Reporting errors are defined as missing or incomplete data reported to Petrinex or the Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions.
Most errors relate to facility operators, but there are reporting errors for royalty taxpayers and the first purchaser of oil. Third parties may be responsible for reporting errors that may result in penalties charged to the facility operator or royalty taxpayer.
Reporting errors may be warnings, while others may generate a penalty, deemed royalty or both.
Petrinex reporting errors are generated as follows:
You are encouraged to proactively monitor for reporting errors because penalties can be avoided if the errors are corrected before the reporting deadline. Below is a list of reports you can proactively run through Petrinex to check for errors.
The error reports contain the Petrinex error number and message. For some error messages, there is no related penalty and the non-compliance fee states “no charge.” This error message is for you to understand the acceptable tolerances.
Refer to Petrinex Error Messages and Associated Penalties (PDF, 240KB) for a list and description of Petrinex error codes and associated B.C. government penalties.
Petrinex provides reports and processes to help you identify and correct deficiencies in reporting before penalties are applied at the reporting deadline.
Business Associates in Petrinex can request reports from Petrinex at any time of the month to identify balancing errors as well as missing and incomplete data for all their reporting requirements. To minimize errors, you are responsible to run non-compliance and completeness reports up to and including the deadline day.
Petrinex automatically runs non-compliance and completeness reports for all Business Associates each month, two days before the various filing deadlines for the respective data (for example, volumetric non-compliance reports will run two days before the volumetric reporting deadline). Petrinex will notify you of any error or warning messages relating to the error types listed above.
Non-compliance reports are sent to the Business Associates’ Petrinex inbox. If the Business Associate requests email notifications, you will be notified of the successful completion of the report.
Find out who to contact for your questions about oil and natural gas in B.C.