Guide outfitter report and royalties

Last updated on September 6, 2023

Guide outfitters are required under the Wildlife Act Commercial Activities Regulation to submit a report of their guided hunting activities and to pay a royalty fee when an animal has been harvested.

Reporting requirements

  • The guide outfitter report must be completed immediately after the hunt has concluded and submitted within 30 days of the hunt ending.
  • Guide outfitters are required to submit a guide outfitter report that includes effort, regardless of whether a harvest occurred, and if a harvest occurred, whether the animal was a quota animal.

How to submit a guide outfitter report

Guide outfitter reports can be submitted electronically through WILD.

Guide outfitters or their designates, can submit a guide outfitter report from their Fish and Wildlife ID (FWID) profile. The report submission process is a series of screens where report information is entered, then submitted. Upon submission, a copy of the guide outfitter report will be automatically sent to the guided hunter’s FWID profile.

Guide outfitter reports being submitted using the BC Hunting Online service cannot be saved and completed at a later date and cannot be edited by the guide outfitter after submission. It is therefore important to have full and accurate information prior to starting. If you have submitted a guide outfitter report that contains an error or is missing information, please contact FrontCounter BC at 1-877-855-3222.

For step-by-step instructions on submitting guide outfitter reports, refer to:

A fillable pdf guide outfitter report (PDF, 318KB) is available for those with limited connectivity in the field. The information recorded on the pdf form can be submitted using the BC Hunting Online service within 30 days after the hunt is concluded. Mailing will continue to be an option for those who have very limited internet connection continuously up to 30 days after the hunt is concluded, and who cannot designate an agent to submit the report electronically.  

Required report information

Information that a guide outfitter or designate must have available prior to starting a new report includes:

  • Licence year in which the hunt took place (if a hunt spans two licence years, a separate report must be submitted for each licence year)
  • Guide outfitter licence number
  • FWID, last name and first initial of the guided hunter
  • Hunt start and end dates
  • Assistant guide ID number, if the hunt was guided by an assistant guide
  • Species hunted and harvested (whether a harvest occurred or not)
  • Guiding Territory Certificate number
  • Wildlife Management Unit(s) (WMU) where the hunt took place
  • Number of days hunted
  • Species licence number(s) for each harvest. If bag limit is 1, the electronic system will populate the number automatically.
  • Harvest date for each harvest
  • Limited entry hunting (LEH) area in which a harvest took place. Although the WMU and LEH area often share the same name, there are many instances where the name of the WMU does not match the WMU portion of the LEH area (this happens in 720A, for instance, where an animal can be harvested in one of many WMUs within the 720A LEH hunt area. If the animal was harvested under the LEH regulation, please supply both the WMU and LEH area, even if they share the same name)
  • Animal class of any animals harvested
  • Name of Park and Park Use Permit Authorization number (for each animal harvested in a park)


The guide outfitter or designate must know the name of the park where a harvest took place. They must also provide the Park Use Permit Authorization number. If harvest took place in a park, the person submitting the report will be presented with a list of parks to choose from once you start typing.

Assistant guides

If the hunt was guided by an assistant guide, the guide outfitter or designate must know the assistant Guide ID number prior to starting the reporting process. Entering the assistant Guide ID number will automatically associate the correct assistant guide with the report.

Paying royalties

Royalties for animals harvested by guided non-resident and non-resident alien hunters must be paid by March 31st of the year following the calendar year in which the harvest took place. For reports submitted online, royalties can be paid using the WILD system. All royalties can be paid over the counter at any Service BC or FrontCounter BC location.

When submitting a guide outfitter report, the guide outfitter can choose to pay royalties at the time the report is submitted or pay later. If choosing to pay later, guide outfitters can pay royalties at any time and can select which guide outfitter report(s) to pay royalties for.

Although royalties can be paid later, there is a legal requirement to pay royalties on time. If an overdue royalty exists, the guide outfitters’ ability to perform certain functions within the WILD system will be limited.

For step-by-step instructions on paying royalties, refer to:

Royalty fees

Schedule 1.06 of the Wildlife Act Commercial Activities Regulation defines royalty fees as follows:

Species Royalty fee
Mountain sheep $250.00
Mountain goat $150.00
Moose $125.00
Elk $125.00
Caribou $125.00
Cougar $125.00
Black bear $75.00
Deer (all species) $50.00
Wolf $50.00
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