UBC Endowed Food and Beverage Innovation Professorship

Last updated on May 9, 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food supported the establishment of an Endowed Food and Beverage Innovation Professorship, held by Dr. Anubhav Pratap-Singh, at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The role of the professorship is to: 

  • Improve access to modern processing technology and practices for B.C.’s food processors
  • Provide expertise to help the sector continue to innovate and develop new products
  • Support the potential creation of new post-secondary programs in B.C. to develop qualified personnel who can help to grow the industry locally
  • Lead development of a new B.C. Food and Beverage Innovation Centre at the UBC Vancouver campus
  • Facilitate improved research and information sharing for processors accessing the BC Food Hub Network

UBC FBIC building

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is supporting the B.C. Food and Beverage Innovation Centre at the UBC Vancouver campus, which is slated to open in 2024. The Centre will advance food and beverage innovation in B.C. through research collaboration with industry and other academic institutions. 

UBC Endowed Professorship in Food & Beverage Innovation, with support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, has also launched a new post-secondary education Micro-Certificate Program in Food Safety Management Systems to develop qualified food safety personals who can support safety in the B.C. food industry. Learn more about the Micro-credential Program which may be accessed free or at reduced rates through the Stronger BC future skills grant.