The B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program offers two grant options for Indigenous governments and local governments, including municipalities, regional districts, Islands Trust, and Indigenous Economic Development corporation where the Nation is the shareholder. The current intake is closed and will reopen in early September 2025. Indigenous applicants or partnership applicants may apply at any time in the year through the rolling intake.
Just as roads are part of a network, active transportation projects work best when they are connected to a broader network of active transportation infrastructure.
Network planning grants help smaller communities develop active transportation network plans to encourage active transportation for all ages and abilities. Eligible governments may apply if:
Network Planning Grant Resources:
Eligible governments may apply for a maximum of two active transportation infrastructure grants for different projects or different phases of the same project if they satisfy the following criteria:
Infrastructure Grant Resources:
The B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program provides guidance and cost-sharing for B.C. communities to make it easier and safer for people to walk, ride, or roll using active transportation modes.
The province cost-shares active transportation network plans to a maximum of 50% or $50,000, whichever is less. The sliding scale funding does not apply to the Active Transportation Network Planning Grant.
The province cost-shares to a maximum of $500,000 per project.
Provincial cost-share portions are determined by the type and size of community applying for a grant. Eligible and ineligible costs are detailed in the Program Guidelines.
Percent of eligible funding by applicant’s community profile:
Successful recipients of a grant will:
Active transportation relates to human-powered forms of commuting to work, school, recreation, socializing or running errands. It can take many forms and is continually evolving as new technologies emerge. It includes:
The B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program provides cost-sharing opportunities for network planning grants and infrastructure grants. Funding from these grant programs support the development and upgrading of active transportation infrastructure for all ages and abilities. For example, infrastructure grants fund:
The funding is not available for:
The following instructional videos are available to assist with the application process:
The B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program aligns with CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 and the Clean Transportation Action Plan.
Active transportation infrastructure improves:
Applications will be accepted from local governments between September 3 to October 31, 2024. Indigenous governments or Indigenous governments that partner with local governments will be able to apply for grants year-round.
The new online applications require a Business BCeID account. You can use your Business BCeID account to access more than one government service.
Review the guide and complete these forms to apply for cost-sharing funding for Indigenous and local governments whose communities have populations under 25,000 to create a network plan for their community. ​
Review the guide and complete these forms to develop active transportation projects in your community that improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or improve tourism opportunities.
There is a maximum of two applications for infrastructure grants
Projects must meet best practices for safe infrastructure design. The following resources are recommended:
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B.C. Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program
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