Forest inventory update

Last updated on May 11, 2023

The Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI) must stay current to reflect changes due to man-made and natural disturbances such as harvesting, fire, insects and disease. The update process includes the identification, mapping and description of changes that occur on the forest land base.

In 2007 B.C. launched a new system to update the provincial Forest Inventory, called the Vegetation Resource Inventory Management System (VRIMS).

This tools allows users to input new harvest and free growing data and extract information from B.C.’s Reporting Silviculture Updates and Land status Tracking System (RESULTS). Licensees are mandated to report their silviculture activities to RESULTS annually. The VRIMS team extracts and verifies this information, then integrates it into the VRI. VRIMS is also used to load new Forest Inventories into the database. 

Additionally, VRIMS provides the tools required to grow and project the trees annually. This data is then posted to the B.C. Geographic Warehouse and is made available to forest managers and the public.

Contact information

For more information, contact the Forest Inventory branch.

Forest Inventory Team Lead