International Education Resources

Last updated on January 30, 2024

On this page:


Health and Wellness Guidelines for International Students

Adult supporting Documents:

Student Worksheets:

Homestay Guidelines

Homestay plays a pivotal role in an international student’s experience. B.C. is committed to high-quality homestay experiences for all international students.

The Guidelines communicate the expectations regarding the placement of minor international students with homestay families.

The Guidelines are currently available in eleven languages

Videos and Brochures

Informational resources for students and families and prospective and existing Owner/Operators are available in 18 languages


BC Offshore School Program - Students and Families

BC Offshore School Program Video - Students

BC Offshore School Program Brochure - Students


BC Offshore School Program - Owner/Operators

BC Offshore School Program Video - Operators

BC Offshore School Program Brochure - Operators