Rural property tax rates

Last updated on May 27, 2024

If you live in a rural area, you can estimate your property taxes using the tax rate tables. Tax rates are released every year in mid-May. The tax rate tables currently available are:

For your estimate to be accurate, you need to be familiar with the taxes that are charged where your property is located. To estimate your property taxes find all of the tax rates for your property's location and classification(s). The types of tax rates to look for are:

  • Provincial rural (general)
  • Provincial school
  • Regional hospital
  • Regional district
  • Local government functions
  • Local service fees (e.g. fire protection, library, street lighting)

Note: Local services are often identified by the name of your community. To check the local services that apply to your property, call your regional district treasurer or planning office.

Once you have located all of the tax rates, apply them to the assessed value of your property. To apply the tax rate, multiply your property's taxable value by the tax rate, and divide the amount by 1000.

Tax rate explanation

When you are looking at the tax rate tables, each tax rate listed describes its:

 Jurisdiction (Jur)

A three digit number beginning with a 7 (e.g. Penticton Rural is 716) that identifies the jurisdiction the property is located in.

 Category (Cat)

What tax jurisdiction the tax rate applies to.

AA Provincial rural (general) tax
AB Provincial school tax
AC Regional hospital districts and BC Assessment and Municipal Finance Authority taxes
BC Regional district local community area tax
BD Regional district defined service area tax
BE Regional district electoral area tax
BS Regional district specified service area tax
BV Regional district extended or local service area tax
BI Improvement district tax (fire protection and street lighting tax only)
BU Metro Vancouver Transportation Authority
BY Police Tax

 Region (Reg)

A number for the regional district, regional hospital district or school district the tax rate is for.

 Category item (Item)

What area within a taxing jurisdiction the tax rate applies to.

 Taxed value (VAC)

What the assessed value the tax rate is calculated using.

A Provincial Rural Tax (General) - land and improvements
S Provincial School - land and improvements
D School / hospital - land and improvements
F School / hospital - land only
G School / hospital - improvements only

 Property classification (OIC)

What type of property (classification) the tax rate applies to.

1 Residential
2 Utilities
3 Supportive Housing
4 Major Industry
5 Light Industry
6 Business Other
7 Managed Forest Land
8 Recreational Property, Non-profit Organization
9 Farm Land

 Item name

A short description of the tax rate.


The rate of the tax.

Estimate your rural taxes

You can estimate your taxes. The more familiar you are with the area and local tax levies, the more accurate the estimate will be.

Confirm rural property details

You can use a past property tax notice to confirm the:

  • Location
  • Classification
  • Taxes previously charged

Alternatively, you can contact us.



Municipal tax rates

View your municipal tax rates. Rates shown do not include taxes for school, hospital, regional district or hospital district.

For more information, contact your municipality.