Fibre Supply Licence to Cut - Forestry

Last updated on February 25, 2025

A fibre supply licence to cut is a licence issued under the Forest Act. It's generally used for large areas and provides long-term access (maximum 10 years) to road and landing waste (residual fibre) not used by the individual or company that conducted the original harvesting.

The fibre forestry licence to cut is a shorter-term licence covering a smaller area.

Once harvesting is completed on a specific timber block, the primary harvester is required to provide notice whether or not the waste remaining on the block will be used. If not, the rights to the fibre may be issued as fibre supply licence to cut or a fibre forestry licences to cut.

A fibre supply licence to cut is: 

  • A long-term licence (maximum 10 years) covering a large area
  • Issued with a fibre recovery permit as part of the licence
  • Usually competitively awarded
  • Only direct-awarded under certain circumstances for example, a First Nations pursuant to a treaty-related agreement

Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about fibre licences to cut.