Child Support

Last updated on February 19, 2025

Parents and guardians have a legal duty to financially support their children, whether or not they see or take care of the children.

Child support is based on the idea that a child has a right to be supported by all parents in the same way they would be if the parents lived together. Even though it is paid to one parent, child support is the legal right of the child.

Child support is determined according to the federal government’s child support guidelines.

If you are seeking a divorce, you must have child support sorted out. The judge cannot grant your divorce unless they are is satisfied that proper financial arrangements are in place for the children.

Family justice counsellors and child support officers can help

Family justice counsellors and child support officers can:

  • Help you understand the child support guidelines, and calculate what you are entitled to receive or must pay under those guidelines.
  • If the other parent agrees, family justice counsellors and child support officers can work with both of you to negotiate a child support amount.

They can also refer you to:

Contact the family justice centre or justice access centre nearest you to speak with a family justice counsellor or child support officer.

For more information about child support officers, please contact:

  • Kelowna:
    250-712-3636 (1-888-227-7734, call no charge)
  • Nanaimo:
  • Surrey:
  • Vancouver:
  • Victoria: