Hosting Toolkit

Last updated on January 5, 2021

Welcome to B.C. Government's Hosting Toolkit. Here you will find resources to guide you and your team through various stages of event management from preparing your bid package to tracking its economic impact.

Self-assessment Checklist: (pdf) Are you ready to host an event? This self-assessment checklist will help you determine whether to bid on or organize an event.

Inventory of Facilities: Discover the sport and recreation assets of British Columbia's communities which will assist you and your team find the perfect venue for your event.

Economic Impact Assessment Tools: In development.

Sport Event Bid Package Preparation Tools: Resources that can help you develop a bid that will attract sport events to your community.

Sponsorship Tools: Resources that can help you attract and maintain sponsors and partners.

Volunteer Management Tools: Resources that help you set up an organizing committee, define roles and responsibilities, recruit, retain and recognize volunteers.

Marketing, Media and Communications Tools: Resources that will help promote your event, work with media and communicate with participants, volunteers and partners.


The provincial government gratefully acknowledges partners and organizations providing these resources. Please note when accessing non-B.C. Government resources found in this toolkit: These websites are managed by other organizations and are not affiliated or endorsed by the Province of B.C.

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