Emergency contact information

Last updated on May 8, 2023

The BC Wildfire Service requires updated emergency contact information annually from any person who, under the Forest Act, is the holder of:

  • A major licence
  • A timber sale licence that is not a major licence
  • A community forest agreement
  • A woodlot licence, or
  • A First Nations woodland licence 

and proposes to carry out industrial activity on or after March 1 and before November 1 of that year. 

Industrial activity is defined in section 1(3) of the Wildfire Regulation as activity in one of the following industries: 

  • Forest industry
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Mining industry
  • Energy and alternative energy industry
  • Utility and power industry
  • Any other industrial activity as defined in the Wildfire Regulation


It is a statutory requirement to notify the fire centre in which an industrial activity is being carried out, in accordance with section 4 of the Wildfire Regulation.

The BC Wildfire Service also requests that all persons carrying out any other industrial activity to provide emergency contact information to the appropriate fire centre for staffed facilities only (i.e. staff on site more than 4 hours per day).

What do I need to do?

Complete the Emergency Contact Information Form (FS 1404) (PDF, 51KB) and submit it to the fire centre where industrial activity is taking place by March 1, every year.

What information is requested on the emergency contact information form?

Annual notification of all industrial activity scheduled to occur within 300 metres of forest or grass land between March 1st and November 1st of each year is required from all persons carrying out these activities and must include emergency contact information detailing:

  • Where the activity is taking place
  • When the activity is scheduled
  • A 24 hour emergency contact phone number

When the details of an industrial activity change the BC Wildfire Service requests that an updated emergency contact information form be submitted immediately to the appropriate fire centre.

Why is the BC Wildfire Service requesting emergency contact information?

  1. Public safety - The BC Wildfire Service needs to be able to warn and protect people if there is a wildfire in an area. Knowledge of who is on the land base, the location and the type of industrial activity being carried out as it relates to the Wildfire Act and Regulation better enables the BC Wildfire Service to serve the public
  2. Maximize limited resources – the BC Wildfire Service is better able to deploy personnel and equipment (e.g. firefighters or aircraft) if it is aware of industrial activity which may be generating smoke or fire reports from the public
  3. Centralized information – the BC Wildfire Service is better able to access information in an emergency situation when each fire centre has up-to-date emergency contact details

Where do I send the completed form?

Scan and e-mail the completed form to the fire centre where the industrial activity is taking place.

Cariboo Fire Centre
E: BCWS.CAFCDispatch@gov.bc.ca T: 1 250 989-2600

Coastal Fire Centre 
E: BCWS.COFCDispatch@gov.bc.ca  T: 1 250 951-4222

Kamloops Fire Centre
E: BCWS.KFCDispatch@gov.bc.ca  T: 1 250-554-7701

Northwest Fire Centre
E: BCWS.NWFCDispatch@gov.bc.ca  T: 1 250 847-6633

Prince George Fire Centre
E: BCWS.PGFCDispatch@gov.bc.ca T: 1 250 960-2300

Southeast Fire Centre
E: BCWS.SEFCDispatch@gov.bc.ca  T: 1 250 365-4040

What happens to the information I submit?

The BC Wildfire Service keeps all information confidential and destroys all forms at the end of the period specified for carrying out the industrial activity.

Where can I direct comments or questions?

If you have any comments or questions contact the Senior Protection Officer at the local fire centre or the provincial Senior Legislation and Policy Analyst at BC Wildfire Service Headquarters.