Tour Stop 8 - clearcut with reserves

Last updated on September 3, 2024

Opening size: 10.9 hectares

Summary description of key features

Silvicultural system: Clearcut with reserve
Treatment unit size: 10.9ha 
Opening size: 10.9ha 
Deferred areas: none 
Retention structures objective: 3ha reserve 
Age structure: Even-aged

tour stop 8 location map

Tour stops

4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12

STEMS tour main map

A view of the clearcut with reserves treatment at the following intervals:

Immediately after harvest:

year 0 after harvest on stop 8

Five years after harvest:

year 5 after harvest at stop 8

What is a clearcut with reserve? 

The clearcut system manages successive, even-aged stands by cutting the entire stand of trees at planned intervals (the rotation). New stands then regenerate in their place. A "clearcut with reserves" is a variation of clearcutting that retains uniformly spaced or small groups of trees for purposes other than regeneration. Clearcutting provides baseline data for comparing forest health and productivity in silvicultural systems that use partial cutting.