Land use - industrial purposes

Last updated on March 24, 2025

Crown land for industrial development is available by way of application, public competition, or direct offer through the B.C. government. The B.C. government offers opportunities on both upland and aquatic Crown land for industrial use.

On this page

In many areas of the province Crown land is available where private land is either not available or is not suited to the required use.

The investment and jobs linked to development of Crown land contribute significantly to the economy of the region.

Many rural communities across the province are interested in diversifying their economies. The B.C. government works closely with local communities to provide Crown land for sustainable economic growth.

Industrial use of Crown land includes:

  • Natural resource storage
  • Processing, refinement and transportation
  • Docks
  • Truck terminals
  • Machine shops
  • Factories, plants and mills
  • Log Handling
  • Crown Land Mining

Individuals cannot build on or develop aquatic Crown land, including Crown foreshore, without the B.C. government's authorization, even if they own adjacent property or "upland." Permission to use Crown land is obtained by application to the B.C. government.

Application documents

In addition to reading the information on this webpage, the following documents should be reviewed prior to submitting your application:

The following documents must be completed prior to submitting your application:

Who may apply?

Applications may be made by:

  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are at least 19 years of age; and/or
  • Partnerships and corporations registered in British Columbia

Available Crown land may be purchased at market price. Aquatic lands, including foreshore, cannot be sold in British Columbia under the Land Act. Tenures, however, may be available for industrial use.

Types of tenures

Depending on the intended use, the services and access available, and the required tenure term, the B.C. government may issue a lease or a licence of occupation or a temporary licence.

Each has different purposes and fees.

  • A Lease is issued where substantial improvements to the land are to be made, or where boundaries are necessary to avoid conflicts with neighbouring operators. A lease is normally issued for 30 years
  • A Licence of Occupation is issued where the applicant does not require long-term certainty, does not wish to incur the cost of a legal survey and no significant land improvements are intended. A licence is issued for a 30-year term
  • A Temporary Licence can be issued for up to 2 years to authorize a temporary use. A temporary licence may also be issued to allow an applicant to conduct investigate work required to obtain a more substantial tenure

Fees and costs

You'll be required to pay an application fee when you submit your application as identified in the Crown Land Fees schedule (PDF, 49KB).

Rent is determined by the type of tenure and BC Assessment (BCA) actual land value. Where no BCA value exists, land value is established as appraised market value for industrial use.

Options are:

  • A lease is available at an annual rent of 8% of BCA actual land value, with a minimum rental of $850 per year
  • An annual rental for a licence is calculated at 7.5% of BCA actual land value, with a minimum rental of $850 per year
  • A temporary licence is $250 per year or $500 prepaid for two years

Special requirements

The upland owner's consent is required if the tenure will affect access to deep water from their property.

The most common reason for delay is submission of an incomplete application, which is then returned to the applicant.

If your application is accepted, you'll be notified if Advertising is required. Please wait for confirmation before advertising.

If you have questions regarding any part of the application process, a specific file or a proposal about a specific area, please contact FrontCounter BC.

Contact information

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