January 17, 1996
BCAB #1411
Re: Fire Separation of Storage Lockers, Article
Revision: See BCAB #1411R, December 18, 1996
Project Description
This appeal concerns an underground storage garage used primarily for car and golf cart parking. The design includes individual chain link storage lockers in front of and accessible directly from the car parking stalls. These lockers serve the occupants of the residential floors in the building above.
Reason for Appeal
Article requires "...storage rooms not located within a suite, for the use of tenants in residential occupancies, shall be sprinklered and separated from the remainder of the building by a fire separation of 1 hr...".
Appellant's Position
The appellant contends that the storage lockers are sprinklered and are part of the golf cart storage (Group F Division 2) and car parking area (Group F Division 3). This area is separated from the remainder of the building above by a 2 hour fire separation which exceeds the 1 hour required by Article
Building Official's Position
The building official maintains that the storage lockers must be separated from the remainder of the building and this includes the parking area. Lack of control over the contents of tenants locker creates the need for fire separation and sprinklering.
Appeal Board Decision #1411
It is the determination of the Board that the storage lockers must be fire separated from the remainder of the parking garage in order to comply with Article The Board also notes that a 1.5 hr fire resistance rating is required for this fire separation in conformance with Article
George R. Humphrey, Chair