Transportation Supplement/BC Bus Pass for people receiving disability assistance

Last updated on May 5, 2023

If you’re on disability assistance, you can get a $52 a month Transportation Supplement. You can use it for:

  • An annual BC Bus Pass
  • Other transportation needs

On this page:

Request a BC Bus Pass

To opt into the program, let us know by the 5th day of the month. You will receive a new BC Bus Pass for the following month.

Cancel your pass

To opt out of the program, let us know by the 5th day of the month. You’ll then receive your $52 on the following month’s assistance payment. If you cancel your pass, you can change your mind at a later date and ask for a new one.

Make changes to your account online

With your My Self Serve account you can:

  • Apply for the pass
  • Cancel your pass 

If your pass was lost or stolen, it can be replaced. Submit an online request for service or contact us. Fees may apply.

BC Bus Pass and the Compass Card
compass card

Learn more about the pass, including:

  • How to use the pass
  • Where you can use it
  • Representing others

Or learn more about how to get a pass if you're age 60 or older.