To support decision-making in the management of B.C.s forests, the Province is producing reports on the current condition of old growth forests and forest biodiversity throughout B.C. These reports contribute to public reporting on old growth recommended by the Old Growth Strategic Review Panel.
These reports are produced under the Cumulative Effects Framework (CEF). The Cumulative Effects Framework helps B.C. measure the effects of human activities and natural processes on forests, wildlife species, and aquatic ecosystems, as part of its commitment to sustainable resource management.
Learn more about the strategic review's 5th recommendation in relation to better public data.
Old Growth Current Condition Reports identify:
Forest Biodiversity Current Condition Reports estimate:
Together, the Old Growth and Forest Biodiversity Current Condition Reports provide a comprehensive overview of the condition of biodiversity on forested landscapes and our management relative to policy and legal direction. Until recently, these reports have been prepared separately, but going forward they will be published concurrently to provide an ecologically-based picture of the state of biodiversity and distribution of forest ages in the context of current approaches to management.
Learn more about the Cumulative Effects Framework.
Reports will be made available on the Cumulative Effects Framework old growth forest value page or the forest biodiversity value page when complete.