Address a respectful workplace issue

Last updated on February 14, 2024

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We all have the right to a respectful workplace

As outlined in Where Ideas Work: 2023 Corporate Plan for the BC Public Service (PDF, 1.3MB), we all have the right to be respected, and to work in an environment free from racism or any other form of discrimination. When inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour occurs in the workplace, it needs to be addressed.

Define discrimination, bullying and harassment

Discrimination, bullying and harassment define a wide range of inappropriate behaviours that can occur in the workplace.

Address discrimination, bullying and harassment

When inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour happens in the workplace, it needs to be stopped.

Address sexual harassment

We all have the right to work without discrimination, including the right to work without sexual harassment.

Launch a formal complaint

Employees may need to consider initiating a formal complaint process after their attempts to raise issues and have them resolved through communication or other interventions are not successful. Employees are encouraged to contact AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) or their supervisor for guidance if they are considering proceeding with a formal complaint. 

Restore the workplace

Supervisors need to establish or re-establish positive workplace relationships after a significant conflict or formal investigation. Restoring the workplace requires leadership commitment and intentional, sustained efforts to change the culture of a work team or organization.