Learn about research into fire and fuel management.
On July 13, 2021, the White Rock Lake wildfire (K61884) was detected 55 km west of Vernon, British Columbia. The fire grew over the next three weeks, with a major spread event on August 5, pushing the fire northward. The fire jumped Highway 97 and destroyed several homes and other values in Monte Lake. On August 6, wind pushed the fire toward the community of Westshore Estates, approximately 15 km west of Vernon. The high-intensity fire spread downslope toward a fuel treatment area south of the community. As the fire moved through the fuel treatment area, fire behaviour was moderated to such an extent that no structures were lost as the fire approached the community. At the time of the fire’s encroachment on the fuel treatment area, few resources were available. The fire’s approach toward Westshore Estates was mostly unimpeded by suppression interventions. This case study illustrates how high-intensity fire spread can be moderated in fuel-reduced forest stands.
Logan Lake Case Study - Wildfire/fuel treatment encounters: Assessing fuel treatment effectiveness. (PDF, 2MB)
​On August 14, 2021, the Tremont Creek wildfire threatened the community of Logan Lake, British Columbia, when the high-intensity wildfire approached from the north. A wind shift mid-afternoon on August 14 pushed the fire head toward the east with flanking fire spreading toward Logan Lake. Late in the afternoon, extensive aerial suppression operations were conducted to reinforce forest fuel reduction treatment areas on three sides of the community. Later in the evening, suppression crews incorporated fuel treatments in a successful burnout operation to reinforce a control line that had been created by heavy equipment and hand crews. This case study presents the fire chronology with fuel, weather, and topographic conditions that impacted fire behaviour. A key objective of this case study is to examine how fuel treatments modified fire behaviour or were strategically used to support and enhance suppression operations.