Horse racing questions and contact information

Last updated on January 31, 2025


If you have questions about applying for horse racing registration and licence or you are wondering about an application you submitted, try the following resources.

Horse Racing Information

The links below provide information about horse racing in B.C., detailed how-to-apply information, as well as links to related documents and forms. Please take some time to review this information before contacting us by phone.

Asking Questions by Email or Phone

If you can't find the answer you're looking for, please contact us using the information below.

Email and phone contacts

To ask questions about horse racing in B.C. by email or phone, use the following contact information.

Phone (Greater Vancouver): 604-660-0245 Option 5
Toll-free within B.C.: 1-800-663-7867 (ask to be transferred to the number above)

Mail and courier address

Use the following address to mail or courier documents related to your horse racing application.

Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch
#220 - 4370 Dominion Street
Burnaby, B.C.  V5G 4L7

Online Service

Apply for a gambling event licence or register as a gaming or horse racing worker, check your application status, or report gambling wrongdoing.

Online Service