The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure completed transition to the new BC Bid platform November 2, 2022.
The Ministry of Citizen’s Services (CiTZ) is leading the Provincial Procurement Transformation Strategy, including the development and implementation of the new BC Bid application.
To prepare, MoTI provided ministry-specific training and resources specific to ministry opportunities.
CiTZ and MoTI provided information sessions to guide suppliers through the new process.
CiTZ has provided a high-level overview of the new BC Bid application features and functions through recorded information sessions.
Additional future sessions will be posted at a later date.
Ministry Information Session Resources
MoTI Procurement, Contracts and Risk Management Services (PCRMS) has provided MoTI Schedule 7 - Schedule of Approximate Quantities and Unit Prices (Ministry Estimate) Training for Project Managers for ITTs as this is a MoTI specific process and requirement.
Important Registration Reminders!!!!!
The BC Bid Registration process can take some time:
For general questions about registration and the New BC Bid:
Visit BC Bid Supplier Guide and Resources
BC Bid Help Desk
For MoTI specific questions contact: