Resources for food hubs

Last updated on February 21, 2025

Our resource library is aimed to provide food hub managers and operators with the guidance, information, and templates required in the daily operations of a food hub.

Business plan guidance

Access our Business Plan Guidebook for Shared-Use Food and Beverage Processing Facilities in B.C. to help in your food hub business planning.

Food hub management best practices

Learn more about commercial food hubs’ operations and access important documents such as Standard Operations Procedures (SOPS) and user agreements through this website, designed for emerging food hubs.

Food and beverage processing

Learn about how to start a food and beverage processing business in B.C., regulations and certification standards, licensing and reporting requirements, and much more through the Ministry’s Food and Beverage Processing website.

Innovation resources

Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services or improvement in offering goods or services. If you are looking for more information in the area, please visit the following websites:

Industry associations

Industry trade associations provide valuable peer-to-peer support, a collective voice for industry businesses, and engage with consumers and public at large to raise awareness on their sector’s contributions. These associations relate to food hubs and their clients: