey (EES)

Collection period: June 13, 2023 to July 7, 2023

Collection method: Online

Description:  A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


District of Saanich Your Experience at Saanich (YES) Survey

Collection period: September 19, 2023 to October 14, 2023

Collection method: Online

Description:  The Your Experience at Saanich (YES) Survey is a work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


School District #62 (Sooke) Work Environment Survey

Collection period: May 9 to June 9, 2023

Collection method: Online

Description:  A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


Service BC Citizen Satisfaction

Collection period: February 27 to March 31, 2023

Collection method: In person survey and phone

Contact: or 1 888 447-4427 (toll-free)

Description: The survey is being conducted by Leger on behalf of BC Stats and Service BC at the following 11 Service BC offices: Dawson Creek, Grand Forks, Lillooet, Maple Ridge, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Port Hardy, Prince George, Revelstoke, Vanderhoof and Vernon.

Customers who called one of the BC government’s toll-free lines in January 2023 will be invited by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats and Service BC to complete the survey by phone.


Service BC Registries and Online Services Survey

Collection period: February 27 to March 22, 2023

Collection method: Online Web Survey

Contact: or 1 888 447-4427 (toll-free)

Description: During this period, BC Stats will invite online customers to rate their satisfaction with the service they received from BC Registries and Online Services during January 2023.


Transportation Investment Corporation (TI Corp) Work Environment Survey (WES)

Collection period:  October 10, 2023 to October 27, 2023

Collection method:  Online

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.



B.C. Agriculture, Fishing & Aquaculture Labour Survey

Collection period:  February 17 to April 15, 2022

Collection method:  Web

Description: This survey collects labour information from business within the agriculture, fishing and aquaculture industries. Employers are asked about their employees' occupations, living arrangements, payment method, and demographics, as well as the challenges they've had in recruiting prior to and during the Covid-19 pandemic. 


B.C. Electric Vehicle Market Research

Collection period: February 23 to March 22, 2022

Collection method: Online (call-to-web)

Description: Survey designed to help the B.C. government understand people's views on electric vehicles and inform the province's CleanBC Go Electric programs.


BC Liquor Distribution Branch Work Environment

Collection period: April 5 to May 13, 2022

Collection method: Web

Description: This voluntary survey, sent to employees of the BC Liquor Distribution Branch, aims to measure workplace satisfaction and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


BC Procurement Strategy

Collection period: February 24 to March 10, 2022

Collection method: Online

Description: The B.C. government published the BC Procurement Strategy (BCPS) in 2018 and an update in 2020. The BC Procurement Strategy Survey collected information from B.C. Public Service employees involved in procurement to determine which activities or initiatives are occurring across government that support the four goals outlined in the 2020 Strategy document. If you have questions about the survey topics, please contact Teresa Hartman at


BC Public Service Work Environment Survey (WES)

Collection period: January 27 to February 18, 2022

Collection method: Online

Description: Conducted annually or semi-annually since 2006, the Work Environment Survey (WES) measures the health of the work environment within the BC Public Service, including employee engagement.

Corporate and ministry results will be posted to the Data BC Catalogue.

Consult the Technical Support Guide for questions about taking the survey.


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January to June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) is designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree, & Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January to July

Collection method: Telephone or web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former diploma, associate degree, and certificate students. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Wildfire Service Satisfaction

Collection period:  November 15 to December 20, 2022

Collection method:  Online

Description: BC Wildfire Service is mandated to mitigate the impacts of wildfire on life and assets, particularly forests and grasslands, and they give high priority to fuel management and wildfire suppression in interface areas where communities and forests come together. BC Stats conducted this satisfaction survey on behalf of BC Wildfire Service to support performance monitoring over time.


BC Wildfire Service Work Environment

Collection period:  August 23 to September 23, 2022

Collection method:  Online

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


CBRE Facilities Management Services Client Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: Ongoing

Collection method: Online

Description: CBRE is contracted by the Real Property Division of the Ministry of Citizens’ Services to provide facilities management services to the BC Public Service and broader public service. To help assess this contract, BC Stats is conducting a short survey to learn about users’ satisfaction with these services. Survey results will help guide improvements and ensure a high standard of service.


GBA+ Usage Survey - Ministry of Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing

Collection period: July 27 to August 26, 2022

Collection method: Invitation email to complete online survey

Description: The purpose of the survey was to contribute to the work currently being done within the BC Public Service to increase the usage of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by more public servants in their daily work. GBA+ is an analytical tool used to assess how diverse groups of people may experience policies, programs, initiatives, or services. The objectives of this survey were to understand current awareness and understanding of GBA+ within the ministry, and the challenges faced by ministry staff when implementing and using GBA+ as well as to identify opportunities to support staff to implement and use GBA+ in their daily work. The survey also asked questions about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action.


GBA+ Usage Survey - Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Collection period:  December 1 to 17, 2021 and January 14 to 21, 2022

Collection method:  Invitation email to complete online survey

Description: All employees of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (including all employees of the Management Services Division) were invited by email to participate in the online GBA+ Usage Survey. The purpose of the survey was to contribute to the work currently being done within the BC Public Service to increase the usage of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by more public servants in their daily work. GBA+ is the process by which a policy, program, initiative or service can be examined for its impacts on diverse groups of women, men and non-binary people. The objectives of this survey were to understand the challenges faced by public servants when implementing and using GBA+ in their daily work and to create solutions to support the network of staff championing and supporting GBA+ implementation within the ministry. The survey also asked questions about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


GBA+ Usage Survey - Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

Collection period: July 27 to August 26, 2022

Collection method: Invitation email to complete online survey

Description: All employees of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General were invited by email to participate in the online GBA+ Usage Survey. The purpose of the survey was to contribute to the work currently being done within the BC Public Service to increase the usage of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by more public servants in their daily work. GBA+ is an analytical tool used to assess how diverse groups of people may experience policies, programs, initiatives, or services. The objectives of this survey were to understand current awareness and understanding of GBA+ within the ministry, and the challenges faced by ministry staff when implementing and using GBA+ as well as to identify opportunities to support staff to implement and use GBA+ in their daily work. The survey also asked questions about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action.


HealthLink BC 2022 Work Environment

Collection period: June 21 to July 6, 2022

Collection method: Online

Description: This voluntary survey, sent to employees of Nursing Services (within HealthLink BC), aimed to measure workplace satisfaction and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Office of the Auditor General 2022 Work Environment

Collection period:  February 15 to March 1, 2022

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Office of the Ombudsperson Work Environment

Collection period:  May 10 to 20, 2022

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and create a more inclusive workplace.


Saanich Business Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: October 24 to November 27, 2022

Collection method: Postcard invitation to online survey

Description: The Saanich Business Satisfaction Survey is administered on behalf of the District of Saanich. This survey asks business owners and operators about their experiences related to the services provided by the District of Saanich, the allocation of municipal funding, and the overall impressions of the quality of life in Saanich. The information provided District of Saanich with vital information on how to best meet the needs of businesses within the district.


Saanich Citizen Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: October 24 to November 27, 2022

Collection method: Online and telephone survey

Description: The Saanich Citizen Satisfaction Survey is administered on behalf of the District of Saanich. This survey asked residents about their experiences related to the services provided by the District of Saanich, the allocation of municipal funding, and the overall impressions of the quality of life in Saanich. The information provided District of Saanich with vital information on how to best meet the needs of residents within the district.


Secondary Suites and Accessory Dwelling Units in BC

Collection period: July 6 to August 5, 2022

Collection method: Postcard invitation to online survey

Description: The BC Homeowner Survey was administered on behalf of the BC Ministry of Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing. This survey asked about experiences with the construction and usage of additional livable spaces in homes, such as suites or carriage houses. The information collected will be used to inform plans to address the housing crisis in B.C.



BC Active Transportation Strategy

Collection period: November 3 to December 17, 2021

Collection method: Telephone

Contact: Tanis Abuda, 1 888 447-4427,

Description:  B.C.’s active transportation strategy, Move. Commute. Connect., is about building a cleaner and greener future for all British Columbians. Active transportation is all forms of human powered transportation, most common being walking and cycling. The Active Transportation (AT) Strategy General Population Telephone Survey collected new baseline data post pandemic to help key partners make evidence-based decisions that guide programs and policies to increase the use of AT across B.C. and realize the AT Strategy goals.


BC Cannabis General Population Survey

Phone Survey testing:  April 19 to April 21, 2021 

Collection method: Telephone and Online

Description: The B.C. Cannabis Use Survey was conducted by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats, Statistics Canada, and the B.C. Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat. The survey collected data to better understand how people in British Columbia view and use cannabis after being legalized in Canada and to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on usage.


BC Cannabis Use

Phone Survey testing: July 22 to October 6, 2021 

Collection method: Telephone and online

Description: The BC Cannabis Use Survey is conducted by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats, Statistics Canada, and the B.C. Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat. The survey will collect data to better understand how people in British Columbia view and use cannabis after being legalized in Canada and to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on usage.


BC Settlement & Integration Services (BCSIS)

Collection period: October 14 to November 14, 2021

Collection method: Online

Description: BC Stats is conducting the BC Settlement & Integration Services (BCSIS) 2021 Client Survey for the Immigration Policy & Integration Branch. The purpose of the survey is to assess immigration and employment outcomes.


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January to June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree & Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January to July

Collection method: Telephone or web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former diploma, associate degree, and certificate students. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Wildfire Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: November 18 – December 10, 2021

Collection method: Online

Description: BC Wildfire Service is mandated to mitigate the impacts of wildfire on life and assets, particularly forests and grasslands, and they give high priority to fuel management and wildfire suppression in interface areas where communities and forests come together. BC Stats is conducting this satisfaction survey on behalf of BC Wildfire Service to support performance monitoring over time.


Community Living BC

Collection period:  June 21 to July 9, 2021

Collection method:  Web

Description A survey sent to employees to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


District of Saanich

Collection period:  September 8 to September 30, 2021

Collection method:  Web

Description This voluntary survey sent to employees of the District of Saanich aims to measure workplace satisfaction and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Elections BC Voters List Quality

Collection period: May 14 to June 18, 2021

Collection method: Telephone, mail and web

Description: BC Stats is assisting Elections BC in conducting a study to assess the quality of the voters list. The study involves contacting 6,000 registered voters by phone or mail. This study is important to ensure that voters receive necessary voting information. Through the study, participants are asked to verify or provide the following information: voter name; current home and mailing addresses, date of birth. For general questions about the voters list or this study, visit


FLNRORD Research Program

Collection period: August 17 to October 12, 2021

Collection method: Online

Description: This is a survey of FLNRORD employees about their use of natural resource research and science information in their work, including an opportunity to rate their satisfaction with the FLNRORD Research Program and to provide written feedback.


GBA+ Usage Survey - Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

Collection period:  March 8 to 26, 2021

Collection method:  Invitation email to complete online survey

Description: All employees of the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure were invited by email to participate in the online GBA+ Usage Survey. The purpose of the survey was to contribute to the work currently being done within the BC Public Service to increase the usage of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by more public servants in their daily work. GBA+ is the process by which a policy, program, initiative or service can be examined for its impacts on diverse groups of women, men and non-binary people. The objectives of this survey were to understand the challenges faced by public servants when implementing and using GBA+ in their daily work and to create solutions to support the network of staff championing and supporting GBA+ implementation within the ministry. The survey also asked questions about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


Greater Victoria Public Library Work Environment Survey

Collection period:  November 9 to November 26, 2021

Collection method:  Web

Description: This voluntary survey sent to employees of Greater Victoria Public Library aims to measure workplace satisfaction, and to identify opportunities to develop employee engagement and to improve the work environment.


Heritage Capacity and Economic Impacts

Collection period: September 17 to November 5, 2021

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey, conducted on behalf of the Heritage Branch of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNRORD), collects heritage conservation information from local governments, regional districts and grant-providing organizations. The results will be used to assess economic impacts of heritage-related activities in B.C. and advocate for heritage conservation granting activities and programs.


Saanich 2021 Citizen Satisfaction

Collection period:  February 8 to March 29, 2021

Collection method:  Web

Description: The District of Saanich, in partnership with BC Stats, is currently conducting an online Citizen Satisfaction Survey. Invitation postcards and reminder letters are being mailed to a random sample of Saanich households. Citizens will have the opportunity to provide confidential feedback on satisfaction with services that Saanich provides, perceptions of Saanich Council and impressions on quality of life in the community. This feedback will help Saanich Council and staff understand current successes and opportunities for improvement.


School District No. 22 (Vernon) Employee Engagement

Collection period:  April 6 to May 7, 2021

Collection method:  Web

Description A survey sent to employees to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Service BC Citizen Satisfaction

Collection period:  January 18 to March 21, 2021

Collection method:  In-person distribution of invitation postcards to complete online survey

Description: At eight in-person Service BC offices (Chilliwack, Courtenay, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Grand Forks, Prince George, Vernon and Victoria), citizens will be provided with an invitation postcard after each service transaction to complete Service BC’s biennial online satisfaction survey. To quickly access the survey, citizens can use the QR code provided on their mobile phone or type the online link into a web browser.


Service BC (Contact Centre) Citizen Satisfaction

Collection period:  February 10 to 28, 2021

Collection method:  Telephone or invitation email to complete online survey     

Description:  A random sample of citizens who have recently contacted the Contact Centre will be invited to participate in the Contact Centre’s biennial satisfaction survey either by telephone or via an invitation email to complete an online survey.  The telephone survey is being conducted by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats.  The Contact Centre is the general contact (by telephone, email, etc.) for the BC government.


Service BC (BC Registries and Online Services) Business Satisfaction

Collection period:  January 25 to February 15, 2021

Collection method:  Invitation email to complete online survey

Description:  A random sample of businesses who have recently accessed Name Requests Online, Corporate Online and/or the OneStop Business Registry will be invited to participate in BC Registries and Online Services’ biennial satisfaction survey via an invitation email to complete the online survey.


TI Corp Employee Engagement

Collection period:  October 26 to November 12, 2021

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Vancouver Public Library Employee Benchmark

Collection period: April 12 to May 14, 2021

Collection method:  Web

Description: This voluntary survey aims to capture the demographic information and workplace experiences of Vancouver Public Library employees. It will also measure the degree to which the organization reflects the diverse communities it serves. The survey data will allow the Library to create a road map for better supporting staff.


Workforce Development Agreement Employer Outcomes

Collection period: Ongoing since 2016, the last survey was completed in March 2021

Collection method: Web

Description: The Workforce Development Agreement Outcomes Survey is conducted by BC Stats on behalf of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. Employers providing skills training to employees through the B.C. Employer Training Grant or Community Workforce Response Grant are invited to complete a survey approximately 12 months after their employee completes their training. Through the survey, employers provide feedback regarding the impact of the program on their business and community. For more information, visit the WorkBC website: or


Workforce Development Agreement Outcomes

Collection period: Ongoing since 2015, the last survey was completed in August 2021

Collection method: Web

Description: The Workforce Development Agreement Outcomes Survey is conducted by BC Stats on behalf of the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. The survey follows-up with participants three and 12 months after they complete training or a program funded by the B.C. Employer Training Grant, Employee Training Program or Community Workforce Response Grant. The survey asks participants questions regarding their satisfaction with the program, employment status, occupation, industry, weekly hours of work, and wages. For more information, visit the WorkBC website: or  


Workforce Development Agreement Qualitative Research

Collection period: December 2020 to March 2021

Collection method: Telephone interviews and online bulletin board focus groups

Description: On behalf of BC Stats and the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training, Léger Research will be conducting interviews and focus groups to learn about participants’ experience with the Skills Training for Employment and Community Workforce Response Grant programs, and identify areas for improvement.

Both programs are delivered by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training under the Canada-British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement, and this research is part of the Ministry’s ongoing performance monitoring activities.



B.C. Electric Vehicle Market Research Survey

Collection period: March 4 to March 26, 2020

Collection method: Online (call-to-web)

Description: Survey designed to help the B.C. government understand people’s views on electric vehicles and inform the province’s CleanBC Go Electric programs.


BC Public Service WES Pulse

Collection period:  August 5 to 14, 2020
Collection method:  Web
Contact: 1-778-698-3169,
Description: A short survey sent to BC Public Service employees to gather feedback on how the BC Public Service is adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic.


BC Public Service Work Environment Survey (WES)

Collection period: January 30 to February 21, 2020

Collection method: Online

Description: The Work Environment Survey (WES) measures the health of the work environment within the BC Public Service.


BC Smoking Cessation Program

Collection period: March 2 to March 30, 2020

Collection method: Online and telephone

Description: BC Stats and the Ministry of Health are conducting a survey to evaluate and improve the B.C. Government’s Smoking Cessation Program. This program helps British Columbians who want to stop smoking or using tobacco products by assisting them with the cost of smoking cessation aids such as the patch, gum, and medications in tablet form. A random sample of British Columbians who participated in the Program between January 1, 2019 and October 31, 2019 will receive an invitation letter to complete the survey online. Program participants who do not complete the survey online may be called by Advanis, our data collection vendor, and invited to complete the survey over the phone.


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January – June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree, & Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January to July

Collection method: Telephone or web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former diploma, associate degree, and certificate students. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



CABRO Diversity

Collection period: February 10 to 28, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: All provincial appointees on B.C. public sector boards are invited to respond to a survey that will inform the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO) about board diversity on agencies, boards and commissions.


City of Victoria Employee Engagement

Collection period: February 11 to March 6, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: A survey sent to employees to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Coast Mountains School Board 82 2020 Work Environment Survey

Collection period: June 9 to 26, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


GBA+ Usage Survey - Ministry of Finance

Collection period:  September 23 to October 16, 2020

Collection method:  Invitation email to complete online survey

Description:  All employees of the Ministry of Finance were invited by email to participate in the online GBA+ Usage Survey.  The purpose of the survey was to contribute to the work currently being done within the BC Public Service to increase the usage of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by more public servants in their daily work.  GBA+ is the process by which a policy, program, initiative or service can be examined for its impacts on diverse groups of women, men and non-binary people.  The objectives of this survey were to understand the challenges faced by public servants when implementing and using GBA+ in their daily work and to create solutions to support the network of staff championing and supporting GBA+ implementation within the ministry.


GBA+ Usage Survey - Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology

Collection period:  January 2 to 15, 2020

Collection method:  Invitation email to complete online survey

Description:  All employees of the Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology were invited by email to participate in the online GBA+ Usage Survey.  The purpose of the survey was to contribute to the work currently being done within the BC Public Service to increase the usage of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by more public servants in their daily work.  GBA+ is the process by which a policy, program, initiative or service can be examined for its impacts on diverse groups of women, men and non-binary people.  The objectives of this survey were to understand the challenges faced by public servants when implementing and using GBA+ in their daily work and to create solutions to support the network of staff championing and supporting GBA+ implementation within the ministry.


GBA+ Usage Survey - Ministry of Labour

Collection period:  November 23 to December 11, 2020

Collection method:  Invitation email to complete online survey

Description:  All employees of the Ministry of Labour were invited by email to participate in the online GBA+ Usage Survey.  The purpose of the survey was to contribute to the work currently being done within the BC Public Service to increase the usage of Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) by more public servants in their daily work.  GBA+ is the process by which a policy, program, initiative or service can be examined for its impacts on diverse groups of women, men and non-binary people.  The objectives of this survey were to understand the challenges faced by public servants when implementing and using GBA+ in their daily work and to create solutions to support the network of staff championing and supporting GBA+ implementation within the ministry.  The survey also asked questions about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


HealthLink BC 2020 Work Environment Survey

Collection period: May 25 to June 5, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Heritage Conservation and Economic Impacts

Collection period: October 19 to December 4, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey, conducted on behalf of the Heritage Branch of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNROD), collects heritage conservation information from local governments, regional districts and grant-providing organizations. The results will be used to assess economic impacts of heritage-related activities in B.C. and advocate for heritage conservation granting activities and programs.


K–12 School Food Survey

Collection period: January 29 to March 6, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: The Ministries of Agriculture and Health, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, are conducting this survey to gain a better understanding of the food environments and local food procurement in B.C. public schools.


Legal Aid BC Work Environment Survey

Collection period:  February 24 to March 6, 2020

Collection method:  Web

Description A survey sent to employees to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Liquor Distribution Branch Work Environment Survey

Collection period: February 18 to April 22, 2020

Collection method:  Mail and web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Metro Vancouver Employee Experience & Diversity

Collection period: December 1 to 18, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment and employment equity survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement, as well as demographic representation within the organization.


Office of the Auditor General Work Environment Survey

Collection period: January 28 to February 19, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey, distributed to all employees of the Office of the Auditor General, measures the health of the work environment and employee engagement within the organization. Questions cover many aspects of employees' day-to-day work, physical environment and tools, development and performance, co-workers, supervisors, the organization in general, and commitment to the work unit and the larger organization.


Remote Work Sustainability and Work Site Reintegration

Collection period: June 23 to July 7, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: The Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Strategy is looking for feedback from their employees on their experiences working remotely during the last few months and their input on work site reintegration.


School District #62 (Sooke) 2020 Work Environment Survey

Collection period: May 7 to June 3, 2020

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


School District 72 (Campbell River) Employee Engagement

Collection period:  November 23 to December 11, 2020

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.



Active Transportation Strategy Survey

Collection period: November 6 – December 20, 2019

Collection method: Telephone

Description:  B.C.’s active transportation strategy, Move. Commute. Connect., is about building a cleaner and greener future for all British Columbians. Active transportation is all forms of human powered transportation, most common being walking and cycling. Move. Commute. Connect. is about changing the transportation landscape to make active transportation safer, more accessible and convenient for the public, regardless of age, ability, gender or ethnicity. But what does that mean in daily lives of the people of B.C., and what factors could be preventing the public from adopting active transportation as a way to get around?  As part of the strategy, the Province committed to conducting research and data collection to identify opportunities and possible barriers to public participation. The Active Transportation (AT) Strategy General Population Telephone Survey will collect baseline data to help key partners make evidence-based decisions that guide programs and policies to increase the use of AT across B.C. and realize the AT Strategy goals.


BC Assessment Employee Engagement

Collection period: May 21 – 31, 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: A survey sent to employees to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


BC Council on Admissions and Transfer Survey of Mobile Students

Collection period: February – May 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: This is a survey of students who enrolled in more than one B.C. public post-secondary institution between the 2016/2017 academic year and the fall of 2018. The survey is conducted on behalf of the BC Council on Admissions & Transfer (BCCAT), the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training, and participating B.C. public post-secondary institutions, and asks about students’ educational goals and motivations for enrolling and leaving institutions, their satisfaction with the institutions and their transfer experience, and how their experience could have been improved.

Report: Please visit the BCCAT website for results from the 2012 Survey of Movers. A report from the current survey will be available in the fall of 2019.


BC Prosecution Service Gender Equity and Advancement

Collection period: June 25 – July 16, 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey has been developed by the BC Prosecution Service's Gender Equity and Advancement Advisory Group, in collaboration with BC Stats, and has been sent to all Crown Counsel. Feedback from the survey will inform the Advisory Group’s findings and recommendations to Management Committee.


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January – May

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree and Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January – June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects information from past students who took diploma, associate degree, and certificate programs from a public B.C. college, institute, or teaching-intensive university. The annual questionnaire collects information on employment outcomes, further education, ratings of programs, and student satisfaction. This information is used to improve programs, develop policy, meet accountability requirements, and inform prospective students.



BC Wildfire Service Auxiliary Work Environment

Collection period: August 13 – October 15, 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


CABRO Diversity

Collection period: February – March 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: During this period, BC Stats invited provincial appointees on B.C. public sector boards to respond to a survey that informed the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO) about board diversity on agencies, boards and commissions.


Capilano University Employee Engagement

Collection period:  November 13 – 29, 2019

Collection method:  Web

Description A survey sent to employees to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Canada-BC Job Grant Outcomes

Collection period: Ongoing

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: The Canada-BC Job Grant Outcomes Survey is conducted by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats and the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training (formerly known as Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training). The survey follows-up with participants who took training or a program funded by the Canada-BC Job Fund Agreement. Participants are called or emailed approximately 3 and 12 months after they complete or substantially complete their program. The survey asks participants questions regarding their satisfaction with the program, employment status, occupation, industry, weekly hours of work, and wages. For more information, please see


City of Victoria Business Survey

Collection period: November 13, 2019 to mid-February, 2020

Collection method: Web

Description: The City of Victoria provides a variety of services to businesses operating in Victoria. These services include operating the Business Hub, and providing business licenses and permits. This survey asks questions on a range of topics relevant to business owners and operators: demographics (years of operation, size, industry, location, etc.), business plan, business neighbourhood, downtown Victoria, city services, Business Hub, customer service, communication and engagement, municipal financing, and the overall business climate. Responses will help the City to better understand the needs of Victoria businesses and how they can best be met.


Diversity and Inclusion

Collection period: January 31 – February 22, 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: The Diversity and Inclusion Survey supports efforts to expand inclusivity in the BC Public Service (BCPS), and explores the diverse needs, perceptions and experiences of employees. The collected information will be used to help identify barriers and develop solutions to create a more inclusive environment. It will also support and inform corporate strategies related to diversity and inclusion, such as making sure programs, practices, and policies in the BCPS are developed using the actual experiences of BCPS employees.


Fraser Basin Council Non-Residential Flood Vulnerability

Collection period: December 3, 2019 to January 10, 2020

Collection method: Web

Contact: Richard Vamos, 778-698-7450,

Description: This survey, conducted jointly by BC Stats, the Fraser Basin Council, and IBI Group, gathers information on the flood vulnerability of non-residential locations in the Lower Mainland.

This information will be used to analyze vulnerable assets and potential flood damages and disruption across the region, improve decisions around flood risk, and ensure the Lower Mainland is well prepared for the flood risks of the future.

Results from this survey will help inform the development of the Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy, an initiative to increase the flood resilience of communities along the lower Fraser River and the South Coast of British Columbia. More information is available at


Labour Market Agreement for Persons with Disabilities Outcomes Survey

Collection period: Bi-annually (February – March and August – September)

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: The Labour Market Agreement for Persons with Disabilities Outcomes Survey is conducted by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats, the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training, and participating B.C. post-secondary institutions. Participants are called or emailed approximately 3 and 12 months after they completed or left their Adult Special Education (ASE) program. The survey asks questions regarding participants’ satisfaction with the program, employment success and plans for the future


Long Term Disability (LTD) Application Process

Collection period: Monthly survey

Collection method: Mail and web

Description: This survey has been collecting data from BC Public Service employees on a monthly basis since April 2007 to measure and report on the satisfaction of claimants who had applied for long term disability (LTD). The aim is to help Disability and Rehabilitation staff further refine and ease the process for applicants. Reports are released to the BC Public Service Agency in summer each year.


New Entrants to Agriculture

Collection period: January - February 2019

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: The New Entrants to Agriculture Survey was conducted by R.A. Malatest on behalf of BC Stats and the Ministry of Agriculture. The Ministry is interested in the experiences and opinions of individuals who are responsible for the management decisions for a farm, agricultural business or new farming enterprise.


OCIO ES Client Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: November 4 – 29, 2019

Collection method: Web (online survey)

Description: This satisfaction survey focuses on the information technology services that the Office of the Chief Information Officer Enterprise Services (OCIO ES) provides to all of core government and many broader public sector organizations. OCIO ES includes workstations, network connectivity and telephone services. OCIO ES also provides email, file storage, network printing, collaboration services (Lync/Skype), SharePoint sites and delivers services such as e-mail, calendar and contacts to ministry-provided mobile devices.


OPCC Work Environment

 Collection period: May 14 – 27, 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


School District No. 22 (Vernon) Employee Engagement

Collection period: February 4 – March 8, 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees, used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Service BC Citizen Satisfaction

Collection period: January 21 – February 1, 2019

Collection method: In-person intercept survey

Description: The survey was conducted by NRG Research Group on behalf of BC Stats and Service BC at the following eight Service BC offices: Chilliwack, Courtenay, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John, Grand Forks, Prince George, Vernon and Victoria.


Service BC Contact Centre

Collection period: February – March 2019

Collection method: Phone   

Description: This survey was conducted by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats and Service BC. Customers who called the B.C. government’s toll-free line in January 2019 were invited to complete this survey.


Service BC Registries and Online Services

Collection period: February 2019

Collection method: Web

Description: During this period, BC Stats invited online customers to rate their satisfaction with an online service they received through BC Registries and Online Services within the last six months.


WES Pulse Check

Collection periods: May 14 – 27, 2019 and May 23 – June 7, 2019

Collection method: Web

Contact: 1 778 698-3169,

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.



BC Apprenticeship Discontinuers Survey

Collection period: March – September 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: BC Stats is conducting this survey on behalf of the Industry Training Authority (ITA) and the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. The survey follows-up with former apprentices who didn't complete their training to determine whether they are satisfied with the training they took, learning whether the training met their goals, and what they have been doing since discontinuing their training.


BC Assessment Employee Engagement Pulse Survey

Collection period: May 1 – 11, 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


B.C. Cannabis Use Survey

Collection period: June – August 2018

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: The B.C. Cannabis Use Survey is conducted by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats, Statistics Canada, and the B.C. Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Secretariat. The survey will collect baseline data to better understand how British Columbians view and use cannabis.


BC Public Service Work Environment Survey

Collection period: January 30 – February 23, 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey, distributed to all regular and auxiliary employees in the BC Public Service, measured the health of the work environment and employee engagement within the organization. Questions covered many aspects of employees' day-to-day work, physical environment and tools, development and performance, co-workers, supervisors, the organization in general, and commitment to their work unit and the larger organization.


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January – May

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree and Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January – June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects information from past students who took diploma, associate degree, and certificate programs from a public B.C. college, institute, or teaching-intensive university. The annual questionnaire collects information on employment outcomes, further education, ratings of programs, and student satisfaction. This information is used to improve programs, develop policy, meet accountability requirements, and inform prospective students.



Community Gaming Grants Survey

Collection period: March 2 – March 25, 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: The Community Gaming Grants program distributes funds from commercial gambling revenues to eligible not-for-profit organizations for funding the direct delivery of approved programs to their communities. BC Stats is conducting a survey on behalf of the Community Gaming Grants Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The survey follows-up with recent grant applicants about their experiences with the program. In addition, a sample of registered not-for-profit organizations (non-applicants) will also be invited to participate. The research aims to ensure the Community Gaming Grants program continues to meet the needs of communities.


Community Living BC Employee Engagement Survey

Collection period: September 4 – 21, 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Corporate Accounting Services (CAS) Client Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: August 27 – September 21, 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: The objective of this survey is to obtain feedback about Corporate Accounting Services (CAS) products and services delivered through the Corporate Financial System (CFS).  The CFS manages the government's financial transactions and includes a suite of applications such as Accounts Payable and Receivable, iExpenses, iStore and several others. We would like to hear from people who have access to and/or use the CFS and we are specifically interested in your experiences with CFS applications, support and communication.


HealthLink BC 2018 Work Environment Survey

Collection period:  April 10 – 24, 2018

Collection method:  Web

Contact: 1 778 698-3169,


OCIO Client Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: October 15 – November 2, 2018

Collection method: Online (web survey)

Description: This satisfaction survey focuses on the information technology services that the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) provides to all of core government and many broader public sector organizations. OCIO information technology services include workstations, network connectivity and telephone services. OCIO also provide email, file storage, network printing, collaboration services (Lync/Skype), SharePoint sites and deliver services such as e-mail, calendar and contacts to ministry-provided mobile device.


Office of the Auditor General Work Environment Survey

Collection period: February 6 – 20, 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey, distributed to all employees of the Office of the Auditor General, measures the health of the work environments and employee engagement within the organization. Questions cover many aspects of employees' day-to-day work, physical environment and tools, development and performance, co-workers, supervisors, the organization in general, and commitment to the work unit and the larger organization.


Online Games Survey

Collection period: July – August 2018

Collection method: Telephone, web, mail, Facebook ad

Description: The Government of British Columbia is interested in understanding if and how B.C. residents play games online.  Your answers are important to this research, even if you do not participate in online games.  The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.  You can complete the survey in English, Punjabi, Cantonese, or Mandarin.  Who can participate?  We are looking for youth age 14 to 18 to participate in this survey.  However, anyone 14 years of age or older who lives in B.C. can participate.  The survey will ask questions about your online game playing, including online gambling.  Your participation in the survey will help support future improvements to the overall integrity of gaming in British Columbia.  Please note that the survey is entirely voluntary and you may stop the survey at any time.


School District #62 (Sooke) Work Environment Survey

Collection period:  May 3 – May 17, 2018

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


School District #72 (Campbell River) Employee Engagement Survey

Collection period:  October 29 – November 16, 2018

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees, used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR) LMAPD Monthly Survey

Collection period: Monthly to May 2018

Collection method: Telephone, mail and web

Description: Under the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities (LMAPD), the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR), formerly known as the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation (SDSI), is undertaking a monthly survey of individuals with disabilities who have received employment services or supports at a WorkBC Employment Services Centre. The purpose of this survey is to improve employment opportunities and outcomes for WorkBC participants with disabilities.


Survey on Skills, Competencies and Characteristics for Future Workforce

Collection period: March – July 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: BC Stats is conducting a survey of employers across B.C. on behalf of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. British Columbians will need a strong foundation of skills and workforce competencies as they plan their career paths and adapt to changes in the labour market. Some changes can be anticipated but others will be less predictable, and will have an enormous impact on the workplace and the workforce. That’s why helping young people acquire adaptable skills is more important now than ever. The survey asks employers about the work-related skills competencies and characteristics needed from an employer perspective to meet the needs of the changing economy. It also explores drivers of changes in skills needs, workforce challenges, and strategies employers are adopting to address their requirements and attract and develop new employees.


The College of New Caledonia Work Environment Survey

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.

Collection period: March 1 – 15, 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


U-Pass BC Survey

Collection period: February 15 – April 9, 2018

Collection method: Web

Description: The U-Pass BC Survey is conducted by BC Stats on behalf of the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, with participation from B.C. post-secondary institutions. The survey asks current and graduated students questions about their experience with the U-Pass BC program, how the program may have influenced their transportation decisions, and their use of transit.  For more information about the U-Pass BC program please visit the TransLink website.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January – May

Collection method: Telephone and web       

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree and Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January – June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects information from past students who took diploma, associate degree, and certificate programs from a public B.C. college, institute, or teaching-intensive university. The annual questionnaire collects information on employment outcomes, further education, ratings of programs, and student satisfaction. This information is used to improve programs, develop policy, meet accountability requirements, and inform prospective students.




Camosun College Employee Engagement Survey

Collection period:  October 17 – November 3, 2017

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Capilano University Employee Engagement Survey

Collection period: November 14 – December 1, 2017

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Elections BC Voters List Quality Survey

Collection period: October 3 – November 5, 2017

Collection method: Telephone, mail and web

Description: BC Stats assisted Elections BC in conducting a study to assess the quality of the voters list. The study involved contacting 4,000 registered voters by phone or mail. This study was important to ensure that voters receive necessary voting information. Through the study, participants were asked to verify or provide the following information: voter name; current home and mailing addresses, date of birth. For general questions about the voters list or this study, visit


Legal Services Society Work Environment Survey

Collection period: February 14 – February 28, 2017

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Liquor Distribution Branch Work Environment Survey

Collection period: September 19 – October 20, 2017

Collection method: Mail and web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Local Food Survey

Collection period: September – November 2017

Collection method: Telephone, text message and online

Description: A survey on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture to gather information to help British Columbia’s agrifood and seafood businesses better cater to the needs of B.C. residents.


Ministry of Finance Revenue Services Customer Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: January 5 – January 27, 2017

Collection method: Web

Description: Working with BC Stats to develop and disburse two web-based survey’s, the Ministry of Finance, Revenue Solutions Branch (RSB), and their vendor partner, HP Advanced Solutions Inc., invited clients to provide feedback and feelings of satisfaction in relation to Information Management and Information Technology services (IM/IT) and the Revenue Management System (RMS).  IM/IT services include Application Production Support, Situation Management, Application Development and Enhancement, and Business Consulting. RMS is a software program that enables business functions, such as account management, billing, payment, reporting and collection, in a standardized and efficient manner. Since 2007, data has been collected on IM/IT services and the RMS. Examining trends and comparisons provide an opportunity for the RSB to continue to inform positive business decisions.


Office of the Auditor General Work Environment Survey

Collection period: February 1 – 15, 2017

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey, distributed to all employees of the Office of the Auditor General, measures the health of the work environments and employee engagement within the organization. Questions cover many aspects of employees' day-to-day work, physical environment and tools, development and performance, co-workers, supervisors, the organization in general, and commitment to the work unit and the larger organization.


Service BC Citizen Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: January 16 – January 27, 2017

Collection method: In-person intercept survey

Description: Eight Service BC offices were chosen for in-person intercept surveys: Prince George, Dawson Creek, Victoria, Courtenay, Vernon, Grand Forks, Chilliwack and Fort St. John. The most recent Common Measurements Tool (CMT) Question Bank was used. The CMT allows for the future possibility of benchmarking results against other public service organizations that also use this tool. The survey was conducted by NRG Research Group.


Service BC Registries and Online Services Survey

Collection period: February 14 – February 24, 2017

Collection method: Web

Description: During this period, BC Stats invited online customers to rate their satisfaction with an online service they used within the last 6 months.


Simon Fraser University Employee Engagement Survey

Collection period: November 22 – December 6, 2017

Collection method: Web

Contact: 1 778 698-3169,

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Transportation Investment Corporation Work Environment Survey

Collection period: March 27 – April 7, 2017

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Workplace Technology Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: September 6 – September 27, 2017

Collection method: Web

Description:  The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has responsibility for leading strategy, planning, deployment and support for the entire continuum of technology services for the BC Public Service. This survey asked a random sample of BC Public Service employees about their current satisfaction levels with technology-related tools and services used in the work environment.



Agricultural Land Commission Work Environment Survey

Collection period:  April 13 – April 27, 2016

Collection method: Email invitation to online survey

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


BC Labour Market Agreement Outcomes Survey

Collection period: August 2009 – November 2016

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: The BC Labour Market Agreement Outcomes Survey was conducted by Advanis on behalf of program service providers, BC Stats, and the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training. The survey followed-up with participants who took a course or program, or received services or funding through a program funded by the BC Labour Market Agreement. Participants were called or emailed approximately 3 and 12 months after they completed or substantially completed their program. The survey asked participants questions regarding their satisfaction with the program, employment status, occupation, industry, weekly hours of work, wages, further education or training, and solicited general comments about the program.


BC Public Service: Career Development and Opportunities Survey

Collection period: November 8 – December 2, 2016

Collection Method: Web

Description: BC Stats conducted this survey on behalf of the BC Public Service Agency. This survey asked regular and auxiliary BC Public Service employees to provide input about career development and opportunities in the BC Public Service. Survey feedback helped identify ways to foster employee career growth and support succession management efforts in the BC Public Service.


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January – May

Collection method: Telephone and web       

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree and Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January – June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects information from past students who took diploma, associate degree, and certificate programs from a public B.C. college, institute, or teaching-intensive university. The annual questionnaire collects information on employment outcomes, further education, ratings of programs, and student satisfaction. This information is used to improve programs, develop policy, meet accountability requirements, and inform prospective students.



HandyDART Client Survey

Collection period:  September 26 – November 7, 2016

Collection method: Mail and web

Description: This survey was conducted by BC Stats on behalf of the Office of the Seniors Advocate (OSA) and collected feedback from HandyDART clients across B.C. regarding their experiences using the service. The information will be used by OSA to assist in making recommendations to improve HandyDART services.


HealthLink BC Survey

Collection period: February – March 2016

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: The HealthLink BC Survey measured provincial awareness and usership of services including 811, Nursing Services, Dietitian Services, the BC HealthGuide Handbook, and the HealthLink BC website.


HIBC Customer Experience Survey – Citizens/Beneficiaries

Collection period: August 2016

Collection method: Telephone

Description: Health Insurance BC (HIBC) is responsible for the administration of the Medical Services Plan, which is MSP, including registration for MSP and processing applications for Premium Assistance and Fair PharmaCare. HIBC would like to understand citizens/beneficiaries level of satisfaction with their most recent service experience.


HIBC Customer Experience Survey – Physicians/Pharmacists

Collection period: September 12 – September 26, 2016

Collection method: Online

Description: HIBC is responsible for the registration of all health care providers in the province, and payment of medical and pharmacy claims. HIBC would like to understand physicians/pharmacists level of satisfaction with their most recent service experience.


North Island College Employee Engagement Survey

Collection period:  November 14 – November 25, 2016

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Office of the Auditor General (OAG) Work Environment Survey

Collection period: January 26 – February 9, 2016

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey, distributed to all employees of the Office of the Auditor General, measured the health of the work environments and employee engagement within the organization. Questions covered many aspects of employees' day-to-day work, physical environment and tools, development and performance, co-workers, supervisors, the organization in general, and commitment to the work unit and the larger organization.


Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner Work Environment Survey

Collection period: October 11 – November 1, 2016

Collection method: Web    

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.
NOTE: Sentis Research and BC Stats conducted the survey on behalf of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner.


Procurement Transformation Survey (#BCTECH Strategy)

Collection Period: October 24 – December 16, 2016

Collection Method: Web and mail invitations

Description: This survey conducted by BC Stats on behalf of Procurement Transformation collected feedback on government procurement processes. The information was used to help direct internal project efforts and provide a baseline of the current experience that is expected to improve.


Service BC Call Centre Customer Survey

Collection period: January – February 2016

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: Service BC provides government services through the Service BC call centre (recently renamed from Enquiry BC). The purpose of this survey was to understand customer preferences when interacting with government and help improve the experience of Service BC call centre customers.


Service BC Centres In-Person Survey

Collection period: June 10 – June 24, 2016

Collection method: In-person in select Service BC offices

Description: NRG Research Group conducted in-person surveys.


Shared Service BC Tenant Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: November – December 2015

Collection method: Web

Description: Shared Services BC (SSBC) provides a broad suite of real estate and property management services to over 30,000 public servants in the British Columbia Public Service and the broader public sector. The survey asked tenant of buildings that SSBC leases, owns, or manages, to provide their feedback on a range of issues relating to their physical work environment (i.e., building and workspace). The feedback provided SSBC and its property management service provider, Workplace Solutions Inc. (WSI), with a better understanding of tenant needs and expectations, helped identify service improvements, and will assist in the development of future real estate and accommodation plans and approaches.


Transportation Investment Corporation Work Environment Survey

Collection period: March 2016

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop and improve the workplace in key areas using year over year benchmarks.


West Vancouver Police Department Work Environment Survey

Collection period:  May 4 – May 18, 2016

Collection method: Email invitation to online survey

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.



BC Assessment Employee Engagement Survey

Collection period: May 2015

Collection method: Web

Description: This survey is being distributed to all permanent and temporary BC Assessment employees who were on staff as of April 7, 2015. This is their opportunity to express how they feel about their day-to-day work, environment and resources, development and performance, co-workers, and the organization.


BC Oil & Gas Commission Work Engagement Survey

Collection period: October 13 – 26, 2015

Collection method: Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


BC Public Service New Job Pilot Survey

Collection period: January 29 – February 12, 2015

Collection method: Web

Description: This pilot survey collected information from permanent employees who recently changed jobs within the BC Public Service to explore the circumstances leading up to their job change. This survey provided insight into the key motivators for changing jobs within the BC Public Service and identified workplace supports that facilitated employees’ career aspirations.


BC Public Service Work Environment Survey

Collection period: October 6 – October 30, 2015

Collection method: Web and mail

Description: This survey, distributed to all regular and auxiliary employees in the BC Public Service, measured the health of the work environment and employee engagement within the organization. Questions covered many aspects of employees' day-to-day work, physical environment and tools, development and performance, co-workers, supervisors, the organization in general, and commitment to their work unit and the larger organization.


BC Societies Survey

Collection period: November 12 – December 20, 2015

Collection method: Web

Description: A new Societies Act (The Act) was passed in May 2015 and it is anticipated to come into force in late 2016. This Act governs how societies (not-for-profit corporations) are created and run in B.C. For now, the current Society Act is still in effect; however, when the new Societies Act comes into force, all societies will be required to use an electronic system to file documents with the Corporate Registry. This short survey collected information about how the electronic system will work for societies when it comes online


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January – May

Collection method: Telephone and web       

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree and Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January – June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects information from past students who took diploma, associate degree, and certificate programs from a public B.C. college, institute, or teaching-intensive university. The annual questionnaire collects information on employment outcomes, further education, ratings of programs, and student satisfaction. This information is used to improve programs, develop policy, meet accountability requirements, and inform prospective students.




Camosun College Employee Engagement Survey

Collection period:  October 21 – November 4, 2015

Collection method:  Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Liquor Distribution Branch Work Environment Survey

Collection period: October 8 – November 6, 2015

Collection method: Mail and Web

Description: A work environment survey of employees used to measure and identify opportunities to develop employee engagement.


Ministry of Education and Ministry of Justice (Multi-client Survey)

Collection period:  March – April, 2015

Collection method: Telephone    

Description: The Ministry of Education is reviewing the Provincial Awards Program to ensure that scholarships and awards align with new directions in education transformation. The feedback gathered from this survey will help share the new program design.

The Ministry of Justice and the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) wish to gain insight into issues facing British Columbians and to evaluate awareness, attitudes about access to on-line services, provision of on-line services, on-line delivery of: negotiation, facilitation and/or on-line dispute resolution. The information gathered in this research project will play a fundamental role in assisting the Ministry of Justice and the CRT in the development of the CRT’s service and tools.


Root Cause Analysis Intercept Survey

Collection period: September 9 – September 18, 2015

Collection method: In Person

Description: The survey is being undertaken by NRG Research Group on behalf of BC Stats, Service BC, and the Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services to assess citizen and business satisfaction with service at Service BC centres.


Service BC Contact Centre Survey

Collection period: February – April, 2015

Collection method: Web    

Description: During this period, BC Stats invited Contact Centre customers to complete the survey.


Smoking Cessation Program Evaluation

Collection period: January 5 – March 1, 2015

Collection method: Phone and web     

Description: On September 30, 2011, the Premier launched the B.C. Smoking Cessation Program, helping people stop smoking or using other tobacco products by assisting them with the cost of smoking cessation aids. BC Stats is administering a client outcomes survey as part of an evaluation of the B.C. Smoking Cessation Program.



B.C. International Student Survey

Collection period: November 2014

Collection Method: Web

Description: The Ministry of Advanced Education, with the assistance of BCCAT's Admissions Committee and a system-wide Steering Committee contracted BC Stats to undertake a provincial survey of international students in November 2014. BC Stats conducted the online survey, targeting approximately 35,000 international students from post-secondary institutions in BC. Over 9,200 responded. Results are available here:


BC Student Outcomes Survey of Baccalaureate Graduates

Collection period: Annually from September through January

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description:  The Baccalaureate Graduates Survey (BGS) has been designed to gather information on baccalaureate graduates' education satisfaction levels, education financing and student debt, as well as further education and employment outcomes.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students

Collection period: Annually from January – May

Collection method: Telephone and web       

Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.



BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree and Certificate Students

Collection period: Annually from January – June

Collection method: Telephone and web

Description: This survey collects information from past students who took diploma, associate degree, and certificate programs from a public B.C. college, institute, or teaching-intensive university. The annual questionnaire collects information on employment outcomes, further education, ratings of programs, and student satisfaction. This information is used to improve programs, develop policy, meet accountability requirements, and inform prospective students.



Leveraging WES 2013: Learning from the Best

Collection period: November 12 – December 19, 2014

Collection method: Semi-structured interviews

Description: BC Stats partnered with the BC Public Service Agency to conduct a special topic research project during the off-cycle of the Work Environment Survey (WES) called Learning from the Best. The purpose of the research was to identify and share best practices and strategies to improve engagement and the work environment. This research helped inform others interested in developing effective strategies for making workplace improvements, engaging employees and fostering a culture of Being the Best place to work.


Ministry of Finance IM/IT Services Customer Satisfaction Survey

Collection period: August 25 – September 12, 2014

Collection method: Web

Description: The Ministry of Finance consolidated Information Management and Information Technology services for program areas of various ministries. These services are provided through HP Advanced Solutions. BC Stats conducted a survey to measure the satisfaction of the Province employees who received IM/IT services in the past year. The results of this survey provided performance measures to inform business decisions and to help improve services.


Stress and Health Survey

Collection period: November 12 – December 3, 2014

Collection method: Web and mail

Description: The objective of the survey was to learn more about your work experience in the broader context of health and well-being. The aggregate information from this survey helped employees, managers and human resource professionals gain deeper insights on what can be done differently across work units, within organizations and corporately to help improve experiences. A focused survey of this nature helps develop the right kind of improvements that will have the greatest benefit and meaning for you.

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Box 9410 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9V1