Vendor Complaint Review Process

Last updated on February 18, 2025

A vendor can submit a written complaint about a Ministry of Transportation and Transit competition, contract award, or proposed contract award for goods or services.


Contact the person listed in the opportunity. Your question or complaint can often be satisfied in this way, informally.

Follow these steps if the complaint is not resolved through informal discussions with the procurement contact.

Step 1

Vendor complaints must be received within 30 business days after notice of competition outcome.

Submit the Vendor Complaint Form by email or fax 250 356-8143 or mail to the ministry vendor complaint review process contact:

Attention: Veena Sundher Basrai
Corporate Contract Officer
Construction and Maintenance Branch
Corporate Procurement Programs
4C – 940 Blanshard Street
PO Box 9850 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC
V8W 9T5

The ministry vendor complaint review process contact will forward it to the appropriate procurement contact.

Step 2

The ministry vendor complaint review process contact will acknowledge receipt, register the complaint and assign a reference number within three to five business days.

Step 3

Within 30 business days the corporate procurement manager contracting will investigate the complaint and provide a written response to the complainant. The response will state the reason the complaint is denied/dismissed or the planned resolution and rationale if the complaint is merited.

If there is a delay, notification indicating the reason for the delay will be provided within 30 business days.

Step 4

If the matter is unresolved, you may pursue the Procurement Governance Office process.

Contact information

Send all Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure vendor complaints and inquiries here.

250 356-8143
ATT: Veena Sundher Basrai Construction and Maintenance Branch 4C ā€“ 940 Blanshard Street PO Box 9850 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9T5