Information about growing and producing raspberries in B.C. Includes guidance for planting and managing weeds, insects and disease.
Raspberry management schedule
The following is a general guide to raspberry management based upon plant and pest development. The suggested timing will vary according to raspberry variety, weather and location. The actions are for established plantings except where otherwise noted.
Timing | Type of action | Action |
JANUARY Plants dormant |
Plant care |
Other |
Food safety |
FEBRUARY Plant tops dormant but roots starting to become active |
Plant care |
Soil care |
Disease control |
Weed control |
MARCH Buds starting to swell and open |
Plant care |
Disease control |
Insect control |
Weed control |
Soil care |
APRIL New canes and fruiting laterals growing quickly |
Plant care |
Disease control |
Insect control |
Weed control |
Soil care |
Food safety |
MAY Plants fill out and flowering begins |
Plant care |
Disease control |
Insect & mite control |
Other |
JUNE Bloom to harvest |
Plant care |
Disease control |
Insect & mite control |
Food safety |
Plant care |
Disease control |
Insect & mite control |
AUGUST After harvest |
Plant care |
Disease control |
Insect & mite control |
Soil care |
Other |
SEPTEMBER After harvest |
Plant care |
Disease control |
Insect & mite control |
Weed control |
Soil care |
Other |
OCTOBER Pre-dormancy |
Plant care |
Disease control |
Weed control |
Soil care |
Other |
NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Plants becoming dormant |
Plant care |
Weed control |
Other |
New plantings
With good soil, climatic and management conditions, raspberry plantings can remain productive for 10 or more years. However nematodes, root rot or raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV) may greatly shorten a planting’s productive life.
Consider the following when selecting and preparing sites for raspberries:
Raspberries grow best on loam or sandy-loam soils that are 60 to 120 cm (2 to 4 ft) deep and well-drained. A soil pH of 5.8 to 6.5 is optimum. Avoid planting on poorly drained, heavy soils or soils with a hardpan that will prevent good drainage. This will cause root rot problems and result in poor yields and a short planting life. Raspberries can be grown on sandy and gravelly soils but will require careful irrigation and nutrient management, as these soils do not hold water and nutrients well. Drip irrigation is particularly beneficial on these soils.
Raspberries cannot tolerate flooding or waterlogged soils, especially when the plants are actively growing. The roots will rot and the plants may die. A subsurface drainage system is necessary for fields with poor natural drainage. Surface drainage, provided by the slope of fields or raised beds, also helps to reduce the risk of root rot. Seed fall cereal cover crops to prevent soil erosion on hilly sites; and plant grass on drives, headlands, and in areas where water runs in the field.
Refer to the BCAGRI “Soil Management Handbook for the Fraser Valley” at and the B.C. Agricultural Drainage Manual at
The root system of raspberries extends to a depth of about 1.2 m (4 ft). However, most of the active roots are in the upper 30 cm (1 ft) of soil. Thus, irrigation is essential for consistently high yields. Especially critical periods for irrigation are during the year of planting and, once established, from flowering to harvest. Manage irrigation carefully. Overwatering may result in nutrient leaching and encourage root rot. Too little irrigation or too long a period between irrigations will cause moisture stress resulting in small berries and reduced yields. Drip irrigation provides uniform continuous moisture to the crop and can help maximize yields. Refer to the section "Water Management" for information on water quality.
Crop rotation is a sound agricultural principle that should be followed whenever practical. If raspberries are grown repeatedly in the same field for many years, root rots, insect pests and resistant weeds tend to increase. When this occurs, raspberry yields decline and plantings need to be replaced more frequently. Whenever possible, avoid growing raspberries in fields where strawberries, potatoes, peppers or tomatoes were grown in the previous four or five years as these crops are affected by similar diseases.
This is a critical step to successful planting. Start to prepare the field the year before planting. Consider the following:
Sample the soil in April and have a laboratory check for nematodes to determine if soil fumigation is required. If fumigation is needed, prepare the site for an early fall fumigation. To do this, control all weeds and deep cultivate the soil (see “Nematodes”).
Check for wireworms, especially in sites previously in sod, and plan for control (see “Wireworms” below and in “General Berry Pests”).
Control established perennial weeds such as quackgrass, horsetail, curled dock and Canada thistle before planting.
Manure and compost add organic matter to the soil. They are also valuable sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and several micro-nutrients which are required by raspberries. Avoid heavy manure applications as this could injure new plants and increase the risk of polluting groundwater. Use of properly composted manure is preferred.
Apply manure or compost in the spring (March to April) at least one week before planting. Be sure to consider the nutrients in the manure or compost when determining the fertilizer requirements.
Poultry manure is commonly used. Spread manure (broadcast and incorporated into the soil) in the spring before planting at rates according to crop need.
Compost can be applied at slightly higher rates than those for poultry manure. An analysis of the nitrogen and salt content of the compost is recommended. Compost releases nitrogen more slowly to the crop than poultry manure.
Raspberries do best in a soil that is slightly acid to neutral, with a pH range of 5.8 to 6.5. Poor growth and yields often occur when the pH is outside this range. Check and adjust soil pH before planting and every 3 to 4 years after planting. When the soil pH is 5.5, it can be raised by adding ground limestone at 2 to 4 tonne/ha (1 to 2 ton/acre) depending on soil type. Broadcast and disk in lime either in the fall prior to fumigation or cover crop planting, or in the spring before planting.
Soil analysis is the best way to determine the nutrient requirements for a new planting. Take soil samples in the fall before planting so any needed amendments can be added as the field is prepared. Refer to the nutrient management section below for sampling procedures and application rates. Base the spring fertilizer application on the results of the soil test. Include the nutrient content of any manure or compost used when determining the amount of fertilizer to apply.
Incorporate base fertilizer into the bed before planting. Subsequent applications can be broadcast over the surface of the bed or applied in bands 30 cm (1 ft) away from the row and 10 cm (4 in) below the soil surface on both sides of the row. Nitrogen rate should not exceed 75 kg/ha in the year of planting. Also refer to the nutrient management section below.
Purchase certified plants to reduce the risk of introducing nematodes, viruses, root rot and other diseases into the field.
Raspberry plants are typically sold as dormant tissue culture plugs or green tissue culture plugs. Dormant tissue culture plugs should be planted early in the spring (March to early April) once fields are workable, for best establishment and early yields. Green tissue culture plugs are sensitive to frost, and planting should be delayed until mid-April or May, depending on the weather. Green or “live” tissue culture plugs take longer to establish, and these plants often have lower yields in the year after planting than dormant tissue culture plugs. Dormant root cuttings can also be used. Use about 60 g (2 oz) of random length cuttings per hill and plant about 5 cm (2 in) deep.
Plant as soon as possible after the plants are removed from storage. Do not let the plants or root cuttings dry out at any stage of the planting process. Irrigation is essential for late plantings when weather is warm and dry.
Most machine harvested raspberries are grown on raised beds which are made at time of planting. Raised beds provide a better drained root zone which reduces the incidence of root rot. They also allow the catcher plates of the mechanical harvester to fit closer to the crown resulting in better fruit recovery.
Raspberries are grown in hills with a spacing of 75 cm (2.5 ft) between the plants. Row spacing depends upon the plant vigour, and the cultivating and harvesting equipment. Most varieties are generally planted in rows 3 m (10 ft) apart, requiring 4,305 plants/ha (1,742 plants/acre). However, where narrow machinery and upright varieties are used, a row spacing of 2.7 m (9 ft) may be used, which requires 4,784 plants/ha (1,936 plants/acre).
Install post and wire trellises in the spring after the plants start to grow. The posts should be from 6 to 9 m (20 to 30 ft) apart on flat ground, depending upon the diameter of the posts used. Thus, 358 to 536 posts/ha are required (145 to 216 posts/acre). Closer spacing is required on rolling ground. Anchor or brace the end posts. The trellis system for mechanical harvest usually consists of one heavy wire per row to support the fruiting canes plus 2 lighter wires (12 to 14 gauge) to control the new canes.
All varieties currently recommended in B.C. are for well-drained soils only. No varieties will perform well on a poorly drained site. Varieties are susceptible to raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV) unless otherwise noted.
Market suitability: process markets for puree or juice
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: medium red colour, round shape, can be lumpy, medium firm, fair flavour
Season: mid to late season
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: good
Strengths: excellent resistance to root rot
Weaknesses: not suitable for fresh or IQF markets due to fruit quality
Origin: Washington State University, 2005
Market suitability: fresh
Machine harvestability: difficult to machine harvest due to long laterals
Fruit size: large
Fruit quality: medium red colour, glossy, firm, well-balanced flavour
Season: mid to late season
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: good
Strengths: good field resistance to root rot, vigorous plant
Weaknesses: Excess nitrogen makes the laterals prone to breakage
Origin: Washington State University, 2003
Market suitability: fresh
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: large
Fruit quality: yellow-orange colour, firm, excellent flavour
Season: early season
Yields: unknown in BC
Winter hardiness: unknown in BC
Strengths: resistance to raspberry bushy dwarf virus
Weaknesses: yellow-orange colour of fruit is not suitable for all markets
Origin: Washington State University, 2010
Market suitability: fresh or process markets, IQF potential
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: large
Fruit quality: light to medium red colour, moderately firm
Season: mid-season, similar timing to Meeker
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: unknown in BC
Strengths: resistance to raspberry bushy dwarf virus, tolerance to root rot
Weaknesses: new variety, not widely evaluated in BC
Origin: Washington State University, 2014
Market suitability: fresh or process markets, IQF potential
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: medium-large
Fruit quality: light to medium red colour, moderately firm, attractive shape
Season: early season, similar timing to Rudi
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: unknown in BC
Strengths: tolerance to root rot
Weaknesses: new variety, not widely evaluated in BC
Origin: Washington State University, 2017
Market suitability: fresh or process markets, IQF potential
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: medium to large
Fruit quality: medium red colour, glossy, firm, good flavour
Season: mid-season, harvest starts a few days earlier than Meeker
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: good
Strengths: plant has excellent vigor; laterals are short and strong with well spaced fruit
Weaknesses: susceptible to raspberry bushy dwarf virus, root rot and crown gall
Origin: AAFC Agassiz, 2003
Market suitability: primarily fresh markets
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: medium red colour, glossy, firm, good flavour
Season: Early, the earliest ripening cultivar adapted to our region
Yields: moderate
Winter hardiness: moderate, may not be winter hardy in interior regions
Strengths: earliest ripening variety for the fresh market
Weaknesses: very susceptible to root rot, susceptible to raspberry bushy dwarf virus and crown gall
Origin: AAFC Agassiz, 2003
Market suitability: process markets, IQF potential only in early years of plant life
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: medium red colour, medium firmness, good flavour
Season: mid-season, four week harvest period through July. Meeker is the industry standard process variety
Yields: moderate
Winter hardiness: poor
Strengths: some tolerance to root rot
Weaknesses: very susceptible to raspberry bush dwarf virus (RBDV), susceptible to winter injury, only moderate yields
Origin: Washington State University, 1967
Market suitability: fresh or process markets, IQF potential
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: medium, larger in size than Meeker
Fruit quality: medium to dark red colour, firm, excellent flavour
Season: early-mid season Ripens several days earlier than Meeker
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: good
Strengths: resistant to aphids
Weaknesses: susceptible to raspberry bush dwarf virus (RBDV), susceptible to root rot
Origin: AAFC Agassiz, 2012
Market suitability: fresh or process markets
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: medium, slightly larger in size than Meeker
Fruit quality: medium red colour, firm, fine drupelets, good flavour
Season: mid season, starts a few days after Meeker
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: good
Strengths: canes are spineless with laterals that are short and bend easily without breaking and so are able to carry a heavy fruit load. Slow to become infected with raspberry bush dwarf virus (RBDV)
Weaknesses: susceptible to root rot, fruit quality is not suitable for IQF as fruit gets soft, laterals can be susceptible to breakage in some years.
Origin: AAFC Agassiz, 2006
Market suitability: fresh or process markets, IQF potential
Machine harvestability: can be machine harvested
Fruit size: large
Fruit quality: medium to dark red in colour, firm, glossy fruit, excellent flavour
Season: early season, ripens a few days later than Malahat
Yields: medium-high yielding
Winter hardiness: good
Strengths: easy to hand harvest for fresh market, resistant to aphids and has some tolerance to root rot
Weaknesses: susceptible to root rot, raspberry bush dwarf virus (RBDV) and spur blight. Susceptible to sun scald because fruit is exposed.
Origin: AAFC Agassiz, 2014
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: difficult to machine harvest
Fruit size: large
Fruit quality: medium red in colour, firm, glossy fruit
Season: late season, has an exceptionally long harvest season continuing until mid-August
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: moderate
Strengths: Excellent fruit quality. Canes are strong and upright. Suitable for substrate production.
Weaknesses: very susceptible to root rot. Not as cold tolerant as other varieties.
Origin: AAFC Agassiz, 1990
Market suitability: fresh or process markets, has IQF potential
Machine harvestability: machine harvestable
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: light to medium red in colour, very firm, good flavour
Season: early to mid-season, ripens slightly earlier than Chemainus Extended harvest season, more than 6 weeks in length
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: appears to be cold tolerant, however not widely evaluated in BC
Strengths: fruit is versatile for many uses (fresh or process)
Weaknesses: Difficult to hand harvest for fresh Susceptible to root rot. New variety, not widely evaluated in BC.
Origin: Pacific Berries LLC, 2016
*Licensing fee model requires growers to pay an annual per acre fee
Market suitability: process markets, has IQF potential
Machine harvestability: machine harvestable
Fruit size: small to medium size
Fruit quality: medium to dark red in colour, firm berries
Season: late season, harvest continues through August
Yields: high yielding
Winter hardiness: good
Strengths: slow to develop raspberry dwarf virus (RBDV), some field resistance to root rot
Weaknesses: Harvest timing overlaps with blueberries when there is reduced IQF tunnel capacity
Origin: Plant and Food Research of New Zealand in 2010
* Licensing fee model requires growers to pay an annual per acre fee
Variety | Yield | Harvest Season | Fruit Weight (Size) | Root Rot Tolerance | Fruit Firmness | Winter Hardiness | Fruit Rot Resistance | RBDV Resistance | Machine Harvest |
Cascade Bounty | 4 | mid-late | 3 | 5 | 3 | 5 | 3 | No | 4 |
Cascade Delight | 5 | mid-late | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | No | 2 |
Cascade Gold | 4 | early | 4 | 2 | 4 | unknown | unknown | Yes | unknown |
Cascade Premier | 5 | early | 4 | 5 | 4 | unknown | unknown | No | 5 |
Cascade Harvest | 5 | mid | 5 | 4 | 4 | unknown | unknown | Yes | 5 |
Chemainus | 5 | mid | 4 | 2 | 5 | 5 | 4 | No | 5 |
Malahat | 4 | early | 4 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | No | 3 |
Meeker | 4 | mid | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | No | 4 |
Rudi | 5 | early-mid | 4 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 3 | No | 4 |
Saanich | 5 | mid-late | 3 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 4 | No | 4 |
Squamish | 5 | early | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | No | 5 |
Tulameen | 5 | mid-late | 5 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 3 | No | 2 |
WakeTMField | 5 | late | 3 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 5 | slow to get | 5 |
WakeTMHaven | 5 | early-mid | 4 | 2 | 5 | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown |
(5 = Excellent, 1 = Poor)
Source: PARC and field trials
Fall fruiting varieties are harvested in August through September, which extends the harvest season beyond summer fruiting varieties. Fruit quality of late season varieties that ripen in September is often impacted by rainy weather. High tunnels may be required for late season varieties.
Although fall fruiting varieties can bear both a spring (floricane) and fall (primocane) crop, the spring crop reduces the size of the fall crop. For this reason, some producers prune back all primocanes canes in the winter to allow only a fall crop the following season.
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: yellow to orange colour, firmness is similar to Dinkum, better than Autumn Bliss but not as firm as Heritage. Apricot-like flavour
Season: ripens in mid-late August, earlier than Heritage
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: Good root rot tolerance
Origin: Maryland, 1996
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: large druplets, good flavour but fruit is soft and can be crumbly
Season: ripens in early August, 2 to 3 weeks before Heritage
Strengths: fruit quality is good in August, Excellent root rot resistance
Weaknesses: susceptible to raspberry bushy dwarf virus. Fruit quality deteriorates in September, fruit can be soft, crumbly and dark. Plants are thorny and can be hard to pick.
Origin: UK
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: medium red colour, firm fruit
Season: ripens in early August, earlier than Autumn Bliss
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: Resistant to aphids Less crumbly than Autumn Bliss
Weaknesses: Canes have some spines and can be difficult to harvest. Susceptible to raspberry bushy dwarf virus.
Origin: UK
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: large
Fruit quality: medium to dark red colour, conical shape, good firmness, good flavour
Season: late August, ripens two weeks later than Autumn Bliss but one week earlier than Heritage
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: fruit releases easily which makes it easy to harvest. Plant is tall and vigorous. Good fruit quality.
Origin: Maryland 1996
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: dark purple-red, attractive with large druplets and good flavour. Fruit is firmer than Autumn Bliss but softer than other varieties.
Season: mid-August, ripens up to 3 weeks earlier than Heritage
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: low levels of fruit rot at harvest and post-harvest. Easier to harvest than Heritage.
Weaknesses: fruit may become soft and crumbly later in the season
Origin: Australia
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: small to medium
Fruit quality: fruit is attractive, firm and acceptable flavour and good shelf life
Season: September until first frost
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: resistant to raspberry bushy dwarf virus. Canes are vigorous, hardy, erect and sturdy Recommended for mild coastal areas.
Weaknesses: small fruit, tall, thorny canes. Late season variety, it may require high tunnels to protect fruit quality.
Origin: New York
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium, similar to Chemainus
Fruit quality: bright red colour, conic shape, small drupelets, good flavour, tendency to hold colour during shipping, soft if not picked at short intervals
Season start: mid-August
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: vigorous, root rot tolerance, strong canes, fruit is easy to pick, good colour, slow to get raspberry bushy dwarf virus.
Weaknesses: soft fruit limits its potential for clamshells
Origin: Switzerland
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: dark red fruit, uniform conic shape, tends to be soft in hot weather
Season: mid-August, ripens just before Caroline
Yields: moderate
Strengths: vigorous, erect plants, excellent root rot resistance
Weaknesses: very susceptible to yellow rust. Plant has spiny canes, does not release fruit well in cool weather.
Origin: Maryland
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: dark red in colour, conical shape, firm, superior flavour compared to Autumn Bliss. Fruit becomes darker when fully ripe
Season: early season
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: spine-free variety, vigorous plant with erect growth habit
Weaknesses: older variety, does not release fruit well in cool weather
Origin: UK
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: large, larger fruit than Heritage
Fruit quality: bright red colour, firm fruit, sweet flavour
Season: mid-August, 10 to 14 days earlier than Heritage
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: canes are less prickly than Heritage, releases fruit more easily than Heritage.
Weaknesses: fruit can uneven in shape, may be soft. Not yet evaluated in BC.
Origin: Oregon
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: firm with good flavour
Season: late season
Yields: high yielding
Weaknesses: late season, recommended under tunnels. Not widely evaluated in BC.
Origin: North Carolina
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: medium
Fruit quality: conic in shape, glossy fruit, sweet flavour, darkens after harvest
Season: early August, earliest fall fruiting
Yields: medium to high yielding.
Strengths: some tolerance to root rot, plant is moderately vigorous, excellent fruit quality.
Weaknesses: spot mould susceptibility
Origin: Poland
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: small to medium
Fruit quality: round fruit, tends to be soft
Season: mid-August, ripens two weeks earlier than Heritage
Yields: medium-high yielding
Strengths: resistance to root rot. Plant produces a high number of primocanes.
Weaknesses: fruit tend to be small and soft, susceptible to raspberry bushy dwarf virus
Origin: Oregon
Market suitability: fresh market
Machine harvestability: unknown
Fruit size: large, similar to Kokanee, larger than Heritage
Fruit quality: glossy, firm with excellent flavour
Season: September, ripens a week later than Heritage
Yields: high yielding
Strengths: good fruit quality potential, but not yet evaluated in BC.
Weaknesses: susceptible to root rot. Not yet evaluated in BC.
Origin: Oregon
Cover crops
Annual or permanent cover crops can be planted between the raspberry rows. Cover crops suppress weeds, take up excess nitrogen left in the soil in the fall, improve soil structure and drainage, and improve trafficability.
These are planted every year after harvest and before September 15. Barley and oats are preferred as they grow rapidly in early fall but are usually killed by colder winter temperatures. In the spring, cover crop residue can be flail mowed along with prunings or rotovated into the soil surface. Nitrogen from the decaying cover crop is then released into the soil for use by the raspberry crop. Fall or cereal rye, or annual grasses, can also be used. They are less effective at trapping leachable nitrogen in the fall or winter as their main growth period is in the spring. These cover crops may require additional management in the spring – such as mowing, discing, or herbicide application –to prevent them from competing for nutrients and water.
Fescue can be used as a permanent cover crop in raspberries but must be managed to prevent it from growing into the raspberry row. Permanent cover crops prevent weed growth, compaction and soil erosion, however, they are difficult to repair if ruts form from driving on them when the soil is too wet.
Nutrient management
Refer to the ministry's Nutrient Management webpage and the Berry Production Guide: Nutrient Management (PDF) for more information.
The online Nutrient Management Calculator assists in choosing the right rate and nutrient source for berry crops.
Soil analysis is the most accurate guide to fertilizer requirements for raspberries.
Take soil samples from each sampling location in the field: Site (1): at the centre of the fertilizer band and between the plants along the shoulder of the row, and Site (2): at the center of the cultivation/root mound between plants in the crop row (see figure below). Take samples from 10 to 15 different locations for each 10 hectare (25 acre) field area. Mix all the samples together. Avoid areas in the field that would not be considered representative of an area, such as low spots or gravel outcrops. Where fields have more than one soil type, the areas should be sampled separately. Take soil samples for nitrogen analysis from the 0 to 30 cm (0 to 1 ft) of soil. Take soil samples for all other nutrients from 0 to 15 cm (0 to 6 in).
More information on soil sampling can be found in the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food publication Soil Sampling Guidelines for British Columbia.
Samples should be collected at the same time of year in order to compare results. Avoid testing in the spring after fertilization.
For established fields, take soil samples for post-harvest nitrogen after crop harvest, or between August 15 and October 1. A spring soil test cannot be used to assess nitrogen fertility levels of a raspberry field. For all other nutrients, fall or spring soil sampling can be used.
Leaf analysis can be used to determine nutrient needs in raspberries but it has not been well-tested in B.C. Leaf analysis can also be used if a nutrient deficiency is suspected. Take leaf samples from mid-July to early-August to determine the fertilizer requirements for the following year. For the best interpretation, take leaf samples at the same stage of plant development (e.g. mid-harvest or late-harvest) each year and monitor year-to-year trends in nutrient status.
Collect the most recently fully expanded leaves from the new primocanes, about 30 cm from the tip of the cane. Leaves must be free of soil, pesticide and irrigation water residue. Select about 10 leaves from each of 5 plants distributed at random throughout the field. When checking for suspected nutrient deficiencies, take separate samples from good and poor growth areas and compare the results. These samples can be taken at any time during the growing season. Air dry all samples in an open paper bag or take them directly to a laboratory.
Element | Low | Adequate | High |
Phosphorus (P) % | < 0.16 | 0.16 to 0.18 | 0.19+ |
Potassium (K) % | < 1.0 | 1.0 to 1.25 | 2.0+ |
Boron (B) ppm | < 25.0 | 25 to 30 | 30.0+ |
Source: OSU EM 8903-E Nutrient Management Guide - Caneberries (2006)
Most of B.C.’s raspberry crop is grown on irrigated sandy soils over the Abbotsford-Sumas Aquifer. This situation increases the risk of nitrogen leaching into the aquifer. Follow the nitrogen recommendations below to minimize the risk of groundwater contamination. Excess nitrogen application can result in leaching and may be harmful to the crop. Irrigation should be managed to prevent nitrogen leaching in the summer.
Nitrogen is supplied to the crop in various forms including cover crop residue, compost or manure, irrigation water, and fertilizer. To determine the amount of nitrogen fertilizer to apply, follow the Calculation of Nitrogen Fertilizer Requirement for Raspberries, Tables 3 to 7 below.
See Table 4. When determining the nitrogen credits for cover crops, the following assumptions are made:
Poultry manure is an effective source of nitrogen for raspberries but must be stored and spread in an environmentally responsible manner. As manure can be a food safety risk, only composted manure or manure aged at least 3 months should be used. Different food safety programs have varying waiting periods between application and harvest. Check with your program or packer. Manure releases nutrients slowly, and it will continue to release nitrogen after raspberry harvest when the plant uptake is reduced. For this reason, it is highly recommended that a cover crop be planted on fields where manure was applied. Nutrients are captured by the cover crop and prevented from leaching into the groundwater. These nutrients will be available to the raspberry crop the following spring when the cover crop is incorporated.
It is difficult to distribute manure evenly over the field at a low enough rate to provide the optimum level of nitrogen needed by the crop. This can be addressed by applying manure to alternate rows. Each row will get a portion of the nutrients applied without over fertilizing the crop. A manure spreader designed for side delivery or band application can also be used to apply poultry manure directly to the root zone. Spread manure only once each season – broadcast and incorporate into the soil in the early spring (after February 15 and no later than dictated by your food safety program).
Most poultry manure contains up to 12 kg/yd3 of total nitrogen. Poultry manure is generally very high in calcium and contains high levels of ammonia nitrogen that is readily available to plants. Some ammonia nitrogen is lost during application. Losses are greater when manure is left on the soil surface for more than 12 hours.
Apply poultry manure at no more than 17 yd3/ha (7 yd3/acre) and immediately incorporate. This provides most of the nitrogen requirement of established raspberries. See Table 5 for manure N credits.
A soil nitrate test about 3 weeks after application of manure can be done to determine if more nitrogen is required.
The timing of the fertilizer application is dependent on the soil texture. Coarser soils (gravel and sands) have less ability to retain nutrients and require several applications. On sandy soils, experience has shown that nitrogen fertilizers should normally be applied twice per year (50% in early April and 50% in early May). Raspberries grown on stony or gravelly soils will benefit from three equal applications of nitrogen fertilizer. Start in early April and apply at monthly intervals. Excess nitrogen after harvest, regardless of the source, is especially harmful as it may delay cane dormancy and increase the risk of winter injury. It also is prone to leaching.
Slow-release fertilizers have been used with some success on very coarse or heavily irrigated soils. A single application, usually in early April, will provide nitrogen over an extended period of time. Follow the manufacturers’ directions to avoid late season nitrogen release.
Commercial fertilizer can be applied in a band 30 to 40 cm away from both sides of the raspberry rows and about 10 cm below the soil surface. Alternatively, it can also be broadcast over the surface of the bed. Rain or irrigation is then required to carry nutrients into the root zone.
Nitrogen and other nutrients may be injected and applied by drip irrigation. For more information refer to B.C. Ministry of Agriculture publication, “Chemigation Guidelines for BC” at
To determine the amount of fertilizer nitrogen to apply to the crop (Table 7), obtain the total N crop requirement from Table 3. Then determine nitrogen credits for cover crops (Table 4), manure use (Table 5), and irrigation water (Table 6). Finally, calculate the rate of nitrogen fertilizer required.
Table 3. Crop Nitrogen Requirement Based on Yield Potential
Young, vigorous crops with a yield potential of greater than 12 tonnes/ha may utilize up to 80 to 100 kg/ha of nitrogen. If the crop is near the end of its life or in decline due to nematodes or other root problems, it will use less nitrogen, in the range of 40 to 60 kg/ha.
Enter the nitrogen requirement into Table 7 – Line A.
Crop Nitrogen Requirement | Yield Potential | |||
High (> 12 tonnes/ha) |
Moderate (7.5 to 12 tonnes/ha) |
Low (< 7.5 tonnes/ha) |
80 – 100 kg/ha | 60 – 80 kg/ha | 40 – 60 kg/ha |
Table 4. Cover crop nitrogen credits
Enter the cover crop credit into Table 7 –Line B.
"Credit Level" refers to the plant available nitrogen (kg N/ha) released from the cover crop residue in the following crop year.
Assumes barley or oats seeded at a rate of 100 kg/ha (89 pounds/acre) and planted on all bare ground between rows and on headlands.
Credit level | Description of cover crop |
15-20 | Seeded between August 15 and September 1. Excellent stand, vigorous growth, over 30 cm (1 ft) high prior to frost. |
5-10 | Seeded prior to September 15. Good stand, less vigorous growth, about 30 cm (1 ft) high before frost. |
0-3 | Seeded after September 15. Poor quality stand, spotty growth, less than 30 cm (1 ft) high. |
0 | No cover crop |
Table 5. Nitrogen credits for spring applied poultry manure*
Enter the manure credit into Table 7 –Line C and D.
Timing | Application method | Calculation |
Current year | Not incorporated |
Current year nitrogen credit (kg/ha) = 4.5 kg/yd3 X volume of applied manure yd/ha |
Previous year | Either method |
Previous year nitrogen credit (kg/ha) = 1 kg/yd3 X volume of applied manure yd/ha |
Table 6. Irrigation water nitrogen credit
Find your closest location.
Multiply the nitrate concentration from your analytical report (ppm or mg/L) by the conversion factor.
Irrigation Water Nitrogen Credit = Nitrate concentration (ppm or mg/L) X conversion Factor
Enter the resulting Irrigation Water Nitrogen Credit into Table 7 – Line E.
Location | Conversion factor |
Abbotsford | 1.52 |
Chilliwack | 0.85 |
Ladner | 1.35 |
Langley | 1.01 |
Sumas | 1.01 |
The conversion factor assumes a drip irrigation system with 95% efficiency, a crop adjustment factor of 0.7 for raspberries, and imperial to metric factors (Water Conservation Factsheet, B.C. Ministry of Agriculture).
An alternative to this calculation may be used if you know the expected volume of water use. Volume of water (acre-inches applied) X Nitrate concentration (ppm or mg/L) X 0.254 = Kg N/ha
Table 7. Calculation of nitrogen fertilizer requirement for raspberries
Parameter | Acceptable Range | Actual Calculation | Example |
A. Nitrogen requirement from Table 3 | 0 – 100 kg/ha | 80 kg N/ha | |
B. Cover crop nitrogen credit – from Table 4 | 0 – 20 kg/ha | 5 kg N/ha | |
C. Current year poultry manure nitrogen credit – from Table 5 4.5 kg/yd3 X volume applied yd3/ha |
0 – 78 kg/ha | 33 kg N/ha | |
D. Previous year poultry manure nitrogen credit – from Table 5 1.0 kg/yd3 X volume applied yd3/ha |
0 – 18 kg/ha | 7 kg N/ha | |
E. Irrigation water nitrogen credit – from Table 6 | 10 kg N/ha | ||
F. Fertilizer nitrogen required = A – (B + C + D + E) | 0 – 100 kg/ha | 25 kg N/ha |
Example explanation:
A. | Nitrogen requirement The field in the previous 2 years yielded 9 tonnes/ha. Therefore the nitrogen requirement was based on a mid range recommendation. |
= 80 kg/ha |
B. | Cover crop nitrogen credit The field was seeded with a cover crop of barley around Sept.15 of the previous year and grew to only 21 cm. |
= 5 kg/ha |
C. | Current year poultry manure nitrogen credits 10 yd3/ha of broiler manure will be applied 4.5 kg/yd3 X 7 yd3/ha = 33 kg/ha |
= 33 kg/ha |
D. | Previous year poultry manure nitrogen credit Applied 10 yd3/ha in previous year: 1.0 kg/yd3​ X 7 yd3/ha = 7 kg/ha |
= 7 kg/ha |
E. | Irrigation water nitrogen credit The field is located in the Abbotsford area (conversion factor = 1.52) and the lab report indicated 6 ppm of nitrate-nitrogen in the water. 1.52 X 6 ppm = 9.12 kg/ha. |
= 9 kg/ha |
F. | Fertilizer nitrogen required 80 – (5+33+7+9) = 26 kg/ha |
= 25 kg/ha |
The Post Harvest nitrate Test (PHNT) is a “report card” test which measures how successful the crop was in utilizing available nitrogen. It is desirable for the soil nitrate-N level (0 to 30 cm depth) to be less than 25 ppm nitrate-N for a sample taken between August 15 and October 1. This level shows that the crop was able to use most of the soil and applied nitrogen. Greater levels indicate that nitrogen was applied above crop requirements and there will be an increased risk of nitrate leaching. In this case, adjustments need to be made to the management program including a reduction in applied fertilizer nitrogen.
Laboratory results of the PHNT are generally interpreted as follows:
Low test results ( <15 ppm): The nitrogen applied in the previous season was efficiently utilized by the crop. Follow similar nitrogen management for the upcoming season.
Medium test results (16 - 25 ppm): Slightly higher than desirable concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen remain in the soil. Consider reducing the amount and/or improve the placement, form, and timing of nitrogen fertilizer for the upcoming growing season.
High test results (26 - 50 ppm): An excess concentration of nitrate-nitrogen remained in the soil suggesting that excess nitrogen was applied to the crop and/or poor soil/crop health limited proper uptake. Management practices must be evaluated including a significant reduction in manure and nitrogen fertilizer applications for the upcoming growing season. Consider options to improve the placement, form and timing of nitrogen fertilizer
Very high test results (> 50 ppm): Results indicate an extreme concentration of nitrogen in the soil. A complete nutrient management plan should be done including substantial reductions in manure and nitrogen fertilizer application and improvement in the placement, form and timing of fertilization.
Based on soil test results, split potassium (K2O) applications—broadcast and incorporate one-half the necessary amount before planting and band the remainder with the nitrogen and phosphorus.
Magnesium, boron and calcium levels are frequently low in coarse, sandy soils. Soil test to find out the amount available to the crop.
Apply in slow-drying conditions for the best uptake. Do not apply during very hot weather as leaf-burning may occur. The plants generally respond better to foliar feeding during the earlier portion of the growing season when the leaves are younger and less waxy.
Pruning and training
These should be cut out at the soil level. Do not leave stumps—this helps to control crown borer. Usually fruiting cane removal is best done after September or October. However, if Botrytis cane wilt or spur blight is a problem in wet years, old canes can be cut immediately after harvest to increase air circulation.
The undersize or unwanted new canes are best removed after most of the leaves have dropped – usually about December. Pruning out these canes earlier is sometimes necessary but the risk of winter injury is increased as plants become more exposed. Select up to 12 vigorous new canes per plant. Remove all weak canes. Tie canes to the wires in small bunches of 3 or 4 canes.
On average, one 50 lb bale of binder twine is needed to tie 1.2 ha (3 acres) of raspberries. At this time, arch or loop over new canes in plantings trained to this system. If topping new canes, wait until late February when the plants are fully dormant and top to a height of 1.5 m (5 ft).
In areas of cold winters or deep snow, delay all pruning until late winter. The old canes help to protect the fruiting canes. However, an initial topping 30 cm (12 in) higher than the final topping can be made when the canes are nearly dormant to minimize wind and snow damage.
Cut all canes off to the ground in the winter. In the spring, keep only about 12 new canes per plant for fruiting. Prune or hoe out all excess canes as they appear during the growing season.
Insect pollination is essential for raspberry production. Most pollination is done by honeybees and wild insects (bumble bees, syrphid flies) so it is critical that they are not killed with insecticide sprays during flowering. Wild pollinators, such as bumble bees, are especially important in cloudy or rainy weather, when honeybees do not fly.
Placing commercial honeybee colonies in fields during bloom can increase raspberry yields by increasing the amount of pollen transferred. This results in larger fruit. This is particularly important in areas of concentrated cropping and few wild pollinators.
Refer to the Berry Production Guide: Pollination (PDF) to learn more.
Crumbly berries have fewer than normal drupelets so will not hold together. The fruit crumbles when picked causing it to be downgraded or not marketable. Yield is also reduced.
The following conditions can cause crumbly berry:
Viruses – such as Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus – often cause crumbly fruit. Viruses may prevent the normal development of seeds. Sometimes bacterial and fungal diseases such as bacterial blight or Botrytis also cause this problem.
Bees are the main pollinators of raspberries. Poor bee activity can lead to poor pollination and seed development resulting in crumbly fruit. Also, pollen and flower parts can be damaged by frost, insects and pesticides – resulting in crumbly fruit.
Anything that interferes with plant nutrition and affects fruit set may cause crumbly fruit. Examples are: low overall fertility, boron deficiency, root or crown damage (nematodes, diseases such as crown gall or root rot, insects such as crown borers), drought, poor drainage, or deep cultivation.
Some varieties have a genetic tendency to produce crumbly fruit. The varieties recommended in this guide generally do not produce crumbly fruit unless affected by the above conditions.
Practice the following control methods:
First shoot removal (shoot burning)
Removing the first flush(es) of new shoots can be very beneficial in balancing new shoot growth with fruit production. It can be done by hand (in small plantings) or by carefully applying a directed herbicide spray along both sides of the rows. The nozzle should be as low as possible and seldom more that 30 cm above the ground. For best results it should be done before the canes are about 10 cm high and generally no later than May 1.
Late applications or excessive rates of Goal can severely restrict the re-growth of primocanes resulting in severe damage to the vigour of the planting. New or weak plantings need to be treated particularly carefully, i.e. use low rates and make application early, just after shoot emergence. Spray only under very calm conditions at slow tractor speeds and at a low pressure (less than 250 kPa) to avoid drift.
Note: Herbicide application rates are listed on pesticide labels and in the production guide for broadcast or total field coverage. If spraying a band over the row area only, then the treated area is only a portion of the whole field and rates must be reduced accordingly. For example, when spraying 1 m bands on rows 3 m apart, only one third of the field is treated.
Goal 2XL (240 g/L oxyfluorfen) at 1.0 L/ ha (0.4 L/acre) in at least 500 L of water/ha (200 L/acre). This is a broadcast rate—do not apply this rate to one acre of raspberry field area (see note above). Treat primocanes that are 5 to 15 cm (2 to 6 in) high by spraying a one metre band directed towards the row. Use a higher rate of up to 2.0 L/ha (0.8 L/acre) only on vigorous fields if the majority of primocanes have reached the maximum height of 15 cm (6 in) or when hot, dry conditions precede the application. Apply with a non-ionic surfactant (e.g. Companion) at 2.5 L/1000 L of spray solution. Cloudy, damp weather will maximize the effectiveness of Goal. Do not apply within 50 days of harvest. Apply only once per season; or
Note: some growers have achieved good control, with reduced risk of crop injury, by reducing the rate of Goal to 0.5 L/ha (0.2 L/ha) and spraying very early, at first shoot emergence.
Ignite 15 SN (150 g/L glufosinate ammonium) at 6.67 L/ha (2.7 L/acre) in a minimum of 330 L/ha (130 L/acre) of water. This is a broadcast rate – do not apply this rate to one acre of raspberry field area (see note above). Treat primocanes that are 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in) high by spraying a 1 m band directed towards the primocane row. Do not contact desirable canes, plants or vegetation. Do not apply within 1 m of adjacent crops or environmentally sensitive areas such as waterbodies and wildlife habitat.
Note: Local experience has shown that Goal 2XL is best applied when the weather is wet and cool. Ignite 15 SN works best when weather is dry and warm.
Aim EC (240g/L carfentrazone-ethyl) at 150 ml/ha (60 ml/ac). Apply with a surfactant such as Agral 90 or Ag-Surf at 0.25 litres per 100 litres of spray solution, or Merge at 1 litre per 100 litres spray solution. Treat primocanes that are young and approximately 13 cm high by spraying a one metre band directed towards the row. Avoid contact with desirable canes, plants and vegetation. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. Maximum two applications per year.
Year of planting
Weed management prior to planting it is critical to control existing perennial weeds.
Product | Rate | Comments | |
Prior to weed emergence | Devrinol 50DF or Devrinol DF-XT (50% napropamide) | 9 kg/ha (3.6 kg/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Devrinol 10G (10% napropamide) |
45 kg/ha (18 kg/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Dual II Magnum (915 g/L S-Metolachlor) |
1.15 – 1.75 L/ha (0.46 to 0.7 L/acre) |
Annual grasses and quackgrass | Poast Ultra (450 g/L sethoxydim) | 0.47 to 1.1 L/ha (200 to 440 mL/acre) |
Annual grasses and quackgrass | Venture L (125 g/L fluazifop-p- butyl) | 1.2 to 2.0 L/ha (480 to 800 mL/acre) |
Note: Herbicide application rates are listed on pesticide labels and in the production guide for broadcast or total field coverage. If spraying a band over the row area only, then the treated area is only a portion of the whole field and rates must be reduced accordingly.
Established plantings
Product | Rate | Comments | |
Prior to weed emergence | Authority (480 g/L sulfentrazone) | 0.29 L/ha (0.12L/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Casoron G-4 (dichlobenil) | 175 kg/ha (69 kg/acre) For spot control apply 17.5 g/m2 |
Prior to weed emergence | Chateau WDG (51.1% flumioxazin) | 420 g/ha (168 g/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Devrinol 50DF (50% napropamide) |
9 kg/ha (3.6 kg/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Devrinol 10G (10% napropamide) | 45 kg/ha (18 kg/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Dual II Magnum (915 g/L S-Metolachlor) | 1.15 to 1.75 L/ha (0.46 to 0.7 L/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Princep Nine-T (90% simazine) Simadex 500 (500 g/L simazine) Simazine 480 (480 g/L simazine) |
2.0 to 2.5 kg/ha (0.8 to 1.0 kg/acre) 3.6 to 4.5 L/ha (1.4 to 1.8 L/acre) 3.8 to 4.7 L/ha (1.5 to 1.9 L/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Sinbar 80W or WDG (80% terbacil) Plus Devrinol 50 DF (napropamide) |
410 to 840 g/ha (166 to 340 g/acre) plus 4 kg/ha (1.6 kg/acre) |
Prior to weed emergence | Sandea (72.6% halosulfuron, present as methyl ester) | 35 to 70 g/ha (14 to 28 g/acre) |
Established plantings: herbicide application rates, post weed emergence
Post-emergence, annual weeds (between the row only) | Aim EC (240 g/L carfentrazone -ethyl) | 37 to 117 mL/ha (15 to 47 mL/acre) |
Post-emergence, annual grasses and broadleaf weeds | Alion (200 g/L indaziflam) | 375 mL/ha (150 mL/acre) |
Post-emergence, annual grasses and broadleaf weeds | AXXE (36% Ammonium Salt of Fatty Acid | 45 to 106 L/ha (18 to 42 L/ac) |
Post-emergence, annual grasses and broadleaf weeds | Beloukha (500 g/L Pelargonic acid) | 16 to 27 L/ha (6.4 to 10.8 L/acre) |
Post-emergence, broadleaf weeds |
Eragon LQ (342 g/L saflufenacil) |
73 mL/ha (29 mL/ac) |
Post-emergence, annual grasses and quackgrass | Poast Ultra(sethoxydim) | 0.47 to 1.1 L/ha (200 to 440 mL/acre) |
Post-emergence | Prism SG (25% rimsulfuron) | 60 g/ha (24 g/acre) |
Post-emergence, broadleaf weeds and nutsedge | Sandea (72.6% halosulfuron, present as methyl ester) | 35 to 70 g/ha (14 to 28 g/acre) |
Post-emergence, annual weeds, suppression of some perennial weeds | Serene Liquid Herbicide (20% acetic acid) | variable dilution rates, refer to label |
Post-emergence, annual grasses and quackgrass | Venture L (fluazifop-p- butyl) |
1.2 to 2.0 L/ha (480 to 800 mL/acre) |
Note: Herbicide application rates are listed on pesticide labels and in the production guide for broadcast or total field coverage. If spraying a band over the row area only, then the treated area is only a portion of the whole field and rates must be reduced accordingly.
When using insecticides select ones that have the least impact on beneficial insects whenever possible. Refer to “Pesticide toxicity to beneficial insects” in the General Pest section. Most insecticides are toxic to bees. Avoid applying insecticides during the blossom period. If it is absolutely necessary to apply them during this period, notify beekeepers in the area. Evening applications are less dangerous than daytime applications.
All pesticide labels are available online through Health Canada's Pesticide Label Search.
For a comprehensive list of registered biopesticide and biocontrol products in Canada, refer to the CABI BioProtection Portal. The Portal is a free online database of biological products that is searchable by crop and pest, available on desktop and mobile. It serves growers and advisors looking for lower-toxicity products, producers looking to expand into higher value food markets, and regulators seeking product information. The Portal is also an educational resource hub, with information on how to use biologicals and the latest industry news.
Attacks red raspberry, loganberry, and blackberry.
Aphids rarely do any direct damage to raspberries but are a concern as carriers of virus diseases and contaminants in machine harvested fruit. They are a periodic problem on the Meeker and other susceptible varieties.
The raspberry aphid and a few other species attack raspberries. Aphids are found in colonies on new shoot growth, buds, undersides of leaves, and near flower and fruit clusters. Adult aphids are small (2 to 3 mm) and vary in colour from pale yellow, green, to red. As colonies become crowded, winged forms appear. The immature stages resemble small wingless adults.
Aphids overwinter as eggs on plants. Under coastal conditions eggs hatch about May. The nymphs feed on blossoms, then growing shoots and leaves. There are several generations during the spring and summer. In the fall, winged forms disperse and lay eggs on the overwintering host plants.
Early detection is important for effective, economical control. Inspect growing tips weekly from before bloom to harvest. Inspect several sites, especially in the upwind margins of the planting where wind blown aphids are most likely to occur.
Aphids are often controlled by a number of native predators and parasites including ladybugs, lacewings, and syrphid larvae. If chemicals are needed for other pests, pesticides that will have the least impact on the beneficial insects should be used. Refer to “Pesticide toxicity to beneficial insects” in the Berry Production Guide: Pest Management (PDF).
B.C. varieties such as Chemainus, Malahat and Rudi have been selected for aphid resistance. However, in recent years resistance-breaking strains of the raspberry aphid have been detected in B.C.
Usually natural enemies and/or pesticides applied to control other pests like fruitworm, caterpillars and weevils will minimize aphid problems on raspberries. However, if monitoring shows concerning levels of aphids in the field, there are a number of chemicals registered for use against aphids on raspberries.
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Admire 240F or Alias 240SC | 240 g/L imidacloprid | 175 mL/ha (70 mL/acre) | 4 |
Assail 70WP | 70% acetamiprid | 56 to 86 g/ha (22 to 34 g/acre) | 1 |
Movento 240SC | 240 g/L spirotetramat | 220-365 mL/ha (88-146 mL/acre) | 3 |
PyGanic EC1.4 | 1.4 % pyrethrins | 2.32 to 4.65 L/ha (0.93 to 1.86 L/acre) | 0 |
Sivanto Prime | 200g/L flupyradifurone | 500-750 ml/ha (196-295 ml/acre) | 0 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval (days)
Cane maggot
All cane fruit.
This is seldom a serious pest. Maggots inside the cane girdle the shoots causing them to wilt and die from the point of girdling.
The adult is a small fly that is rarely noticed. The maggot is creamy white and reaches about 0.5 cm in length.
There is one generation a year. The maggot overwinters in the shoot. In the spring it pupates and turns into an adult fly. The fly lays a single egg on unopened leaves at the tip of a new shoot. The egg hatches within a week, and the resulting maggot bores about 15 cm down inside the shoot, then turns outward and girdles it, leaving a bluish ring. The shoot droops at this point, then shrivels and dries up.
Watch for wilted shoots—they are the only reliable indication of this pest.
Break off and burn or bury wilting shoots.
No sprays are needed.
Caterpillars (leafrollers, cutworms, spanworms and others)
All berry crops are subject to attack by one or more caterpillar species.
Caterpillars may reduce plant health and yield by feeding on foliage, buds and fruit, but usually the damage is not significant. They can also be a contamination problem at harvest, especially the oblique banded leafroller.
There are more than 25 species of caterpillars that may attack raspberry plants at some time during the growing season. Only a few of them are major pests. In recent years, the oblique banded leafroller has been the major early season pest. This is a pale to medium green worm with a brown to black head. It grows to about 2.5 cm (1 in) and wiggles rapidly if disturbed.Other early season caterpillar pests are Bruce’s spanworm, dusky leafroller, European leafroller, strawberry tortrix (also a leafroller) and Herpetogramma pertextalis, for which there is no common name. Climbing cutworms such as variegated cutworm, Bertha armyworm, brown fruitworm, speckled green fruitworm, and alfalfa looper may also be early and mid season pests.
Oblique banded leafrollers overwinter as young larvae, often between canes. They begin feeding on new leaves and buds, and rolling leaves, in April. This feeding does not usually cause significant damage to the plants. The caterpillars feed until late May or early June, then pupate and emerge as moths. The moths mate and lay eggs on leaves and canes. The second generation leafrollers that hatch from these eggs can contaminate harvested berries in July and August.
Variegated cutworms may be present as the buds begin to swell and break in late March to early April, when they start feeding on the buds and new growth.
It is helpful to work with an integrated pest management (IPM) consultant when monitoring for caterpillar pests. Monitor for caterpillars by looking for feeding damage on the shoot tips and rolled leaves, starting in April. Check 4 to 5 well-distributed sites in each field.
At each site, select 20 plants to inspect. Keep records of date, field, and location for each inspection. Monitor every two weeks in April and May. Control sprays may be advisable when leafrollers are present on 10% of the inspected plants. Start watching for cutworms in late March to early April. They are active at night so are best detected in the evening by placing a beating tray under the foliage and shaking the plant gently.
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Bt or Btk) is a soil bacteria that kills leafroller and spanworm caterpillars when they eat it. Caterpillars stop feeding within hours and die within a couple of days. See recommendations under “Chemical Control”.
Trichogramma minutum is a tiny wasp which searches for eggs of caterpillar pests and lays its own eggs in them. Inside the pest egg, the immature wasp kills the developing caterpillar and feeds on it for 10-14 days before it emerges, mates and begins searching for more pest eggs. These tiny parasitoids are produced commercially and have been under investigation for several years for control of Oblique banded leafroller (the most prevalent contaminant) in raspberry.
Although there are a number of species available commercially, the most efficient species for leafroller is Trichogramma minutum, which can reduce numbers of caterpillars in canes at harvest by 70%. This is often sufficient to put the field below a spray threshold for a caterpillar clean-up spray.
Field experience indicates that climbing cutworms (bertha armyworm) are also controlled by T. minutum if the moths are flying in June when the T. minutum are released.
T. minutum must be present in field from the first pheromone trap catch of oblique banded leafroller moths until the moth flight is complete (3 to 5 weeks, June to early July). T. minutum should be applied on a weekly basis either by setting out T. minutum-parastized eggs on cards in a grid at designated sites or by broadcast application at a rate of 25 female wasps/m2 (100,000 female wasps/acre).
Setting out parasitized eggs on cards is more labour intensive, but parasitoid survival should be better than broadcast application. For broadcast application, a “bug-blower” is mounted on the back of an all-terrain vehicle. It distributes T. minutum by puffing out a mixture of parasitized-eggs and fine vermiculite into an air and water stream every 3 m. This service is provided by custom applicators in the Fraser Valley and has been used successfully on several raspberry farms.
This technique is best used within an IPM program using the services of a pest management consultant. Contact BCAGRI for further information.
If monitoring shows leafroller levels are above threshold, use one of the following:
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Delegate WG | 25% spinetoram | 100 to 200 g/ha (40 to 80 g/acre) | 1 |
Dipel WP
DiPel 2XDF
Foray 48BA
Bioprotec CAF |
Bacillus thuringiensis |
1.1 to 2.25 kg/ha (440 to 900 g/acre) 525 to 1125 g/ha (210 to 450 g/acre) 1.4 to 2.8 L/ha (0.56 to 1.1 L/acre) 1.4 to 2.8 L/ha (0.6 to 1.1 L/acre) |
0 |
Entrust 80W Entrust SC |
80% spinosad 240 g/L spinosad |
80 to 109 g/ha (32 to 44 g/acre) 267 to 364 mL/ha (107 to 146 mL/acre) |
3 |
Harvanta | 50 g/L cyclaniliprole | 1200 to 1600 mL/ha (480-640 mL/acre) | 1 |
Intrepid 240F | 240 g/L methoxyfenozide | 0.5 to 0.75 L/ha (0.2 to 0.3 L/acre) | 3 |
Sevin XLR Plus | 466 g/L carbaryl | 5.25 L/ha (2.1 L/acre) | 11 |
Success | 480 g/L spinosad | 145 to 182 mL/ha (58 to 73 mL/acre) | 3 |
*Pre-harvest interval
Crown borer
This insect affects all cane fruits including raspberry, Himalaya and cutleaf blackberry, loganberry, boysenberry, thimble berry and salmonbterry.
Larvae girdle new canes causing galls at the base. These weakened canes often break off during tying in the spring. Large larvae tunnel in the fleshy part of the root, further reducing the vigour of canes.
The day flying adult is a clear-winged moth resembling a yellow jacket wasp in color and size. The larvae are white with brown heads and are found in tunnels inside the cane or root.
This insect has a two year life cycle. The eggs are laid in August and September on the undersides of leaves near the edges. The young larvae crawl down the canes and spend the first winter in a cell on the cane near the soil. The next spring they become active and start to girdle the new canes.
Later they bore into the base of the cane and cause swellings at or below the soil surface. They spend the second winter in the tunnels and feed from spring until June or July when they pupate. Adult moths emerge beginning in late July.
Watch for canes that break off when tying up in the spring. If more than 5% of the plants have hollow canes, caused by borer larvae feeding, chemical controls are recommended.
Immediately after harvest or when setting canes on the wires, prune out loose canes and those with galls at the base. Cut back close to the crown.
If monitoring shows threshold levels are exceeded, consider chemical control.
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Altacor Max | 70% chlorantraniliprole | 108 to 143 g/ha (43 to 57 g/acre) | 3 |
*Pre-harvest interval
European blackberry leaf midge
Blackberry, raspberry, loganberry
Unopened leaves on primocanes and fruiting laterals turn black and fail to open or become distorted, twisted, kinked, or creased as they attempt to expand.
Small, milky coloured legless larvae, 1 mm wide and 2-3 mm long, are found within unopened leaves. Several can be present in an infested bud. Adults are small delicate flies which are rarely seen.
Adults emerge in the spring and lay eggs in unopened leaves. Larvae feed within the growing tips for about four weeks, and then drop to the soil to pupate. New adults emerge and lay eggs. There appears to be approximately three overlapping generations per year in south western B.C. Larvae can be observed from mid May through late August. In late summer larvae drop to the soil and overwinter as mature larvae or pupae.
Look for damage on growing tips of primocanes and fruiting laterals in early May and through the summer. Damage on opening leaves can be seen all season, and tends to build up and spread through the field with each successive generation.
It is not likely that this pest will reach levels high enough to affect yield as leaf midge is considered a minor pest in Europe. However, it is relatively new to B.C., and may have differing impacts on crops here. If midge is present in fields it should be monitored each year to determine if population and subsequent damage is increasing.
There are no known naturally occurring biological control agents for leaf midge.
There are no chemicals specifically registered for midge, however, broad-spectrum insecticides used for raspberry fruit worm, leafhoppers or leafrollers may give some control of leaf midge. Midges are generally difficult to control with pesticides because the larvae are protected by leaves and the generations are overlapping.
Fruitworm beetle
Raspberry, loganberry, and blackberry.
The adult beetles cause some reduction in yield by feeding on unfolding leaves and blossom clusters. The larvae feed within flowers and then burrow between the core and the flesh of the berries. They can be a serious contamination problem at harvest.
The small (2 to 3 mm), yellowish-brown beetles of the western raspberry fruitworm are somewhat flattened and covered with short hairs. Larvae are pale yellow, 3 to 4 mm long, and have short legs.
Adult beetles overwinter in the soil, emerging from late April to early May. They feed on new leaves, blossoms and berries, and lay eggs which hatch into whitish-yellow larvae. These enter the blossoms and young berries, some feeding until harvest. Most larvae mature, leave the berry and drop to the ground where they enter the soil and pupate. Adults form in late summer and overwinter.
Watch for damage to unfolding leaves and developing flower buds. A beating tray can be used to monitor adult fruitworm activity before and during bloom. Work in Washington has shown that beetles are attracted to non-ultraviolet white sticky traps.
Traps such as the Rebell R Bianco are effective for monitoring beetle flight activity. Locate traps along field edges near adjacent raspberry fields or areas of alternate Rubus hosts (e.g. blackberry, thimbleberry). However, there are no threshold levels established for determining if sprays are required.
The best time to control this insect is just prior to bloom and before it begins to lay eggs. If monitoring shows concerning levels of fruitworm beetles, spray when blossom bud clusters separate and again if required just prior to blossom opening. Chemical control options are limited.
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Malathion 25W | 25% malathion | 4 to 5 kg/1000 L of water | 1 |
*Pre-harvest interval
Red raspberry, blackberry, loganberry, boysenberry and thimbleberry.
Leafhoppers are not usually a serious pest except on blackberry and loganberry. Both nymphs and adults feed on the underside of leaves. They suck sap from the leaves, causing whitish spots on the upper surfaces. Heavy infestations result in mottled leaves which can wither and curl in hot weather. Plants lack vigour, and the berries can be small and often sticky from honeydew secreted by the leafhoppers. A black mould can develop on the honeydew.
The nymphs are small, pale white and quick moving when disturbed. Adults are slender and about 3 mm long with folded wings. They vary in colour from pale white to brownish-green.
There are two generations each year. Most of the population overwinters as eggs laid under the bark of the canes. First generation nymphs hatch in early May and feed for three or four weeks on the undersides of leaves before becoming winged adults. These adults lay eggs in the leaves and petioles from late June until early September.
Second generation nymphs appear in late July and early August, and mature in late August and early September. These adults lay the overwintering eggs.
Watch for nymphs on underside of leaves, beginning in early May.
If monitoring shows concerning levels of leafhoppers, apply when wingpads are present but before adults fly:
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Assail 70WP | 70% acetamiprid | 56 to 86 g/ha (22 to 34 g/acre) | 1 |
Malathion 25 W Malathion 85E Malathion 50EC |
25% malathion 85% malathion 50% malathion |
4 to 5 kg/1000 L of water 880 mL/ha (352 mL/acre) 2 to 2.5 L/ha (0.8 to 1 L/acre |
1 |
Pyganic EC1.4 | 1.4 % pyrethrins | 2.32 to 4.65 L/ha (0.93 to 1.86 L/acre) | 0 |
Success 480 SC | 480 g/L spinosad | 145 to 182 mL/ha (58 to 73 mL/acre) | 3 |
*Pre-harvest interval
Mainly raspberry, most cane fruit.
Sawflies occur sporadically and are seldom a serious pest. Vigorous raspberry plants are not seriously damaged by sawfly larvae unless they are in outbreak numbers. Larvae feed on the leaves, usually between the veins, causing large elongated holes or even completely skeletonized leaves.
Adults are sawflies which are thick-waisted wasps with four clear wings. They are about 6 mm long, black with yellow and reddish markings. Larvae are pale green caterpillars with many legs and grow to about 13 mm long.
Mature larvae overwinter in a cocoon in the soil. These pupate in the spring and adult sawflies appear in May and June. They lay their eggs within the leaf tissue. Larvae feed on leaves throughout the summer, even into November. Mature larvae drop to the ground where they bury themselves and spin cocoons in which they overwinter.
Treatment is the same as for leafhoppers or fruitworms.
Spotted wing drosophila
Berries, stone fruits and numerous wild hosts
Female flies lay eggs under the skin of ripe fruit shortly before harvest. Larvae hatch and begin to feed within the fruit, causing softening in the area of feeding. There can be several larvae in a fruit, which hastens softening and fruit collapse. Holes the size of pin pricks are evident within the soft areas of infested blueberries.
Adults: 2-3 mm (1/8 inch) long, brownish with red eyes and clear fly-like wings. Males have a black/grey spot on the end of each wing, as well as two black ‘combs’ or bands on each front leg. The females do not have spots or leg bands. Females have saw-like egg-laying organs (ovipositors) that are used to cut into fruit skin. Ovipositors are easier to see when extended. A hand-lens or dissecting microscope is needed to identify ovipositor.
0.6 mm long, oval, white, 2 filaments at one end.
Legless, headless, up to 6 mm long at maturity, milky-white.
3 mm long, brown, football-shaped, two stalks with small finger-like projections on ends.
Spotted Wing Drosophila overwinter as adult flies. In the spring the flies become active. They feed on nectar from flowering plants and lay eggs in ripening fruit. Based on climate model predictions, there could be up to 5 generations per year in B.C. Generations overlap as flies are relatively long-lived, particularly at temperatures of 20°C and cooler.
Based on Japanese literature, a female can lay eggs for 10-59 days, with 7-16 eggs laid per day, and average 384 eggs per female. Eggs hatch in 2-72 hours, larvae mature in 3-13 days, and pupae reside in fruit or outside of fruit for 3-15 days.
Spotted Wing Drosophila populations tend to be high following a mild winter and a warm, wet spring. Females reproduce at temperatures from 14°C to 28°C, with optimal reproduction at 22°C. Female fertility increases with relative humidity.
Flies can be monitored with traps baited with apple cider vinegar, yeast solution or a commercial lure. Traps are most useful as a monitoring tool early in the season. Traps are not sensitive enough to be used a predictive monitoring method once fruit starts to ripen. Place traps at the green fruit stage. Hang traps in the plant canopy in a shady location. Check traps at least once per week and examine the bait for the Spotted Wing Drosophila adults. Use a hand lens or microscope to see the female ovipositor. Replace the bait solution each week.
Larvae in the fruit can be detected through a salt water test. Collect 100 ripe, marketable fruit and place in a shallow tray. Dissolve 1 part salt in 16 parts water (1/4 cup salt in 4 cups water) and pour solution over the fruit until fruit is completely covered. Wait 10- 15 minutes and examine the solution. Spotted Wing Drosophila larvae will float to the surface. Use a hand lens and good lighting to detect small larvae.
Raspberries are one of the most attractive fruits to Spotted Wing Drosophila. Do not allow raspberries to become overripe. Shorten picking intervals where possible and pick early, clean and often to maintain fruit quality and reduce population growth.
Spotted Wing Drosophila prefer humid areas of the field. Promote air flow through the field by managing weeds and promptly fixing irrigation leaks.
Cool fruit immediately after harvest. Keep equipment and processing areas free of old fruit. Think beyond the borders of your farm and be aware of host plants in adjacent fields. Encourage neighbours to also manage for this pest.
To date, there are no commercially available biological controls for Spotted wing drosophila. Two parasitoids native to Asia have been found in British Columbia and research is underway to determine their impact on Spotted wing drosophila populations.
Chemical control will be required when berries begin to ripen. Spotted wing drosophila are killed by direct spray contact and/or when they are exposed to residues of insecticide on the treated fruit and leaves.
Consider the following when planning a spray program:
The following products are registered for controlling spotted wing drosophila.
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Danitol | 31% fenpropathrin |
779-1169 ml/ha (312 to 468 ml/ac) |
3 days for machine harvest, 15 days for hand harvest |
Delegate WG | 25% spinetoram |
315 to 420 g/ha (126 to 168 g/acre) |
1 |
Entrust | 240 g/L spinosad |
334 to 440 mL/ha (133 to 176 mL/acre) |
1 |
Exirel | 100 g/L cyantraniliprole |
1000 to 1500 mL/ha (400 to 600 mL/acre) |
1 |
Harvanta | 50 g/L cyclaniliprole |
1200 to 1600 mL/ha (480 to 640 mL/acre) |
1 |
Malathion 85E | 85% malathion | 975 mL per 1000 L water | 1 |
Scorpio Ant and Insect Bait | 0.07% spinosad |
35 to 45 kg/ha (14 to 18 kg/acre) |
1 |
Success | 480g/L spinosad |
165 to 220mL/ha (66 to 88 mL/acre) |
1 |
UP-Cyde 2.5 EC | 250 g/L cypermethrin |
245 to 285 mL/ha (98 to 114 mL/acre) |
2 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
Strawberry blossom weevil
Raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, and other plants in the family Rosaceae. Wild hosts include salmonberry, thimbleberry, Himalayan blackberry and wild roses. The strawberry blossom weevil is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. The first established population in North America has been found in the Fraser Valley. Surveys in 2020 have shown that it has established on wild and cultivated hosts throughout the Fraser Valley.
The adult weevils lay eggs in developing flower buds and sever the flower stalks, resulting in aborted flower buds and reduced yield. The larvae develop inside the aborted buds. There is usually only one egg laid per flower.
Adult weevils are small (2.5 to 3 mm), black, with a long narrow rostrum (‘nose’). Larvae are crescent shaped, white with a pale orange head capsule, 1-3 mm long, and found inside the dead buds. Pupae are pale, creamy white and also found within the dead buds.
Adult weevils overwinter on the ground in the leaf litter. They become active in raspberry and strawberry fields in April and May. They lay their eggs in the closed buds, prior to bloom. Larvae develop inside the damaged buds. There is one generation per year. Staggered emergence of the following generation of adults means that adult weevils can be found from April to late September. Research is underway to evaluate pheromone traps as a monitoring tool.
Parasitoids in the genus Pteromalus have been found emerging from strawberry blossom weevil-infested buds. Research is underway to better understand the potential of parasitoids to control this pest.
Remove or prevent flowering of Himalayan blackberries in hedgerow areas.
The best time to control this insect is just prior to bloom and before it begins to lay eggs. Because the strawberry blossom weevil is a new pest in Canada, there are no pesticides registered for pre-bloom control. Pre-bloom sprays for other weevils or raspberry fruitworm beetles may provide some control.
Strawberry, raspberry and numerous ornamentals, food crops and weeds.
Damage appears as russeting around the end or tip of the fruit. Adults and larvae feed by removing sap from punctures they make in the plant tissue.
Thrips are small, slender insects, 0.5 - 1 mm in length. Adults have two pairs of narrow wings fringed with long, fine hairs. Their colour varies from yellow to brown or blackish-brown. Young thrips are shiny yellow and lack wings. Insects are seen most readily in flowers, under bracts and petals and inside the berries as they ripen.
Adults move from field margins and grass fields when these spring feeding sites are mowed or dry out. Thrips lay eggs into the plant leaf tissue along the main vein. The eggs hatch in 5 to 7 days. Young thrips hatch and feed on plant parts. They pass through nymph and pupal stages before becoming adults.
Flower thrips pupate in the soil. Timing of the complete life cycle is temperature dependent. The adults can live and feed for up to 45 days. Thrips can be present throughout the growing season, but are more abundant in warm summer weather.
There has been no action threshold developed for thrips in raspberries in B.C.
To monitor for thrips, visually inspect the flowers. Alternatively, shake flowers onto a flat surface and count the number of thrips that fall out. Use yellow or blue sticky traps to monitor for adults; Western flower thrips are more attracted to blue than yellow. Be especially vigilant when nearby hay fields are harvested.
Damage done during bloom and early green berry development may not be visible until the fruit is ripe.
Thrips damage to raspberry fruit usually occurs during bloom and at the early green berry stage.
Naturally occurring beneficial insects help manage thrips, including pirate bugs (Orius spp.) and predatory mites (Amblyseius spp.). Other biological control agents are used in greenhouses for thrips management, including foliar application of beneficial nematodes and other predatory mites; however, these products have not been tested on strawberries. For a comprehensive list of biocontrol products for thrips in Canada, refer to the CABI BioProtection Portal. The Portal is a free online database of biological products that is searchable by crop and pest.
If numerous thrips are found at pre-bloom, insecticides should be applied. Avoid spraying insecticides during bloom to protect pollinators. Rotate products to prevent development of resistance. Apply:
Harvanta (50 g/L cyclaniliprole) at 1200 to 1600 mL/ha (480 to 640 mL/acre) in a spray volume of 200 to 1400 L/ha (80 to 560 L/acre) of water. This product will provide suppression only. Harvanta is toxic to bees. Do not apply during the crop blooming period. Minimum re-treatment interval is 5 days. Do not apply more than two times consecutively within 30 days or more than two times within a single generation of the pest. Do not apply more than 3 times per season or a maximum of 4.8 L/ha (1.92 L/acre). Do not apply within 1 day of harvest.
Delegate, Exirel, and PureSpray Green, when applied for other pests, will aid in controlling thrips.
Two-spotted spider mites
All raspberry varieties are susceptible to mite infestations.
Two-spotted spider mites cause damage to the leaves, particularly during prolonged warm periods. They usually feed on the lower leaf surface, resulting in a whitish flecking on the upper surface. Heavy infestations can result in leaves drying up and dropping off.
Two-spotted spider mites are very tiny. From April to October, they are pale yellow to green, and females have two large black spots on the back and sides of the body. Orange overwintering females appear in late September and October. Fine silk webbing is typically present on the underside of the leaves infested with mites.
In March, the spider mites begin feeding and egg-laying on the newly emerging leaves. Eggs hatch in one to two weeks and the immature mites become reproductive adults in another one to three weeks.
Mites develop faster at higher temperatures so more generations occur and numbers may increase rapidly in hot weather, particularly if native predators have been eliminated by broad-spectrum insecticides.
Start inspecting leaves for spider mites and mite predators in early May. Sample at least every two weeks during May and June. White speckling is a sign of mite feeding. Turn over leaves with these symptoms and examine for mites and mite predators. Use a 10 X power hand lens. Sample from four well-distributed sites per field and inspecting 10 leaflets at each site.
Keep records of the date, field area and sampling results for each inspection. Include spider mites and mite predators. No threshold levels are established for applying control sprays; however, strawberry thresholds provide some guidelines (see Strawberry section in this guide). Field history and ratio of predators to pest mites needs to be considered.
Have a knowledgeable person help identify the beneficial mites and two-spotted mites.
The relatively lesser effect of mites on raspberries than on strawberries means that greater reliance can be placed on natural controls such as predatory mites (Amblyseius fallacis) and beetles (Stethorus punctillum). If these biological control agents are present in sufficient numbers, they should adequately control spider mites.
If predators are not present due to sprays or because the planting is new, Amblyseius and Stethorus can be purchased and introduced. Preliminary tests show that a minimum of 7,000 Amblyseius/acre should be released. Apply higher rates on fields with a history of high spider mite populations. Release predators in new fields when leaves are growing and touching between the canes.
To decrease the number of predators required, they can be released into the mite "hotspots," instead of applied to the whole field.
Contact your crop consultant, supplier or BCAGRI for details on releasing biological control agents.
If monitoring shows concerning levels of spider mites, spray one of the following. Alternate between the recommended products below to prevent mite resistance from developing.
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Acramite 50WS | 50% bifenazate | 851 g/ha (340 g/acre) in a minimum of 500 L/ha (200 L/acre) | 1 |
Agri-mek SC | 84 g/L abamectin | 225 mL/ha (90 mL/acre) | 7 |
Apollo SC | 500 g/L clofentezine | 500 mL/ha | 15 |
Danitol | 31% fenpropathrin | 779-1169 ml/ha (312 to 468 ml/ac) |
3 days for machine harvest 15 days for hand harvest |
Kanemite 15SC | 15.8 % acequinocyl | 2.07 L/ha (0.83 L/acre) | 1 |
Pyramite 75WP or Nexter | 75% pyridaben | 300 to 600 g/ha (120 to 240 g/acre) | post-harvest |
Oberon | 240 g/L spiromesifen | 0.88 to 1.16 L/ha (350 to 460 mL/acre) | 3 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
All raspberry varieties, blueberries, strawberries, woody ornamentals.
Raspberries adjacent to strawberries or wooded areas may be damaged by root weevils. The main damage is caused very early in the spring by adult clay coloured weevils feeding on the unopened buds. Damage is often mistaken for winter injury. Adult black vine weevils and obscure weevils which emerge in June can be serious contaminants in machine-harvested fruit. The larvae (grubs) feed on the roots and weaken cane growth.
Adults of the clay coloured weevil and other species feed on raspberry buds in the early spring. All species are similar in habits and appearance. Larvae are white, legless, “C”– shaped grubs which feed on the roots during most of the summer and winter. Adults are flightless, hard-shelled, and have long, downward curved shouts and elbowed antennae.
Adults start to emerge from the soil in the early spring and most have emerged by mid-June. The adults climb the canes at night to feed on the buds and new laterals.
Because they are flightless, they spread relatively slowly in a raspberry field. Eggs are laid by mid-July and hatch into grubs that feed on the roots through the fall, winter and spring. There is one generation per year.
Start inspecting the canes in March for signs of damage to the buds and new laterals (leaf flagging and notching) caused by clay coloured weevils. Adult weevils feed at night and usually return to the trash at the base of the plant in the day. Weevils may stay in the foliage on cool, cloudy days especially if the foliage is dense. Adult weevils can be detected in the evening by placing a beating tray under the foliage and shaking the plant gently. Monitor for black vine weevils and obscure weevils in June and July in the same fashion. Record weevil numbers for each inspection.
Ground beetles (Carabids) feed on weevil grubs, pupae and adults. The contribution they make to control has not been determined, but they should be encouraged.
Weevil sprays can kill predatory mites resulting in increased two-spotted mite populations. If sprays are applied, monitor for mites and be prepared to control if necessary.
Make sure that the damage is caused by weevils as buds can be damaged from other factors such as frost. Check with a crop consultant or the BCAGRI, if uncertain.
Apply insecticide sprays for adult weevils before egg laying starts. For clay coloured weevils spray in early spring when damage to buds and new shoots is first observed. For black vine and obscure weevils, sprays should be applied after weevil emergence in June just before first harvest.
Apply sprays in the evening, after a warm, sunny day. Under these conditions, the weevils will be active and moving up the canes to the foliage and will be exposed to and killed by foliar sprays.
The following products are registered for adult weevil control:
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Actara 25WG | 25% thiamethoxam | 210 to 280 g/ha (84 to 112 g/acre) | 3 |
Exirel | 100 g/L cyantraniliprole | 1000 to 1500 mL/ha (400 to 600 mL/acre) | 1 |
Malathion 85E | 85% malathion | 1.35 L/ha (0.5 L/acre) | 1 |
*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
Wireworms bore into raspberry crowns and destroy them. In heavy infestations, they feed on established plants and greatly reduce the yield, and weaken the plants. Wireworms are seldom a problem, but can cause heavy plant losses to raspberry plantings following sod.
Yellowish-brown, shiny, slender, hard-bodied worms 5 to 25 mm long.
Plan for control in field preparation for new plantings. For information on controlling wireworms, refer to “General Berry Pests” in this guide.
Slugs and snails
These are occasionally a pest on raspberries and may be a contaminant when harvesting in wet conditions.
Slugs are slow-moving, soft-bodied, slimy, legless creatures. They are black, grey, brown or olive green in colour, and do not have a shell. Slugs are 3 to 4 mm when hatched and grow to 10 cm in length. Snails have a protective shell. The shell can be up to 2 cm in diameter and usually has alternating yellow and brown concentric rings.
Control weeds and keep cover crops mowed as tall grasses and weeds provide protection and may attract these pests.
If present in large numbers, control snails or slugs in the spring before they climb into the plants. When the pests are active and conditions dry, apply in the evening at the base of plants or to the headlands.
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | Comments |
Sluggo or Ferramol | 0.76% ferric phosphate | 25 to 50 kg/ha (10 to 20 kg/acre) |
Anthracnose (Elsinoe veneta)
This disease may cause considerable cane damage in some years, especially if weather remains wet into late spring. Infections that occur early in the season are more damaging than those that occur later. Uneven berry ripening may result from infected canes.
The first symptom is small, purplish circular patches on the cane. As the patches enlarge, the central portion takes on a greyish colour and becomes sunken and cracked. Margins become raised and purplish. The damaged patches are often so close together that they merge, forming large, irregular areas. Canes can eventually become girdled and die.
Anthracnose is caused by a fungus. The disease spreads by spores produced in the small black bodies which form in the grey patches in the fall. In the spring, splashing rain carries the spores to new shoots, leaves or fruit, where infection takes place.
Watch for sunken grey areas with purple raised margins on canes during late spring. The cane is most commonly infected from 15 to 75 cm above the ground. Prune out infected canes.
Cultural practices usually give adequate control.
Avoid thick plantings.
Do not apply excessive nitrogen.
Prune out surplus canes during the growing season and old canes after harvest.
Resistant red raspberry varieties include Willamette, Nootka, Meeker and Heritage.
Where anthracnose has been a problem, apply one of the following. Lime sulfur, used to control spur blight, cane blight and yellow rust, will also control Anthracnose.
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Bordeaux Mixture | 8-8-100 |
Ferbam 76WDG | 76% Ferbam | 3.75 kg/ha (1.5 kg/acre) |
Pristine WG | 25.2 % boscalid, 12.8 % pyraclostrobin | 1.3 to 1.6 kg/ha (0.52 to 0.64 kg/acre) |
1 for hand harvest, when residues have dried for machine harvesting |
Tanos 50DF | 25% famoxadone, 25% cymoxanil | 840 g/ha (335 g/acre) | 9 |
*Pre-harvest interval
Bacterial blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae)
This bacterial disease is seldom a problem but can occasionally cause severe losses.
Bacterial blight can occur at two periods during the year. In the spring, blight symptoms appear as a sudden wilting and blackening of new shoots, cane tips, laterals and leaves. Affected laterals have a distinct “crooking” or downward bend. This type of damage is often associated with temperatures just above 0°C and is usually not a problem after mid-May.
The most serious phase of the disease is believed to occur in the fall in fields that are actively growing later than normal. These fields seem to be susceptible to infection which shows as dead buds and black streaking of the cambium layer under the bark. This damage is usually not noticed until spring and can be confused with injury due to spur blight or winter injury.
The bacterium survives on leaf surfaces, in healthy buds and on weeds. It may be spread by splashing rain, wind, insects and infected planting stock.
Check developing laterals and young shoots for symptoms. Where fall conditions may have promoted the development of blight, inspect buds for damage. Look for black streaking under the bark near the buds.
Avoid late growth due to excessive soil nitrogen, summer drought followed by resumption of growth with fall rains, or topping of canes too early in the fall.
If needed, apply:
Bordeaux Mixture (8-8-100). Apply one spray at the delayed dormant/bud-bursting stage. Apply a second spray in the fall before rains start. Thoroughly wet the canes. See General Pest Section for mixing directions; or
Copper Spray Fungicide or Copper Oxychloride 50 (50% copper oxychloride) at 2.0 kg in 1000 L of water per ha (0.8 kg in 400 L of water/acre). Begin protection at the bud-bursting stage. Apply in fast drying conditions to minimize the risk of plant damage. Repeat at 14-day intervals until three sprays have been applied. Thoroughly wet canes at each treatment. Do not re-enter treated fields within 48 hours of application. Do not apply within 2 days of harvest.
Caution: Do not use bluestone or copper sulphate alone as it washes off readily and may cause plant injury. Copper tolerant strains of this bacterium have been detected from blueberry.
No satisfactory chemical control for the fall-winter infection period has been determined. The following may be beneficial:
Bordeaux Mixture (8-8-100). Apply spray before fall rains start (about October). Thoroughly wet the canes and apply in fast drying conditions. See General Pest Section for mixing directions; or
Copper Spray Fungicide or Copper Oxychloride 50 (50% copper oxychloride) at 2.5 kg/1000 L of water/ha (1 kg/acre in 400 L of water); or
Cueva (Copper octanoate 1.8%) Use a 0.5% to 2% solution, applied at 470-940 L/ha (188-377 L/acre). Apply at the start of flowering and continue every 7 to 10 days. Do not apply within 1 day of harvest, or
Serenade Opti (QST 713 strain-Bacillus subtilis) at 0.6 to 1.7 kg/ha (0.24 to 0.68 kg/acre). Apply before fall rains and again during dormancy before spring. Serenade may be applied up to and including the day of harvest.
Note: Serenade is a bacterial-based biofungicide. It is approved for organic production.
Serenade Max: no longer produced
Botrytis cane wilt (Botrytis cinerea)
Botrytis cane wilt can be very destructive during wet seasons and in plantings where the growth is lush and dense.
Infections first appear as brown blotches on the new green canes. The blotches, which may include one or more nodes, become tan coloured as infected canes mature. A typical concentric ring pattern appears in late winter.
The fungus overwinters in dead leaves, mummified fruit and as black fungal bodies called sclerotia. Numerous sclerotia form on diseased canes during the late fall and winter. It also overwinters on weeds. In the early spring under humid conditions, sclerotia produce spores which infect succulent new growth. Infected new canes wilt and die. Dead canes are pithy and may be covered with grey mould. Botrytis also causes blossom blight and fruit rot.
Examine canes in the spring to determine the level of overwintering fungus and plan a control program accordingly.
Improve air circulation by controlling weeds.
Remove surplus new shoots as they develop to prevent the rows from becoming too dense.
Prune out the old canes immediately after harvest to increase air circulation.
Prune out diseased new canes as soon as observed, and destroy to reduce inoculum.
Meeker and Willamette show resistance to Botrytis cane wilt. Chemainus and Cascade Bounty are highly susceptible.
Fruit rot sprays help control this disease.
Cane blight (Leptosphaeria coniothyrium)
Cane blight can weaken fruiting canes but this fungal disease is usually of minor importance. It enters new canes through wounds so there is greater potential for damage where mechanical harvesters are used.
Early cane blight infections may resemble spur blight. However, cane blight usually covers the whole stem and is not confined to the leaf node areas as with spur blight. During the late summer, infected canes turn greyish and may be confused with winter injury or anthracnose. The infected areas on the cane become flattened and may crack open. During the next season, laterals on infected canes wilt and die in warm weather.
The cane blight fungus overwinters on cane stubs. The old, dead canes can produce spores for several years. Rain and overhead irrigation will spread spores in splashing water. Infection may occur at any time during the growing season, but often occurs at harvest when canes are wounded. Moist conditions are required for infection.
Monitor new canes after harvest. Scrape away the bark above or below wounds and look for reddish streaking. During the dormant season, examine old cane stubs for grey, flattened, cracked areas, especially at catch plate height.
Cut out and destroy infected canes.
Adjust the tension of the catch plates of mechanical harvesters to reduce wounding.
Top canes during dry weather, if possible.
Avoid high nitrogen levels as tall, succulent cane growth is more susceptible to injury.
Lime-sulfur (23% calcium polysulphide) at 35 L in 1000 L of water. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage of all plant parts. Apply at the delayed dormant (bud-bursting) stage if a spray program is necessary. If leaves are out, spray only when they are dry to avoid damage.
Crown gall (Agrobacterium tumefaciens)
Crown gall poses a serious threat to the production of susceptible raspberry varieties. If infected planting stock is used, yield can be significantly reduced.
The first symptoms are usually woody swellings or galls on the crowns or canes at ground level. These galls range from the size of a pea to the size of a tennis ball. Root infections may go undetected until galls are so numerous that the vigour of the plant is affected. In some plantings where the disease has become established, the fruiting canes produce short, weak laterals. The leaves turn yellow and dry at the edges and curl up with the onset of warm weather. Root systems from these dying plants resemble a string of beads because of the frequency of galls.
The crown gall bacterium is present in some fields. It can also be introduced on infected planting stock. Once introduced into the field, the bacteria survive almost indefinitely in decaying root galls or in alternate hosts. Wounds resulting from insect injury and cultivation or mechanical harvester damage encourage new infections.
Carefully check planting stock for the presence of galls. In existing plantings, look near the crown, for evidence of galls or dig plants up to examine roots for galls.
Use certified raspberry plants. Never use plants from sources where crown gall has been reported. Do not use plants containing visible galls. Where only a few plants in a field are infected, entire plants (including the complete root system) should be removed carefully and burned.
Take care when removing canes and pruning because the bacteria can be spread on the pruning shears.
Disinfect pruning shears by dipping in 5% Virkon, Chemprocide or CleanGrow, or a 1:10 dilution of household bleach. Caution: bleach is corrosive to metal blades.
Minimize root and cane injury by controlling root weevils and nematodes, avoiding close cultivation and making sure that catch plates on mechanical harvesters are working properly.
Field experience has shown that Meeker does not develop galls. Saanich and Chemainus are susceptible.
Dygall is a formulation of a naturally occurring bacterium that is antagonistic (i.e. kills) to the crown gall bacterium. It is applied to cuttings or plant roots before planting in infested soils. It is to be used by trained nursery personnel only.
Fruit rot (Botrytis cinerea)
The fungus Botrytis causes rot and yield loss. Losses will likely occur each year if fungicides are not applied to protect the blossoms and developing fruits. Losses are most severe when weather is wet through harvest.
Infected flowers turn brown and shrivel when they dry. Under moist conditions, grey tufts of fungus can be seen on blighted blossoms. Botrytis-infected berries become shrivelled and covered with the grey tufts when the fruit matures. Fruit can appear healthy at harvest but develop rot soon after. This is the post-harvest rot phase.
The fungus primarily enters through the blossom and develops slowly until the fruit ripens. Then rot develops rapidly. Healthy fruit next to infected berries can develop rot on the bush or after harvest.
Watch for cane infections in the spring. They may be an important source of spores for flower infection.
Train canes for an open canopy to promote good air circulation.
Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization.
Time overhead irrigation so plants dry out as quickly as possible.
Keep fruit cool after harvest and deliver to the processor or packer as quickly as possible.
At least three sprays are recommended. Start when the blossoms first open and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals. Use the shorter spray interval and highest rate when disease pressure is high. To delay the development of fungicide resistance, alternate sprays from the different chemical groups.
Product | Active ingredient | Rate | PHI* | Comments |
Cantus WDG | 70% boscalid | 560 g/ha (224 g/acre) | 0 |
Captan 80 WDG | 80% captan | 1.2 kg in 1000 L of water/ha (0.5 kg in 400 L/acre) | 2 |
Diplomat 5 SC | 5% Polyoxin D zinc salt | 463 to 926 mL/ha (185 to 370mL/acre) | 0 |
Elevate 50 WDG | 50% fenhexamid | 1.7 kg/ha (0.7 kg/acre) | 1 |
Kenja 400 SC | 400 g/L isofetamid | 0.99 to 1.24 L/ha (400 to 500 mL/ac) | 7 |
Luna Privilege | 500 g/L fluopyram | 500 mL/ha (200 mL/acre) | 0 |
Luna Tranquility | 125 g/L fluopyram, 375 g/L pyrimethanil | 1200 ml/ha (486 ml/acre) | 0 |
Maestro 80DF | 80% captan | 2.5 kg/ha (1.0 kg/acre). | 3 days for hand harvest; 2 days for machine harvest |
Miravis Prime |
150 g/L pydiflumetofen, 250 g/L fludioxonil |
0.8 to 1.0 L/ha (0.32 to 0.4 L/acre) | 1 |
Oxidate 2.0 | 27% Hydrogen peroxide, 2.5% Peroxyacetic acid | Dilution of 1.0L product in 100 L of water (1.0% v:v) | 0 |
Pristine WG | 25.2 % boscalid, 12.8 % pyraclostrobin | 1.3 to 1.6 kg/ha (0.52 to 0.64 kg/acre) | 0 days for machine harvest, 24 hours for hand harvest |
Problad | 20% BLAD polypeptide | 2.0 to 3.3 L/ha (0.8 to 1.32 L/ac) | 0 |
Rovral | 500 g/kg iprodione | 2 kg/ha in 1000 L of water per ha (0.8 kg/acre in 400 L/acre of water) | 1 |
Scala | 400g/L pyrimethanil | 2.0 l/ha (0.78 l/acre) | 0 |
Senator 70WP | 70% thiophanate-methyl | 1.1 kg/ha (0.44 kg/acre) | 1 |
Sercadis | 300 g/L fluxapyroxad | 250-666 mL/ha (100-266 mL/acre) | 0 |
Serenade Opti | Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713 | 1.7 to 3.3 kg/ha (0.68 to 1.32 kg/acre) | 0 |
Serifel | Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain MBI 600 | 0.25 to 0.5 kg/ha (0.10 to 0.20 kg/acre) | 0 |
Switch 62.5 WG | 37.5% cyprodinil, 25% fludioxinil | 775 to 975 g/ha (310 to 390 g/acre) | 1 |
Tanos 50 DF | 25% famoxadone, 25% cymoxanil | 840 g/ha (335 g/acre) | 9 |
Timorex Gold | 23.8% tea tree oil | 1.5 to 2.0 L/ha (0.6 to 0.8 L/acre) | 2 |
Powdery mildew (Podosphaera macularis)
This fungal disease occasionally infects raspberry foliage and fruit but is not commonly found in raspberry fields in BC. Some varieties, including Rudi and Cascade Bounty, are resistant to powdery mildew, while Wakefield is susceptible. The powdery mildew that infects strawberries is different than the one that infects raspberries.
Infected leaves and shoot tips are covered in a whitish gray powder. Lesions first develop on the underside of the leaves.
Infected fruit may fail to develop or be dull coloured and smaller than healthy berries. A white mat of fungus may be visible on the surface of the berries.
The disease overwinters in dormant buds of stunted cane tips. Spores are produced and infection occurs in high humidity and warm temperatures (18 to 27°C). Spores are spread by wind.
Watch for the first signs of the disease on the foliage and tips of new primocanes. Closely monitor susceptible varieties for mildew on the leaves and fruit.
Select cultivars that are not susceptible to powdery mildew, improve air circulation, and remove infected primocanes that occur late in the season.
In fields with a history of this disease, apply fungicides starting in early bloom, especially during warm, humid conditions.
Diplomat 5SC Fungicide (5% polyoxin D zinc salt) at 926 mL/ha (370 mL/acre) as a foliar spray in sufficient water to provide thorough coverage. Apply as a preventative treatment and repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals. Do not make more than 3 applications per season. Can be applied the day of harvest; or
Property 300SC Fungicide (300 g/L pyriofenone) at 0.3 to 0.366 L/ha (120 to 140 mL/acre) for suppression of powdery mildew. Apply as a preventative spray and re-apply at 7-10 day intervals. Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications of Property or other Group 50 fungicides before rotating to a fungicide with a different mode of action. Do not apply more than 1.2 L/ha/year (0.47 L/acre/year). Can be applied up to the day of harvest.
Senator 70WP (70% thiophanate-methyl) at 500g per 1000 litres of water (1.1 kg/ha or 0.44 kg/acre) during flowering and every 7-10 days as needed. Do not apply within 1 day of harvest.
Raspberry bushy dwarf virus (RBDV)
In susceptible varieties this virus causes crumbly fruit resulting in quality and yield loss.
Crumbly fruit is the most common symptom in infected red raspberries; however, crumbly fruit can be caused by factors other than RBDV infection. Infected plants are neither bushy nor dwarfed, although stunting and shorter canes may be observed in some varieties.
Some varieties may also show leaf yellowing in the spring, but most commercially recommended varieties do not. The only way to confirm the presence of RBDV is to have leaf tissues tested in a laboratory (see “Monitoring”).
The virus is spread by pollen. Once infected with RBDV, plants are infected for life. The plants produce infected pollen that is spread to healthy plants.
Watch for leaf symptoms and crumbly fruit. Mark suspect bushes and have leaf samples tested at a laboratory.
Use certified planting stock.
The only method of controlling RBDV is by planting resistant varieties. Willamette, Nootka, and Chilcotin are resistant to infection. Meeker and other recommended varieties are susceptible.
If growing susceptible varieties, remove fruiting laterals from first year fields before bloom to delay infection.
Raspberry ringspot (tomato ringspot) virus
Infected plants may have reduced yield and vigour.
Infected plants of some varieties may show no symptoms other than reduced yield and vigour. Others may have leaf symptoms with mottling, yellowing, mosaic patterns, ringspots or curling. Some varieties can be severely dwarfed and may die as a result of the infection. Ringspot may also cause crumbly fruit.
The virus is spread by dagger nematodes (Xiphinema americanum) and possibly other related species. Weeds may be part of the cycle by supporting nematode populations and harbouring the virus.
Watch for leaf symptoms and crumbly fruit. Mark suspect bushes and have leaf samples tested at a laboratory. Test soil and roots for nematodes. See the “Nematodes” section for further details.
Test soil for nematodes and do not plant in fields infested with dagger nematodes (Xiphinema).
Use certified planting stock.
If working in an infested field, clean equipment before moving to uninfested fields.
Control weeds which may harbour the virus and nematodes.
Removing infected plants may not help control the virus where more than 5% of plants are infected. However, where there is a low level of infection, remove infected plants as well as the next 5 plants beyond those showing symptoms or testing positive.
Meeker and Willamette are susceptible.
Root rot (Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi and other fungi)
Damage can be severe, especially when susceptible varieties are grown, nematode populations are high, or where soils are wet for long periods.
Fruiting canes may suddenly wilt and die with the onset of warm weather. Plants may also be stunted and low yielding. Infected roots appear rotted and brown. The outer tissue can be sloughed off and few fibrous roots are present. Black or purplish lesions may develop up the new canes from the ground level. Frequently, new shoots develop from the healthier portions of the crown.
Root rot is caused by fungi and fungi-like organisms that act alone or as a complex. Some only infect plants that have been previously weakened by stress. They all survive in the soil for years, and begin new infections by invading fine roots. They grow through the root tissue and may grow into the plant crown and damage it.
During the winter, note poorly drained areas. Watch these areas for symptoms of root rot when the weather starts to warm up. After hot, dry periods, watch for wilting of fruiting canes.
Use root rot-free, certified plants and set them out in fertile, well-drained soils.
Plant on raised beds to provide a better-drained root zone.
Control nematodes as they can increase root rot losses.
Avoid applying high levels of nitrogen to plants infected with root rot.
Subsoil between the rows in October to improve drainage.
There are no completely resistant varieties. Cascade Bounty and Cascade Delight have shown good field tolerance. Malahat and Tulameen are particularly susceptible.
Research has shown that high levels of soil calcium can reduce infection and damage caused by Phytophthora root rot. This can be achieved by applying gypsum before planting, but more research is necessary to determine the reliability and feasibility of this technique.
Where control is necessary, apply:
Aliette (80% fosetyl-Al) at 5.5 kg/ha in a minimum of 200 to 1000 L/ha of water (2.2 kg/acre in 80 to 400 L/acre of water). For spring applications, apply the first spray when there is 7 cm of new growth and again 3 to 4 weeks later. For fall applications apply when conditions favour disease development (high soil moisture and cool temperatures) and then repeat if necessary 3 to 4 weeks later. Make the last fall application at least 30 days before leaf drop. Do not make more than 4 applications per year - 2 in the spring and 2 in the fall. Aliette is systemic – the product will move down from the leaves to the roots. Do not apply within 60 days of harvest.
Phostrol (53.6% mono and dibasic sodium, potassium and ammonium phosphites) at 5.2 L/ha in a minimum of 400 L/ha of water (2.1 L/acre in 160 L/acre of water). For spring applications, apply the first spray when there is 7 cm of new growth and again 45 to 60 days later. For fall applications apply when conditions favour disease development (high soil moisture and cool temperatures) and then repeat if necessary 21 to 28 days later. Make the last fall application at least 30 days before leaf drop. Do not make more than 4 applications per year - 2 in the spring and 2 in the fall. Phostrol is systemic – the product will move down from the leaves to the roots. May be applied up to the day of harvest.
New Plantings
Ridomil Gold 480SL or 480EC (480 g/L metalaxyl-M) at 37 mL per 100 m of row as a post-plant soil drench in a 1 m wide band centered over the row (If the row spacing is 10 feet use 0.5 L/acre). Apply again in the fall before November 30; or
Orondis (100 g/L Oxathiopiprolin) at 1.3 to 2.8 L/ha (0.5 to 1.1 L/acre). Directly apply to soil with a banded drench application at a minimun of 200 L/ha, continue on a 7-14 days interval. Follow by sprinkler or drip irrigation within 24 hours to adequately distribute the product to the root zone. Use 1-2 applications at 7-14 days apart in spring and 1-2 applications at 7-14 days apart during fall. Do not make more than 4 applications per year. Do not apply within 1 day of harvest, or
Orondis Gold Fungicide (35 g/L oxathiapiprolin and 105 g/L metalaxyl-M and S-isomer) at 4.57 L/ha (1.88 L/acre) in 2000 L/ha (800 L/ac) of water applied to the soil as a drench, soil-directed spray, or through irrigation. In new plantings, apply at the time of planting in a 48 cm wide band over the row or through drip irrigation. A second application may be made at least 7 days later. Can be applied twice per year.
Torrent 400SC (400 g/L cyazofamid) at 0.25 L/ha in 1000 L/ha of water (101 ml/acre in 405 L/acre of water) as a soil drench. One application can be made in the fall and one application can be made in the spring. Do not use a surfactant with this drench.
Established Plantings
Ridomil Gold 480SL or 480EC (480 g/L metalaxyl-M) at 37 mL per 100 m of row as a soil drench in a 1 m wide band centered over the row (If the row spacing is 10 feet use 0.5 L/acre). Apply in late-October to cool, moist soils just prior to rains. Rain or irrigation are essential to wash Ridomil into the root zone as soon as possible after application. Do not apply to dry soils. Do not apply after November 30. Ridomil will control root rots caused by Phytophthora and Pythium but will have no effect on other root rot-causing fungi. Since there are frequently several root rot-causing fungi in the same field, control may not be complete; or
Orondis (100 g/L Oxathiapiprolin) at 1.3 to 2.8L/ha (0.5 to 1.1 L/acre). Directly apply to soil with a banded drench application at a minimum of 200L/ha, continue on a 7-14 day interval. Follow by sprinkler or drip irrigation within 24 hours to adequately distribute the product to the root zone. Use 1-2 applications at 7-14 days apart in spring and 1-2 applications at 7-14 days apart during fall. Do not make more than 4 applications per year.Do not apply within 1 day of harvest.
Orondis Gold Fungicide (35 g/L oxathiapiprolin and 105 g/L metalaxyl-M and S-isomer) at 4.57 L/ha (1.88 L/acre) in 2000 L/ha (800 L/ac) of water applied to the soil as a drench, soil-directed spray, or through irrigation. In established fields, apply in the spring before the plants start to grow. Apply in a 1-metre-wide band over the row or through drip irrigation. A second application may be made at least 7 days later. Can be applied twice per year. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest; or
Torrent 400SC (400 g/L cyazofamid) at 0.25 L/ha in 1000 L/ha of water (101 ml/acre in 405 L/acre of water) as a soil drench. One application can be made in the fall and one application can be made in the spring. Do not use a surfactant with this drench. Do not apply within 90 days of harvest.
Spur blight (Didymella applanata)
The fungus causing this disease can infect leaves, petioles (leaf stems) and canes. Fruiting laterals may be stunted and less vigorous.
Infections on leaves are wedge-shaped with a brown central area surrounded by a yellow band. Infections on the petioles are not noticeable, but they grow into the new canes in mid-summer forming dark brown spots surrounding buds. The infection (brown areas) can spread up and down so that large sections of the cane are totally infected. The buds surrounded by the brown areas are not infected directly, but are greatly weakened by toxins produced by the fungus. These weakened buds may die or, if they do leaf out in the spring, may produce weak fruiting laterals with small, yellow leaves which dry up early in the season.
The infected areas on the canes remain dark brown until early winter when they become silvery-grey in colour. Over winter, small black bodies containing spores develop under the bark. The spores are released by rain in the spring to start the cycle again. New canes can be infected when they are 20 to 25 cm tall.
From May to early July, monitor for wedge-shaped brown patches on leaves to obtain an indication of spur blight levels. In the summer, watch for brown lesions around buds on the canes. During the dormant season and early spring, check overwintering levels of the spur blight fungus by looking for cracked grey areas on the canes around buds.
Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization.
After harvest, remove and destroy the old fruiting canes.
Lime-sulfur (23% calcium polysulphide) at 35 L in 1000 L of water. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage of all plant parts. Apply at the delayed dormant (green-tip) stage if a spray program becomes necessary. If leaves are out, spray only when they are dry to avoid damage; or
Tanos 50 DF (25% famoxadone, 25% cymoxanil) at 840 g/ha (335 g/acre) in sufficient water volume to ensure thorough coverage of the crop. Do not apply more than 3 times per year. At least 12 days must pass between the first and second applications. At least 24 days must pass between the second and third applications. Do not re-enter fields within 9 days of application. Do not apply within 9 days of harvest;
Note: Tanos 50 DF contains a Group 11 and a Group 27 fungicide. To delay fungicide resistance do not apply Tanos or other Group 11 or Group 27 fungicides more than twice in succession. Alternate with fungicides from other groups.
Captan 80 WDG (80% captan) at 1.2 kg in 1000 L of water/ha (0.5 kg in 400 L/acre) depending on the label. Do not apply more often than every 7 days. Do not re-enter treated fields within 72 hours of application. Do not apply within 2 days of harvest.Other fruit rot sprays will also help to control spur blight.
Ferbam 76 WDG. Refer to “Anthracnose” for application information.
Note: Ferbam is not acceptable for all markets. Check with your packer before using.
Yellow rust (Phragmidium rubi-idaei)
Yellow rust can be a problem in wet growing seasons. This fungus can infect all succulent, above ground parts of the plant causing reduced vigour and yields.
Symptoms first appear as distinct yellow spots on the leaves. Later the lower leaves turn yellow and drop off. Infected canes develop lesions that become deep cankers and may break off during pruning. By autumn, black pustules form on the underside of infected leaves.
The fungus overwinters on old infected leaves and old cane stubs.
By late April, start watching the oldest leaves on developing laterals near the wire. Look for yellow pustules on the upper and lower leaf surface. Watch to determine when the pustules will begin to release spores and apply a fungicide to protect new growth.
Good sanitation is the most important control method for yellow rust. Prune out the old fruiting canes as soon as possible after harvest. Postpone tying canes until after the leaves drop. Rotovate to incorporate all infected leaves and canes in the early spring before the new leaves develop.
Lime-sulfur (23% calcium polysulphide) at 35 L in 1000 L of water. Apply in sufficient water for thorough coverage of all plant parts. Apply at the delayed dormant (green-tip) stage if a spray program becomes necessary. If leaves are out, spray only when they are dry to avoid damage.
Fontelis (200g/L penthiopyrad) at 1.0. to 1.75 L/ha (400mL to 708mL/acre). Use a minimum spray volume of 100 L/ha (40 L/acre). Begin applications prior to disease development in the spring and continue on a 7 to 10 day interval. Do not make more than 2 sequential applications or apply more than 5 times per season. Can be applied up to the day of harvest.
Nova 40W (40% myclobutanil) at 175 g/ha (70 g/acre) in enough water to obtain good coverage. Begin application in the spring at the first sign of yellow rust pustules. Apply at 10 to 14 day intervals. Do not apply more than 3 times per season. Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas for 6 days for hand harvesting, training and tying or for 12 hours for all other activities. Do not apply within 6 days of harvest for hand harvested crops. Do not apply within 1 day of mechanical harvesting.
Tilt (250 g/L propiconazole) at 500 mL/ha (200 mL/acre) in 500 L/ha (200 L/acre) of water. Apply in the spring when the first yellow rust pustules are detected. Repeat 14 days later. Do not apply more than twice per season. Do not apply within 3 days of harvest. This product may cause stunting of fruiting laterals when applied in the spring. Meeker is particularly susceptible.
Topas 250E or Jade (250 g/L propiconazole) at 500 mL/ha (200 mL/acre) or Mission 418 EC (418 g/L propiconazole) at 300 mL/ha (120 mL/acre) in enough water to obtain good coverage. Apply in the spring when the first yellow rust pustules are detected. Repeat 14 days later. Do not apply more than twice per season. Do not re-enter treated areas within 3 days of application. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest. This product may cause stunting of fruiting laterals when applied in the spring. Meeker is particularly susceptible.
Ferbam 76 WDG. Refer to “Anthracnose” for application information.
Note: Ferbam is not acceptable to some markets. Check with your packer before using.
Plant-parasitic nematodes
Nematodes are microscopic worms that live in the soil. When plant parasitic nematodes are present in large numbers, they cause stunting and reduce vigour of raspberries by feeding on the roots. Some nematodes (dagger) are capable of transmitting viruses such as tomato ringspot. Damage usually occurs in patches in fields.
Test fields for nematodes before planting and fumigate if necessary. Nematodes tend to be very spotty in their distribution in a field. Thus it is very difficult to collect a representative soil sample. For this reason, careful sampling is of extreme importance if harmful nematodes are to be detected. Refer to “Nematodes” in “General Berry Pests” of this guide, for more information on sampling.
Raspberry plants are most susceptible to nematode damage during the year of planting. If high populations are present, control with pre-plant fumigation is necessary to allow good establishment in the first year.
New fields are best sampled for nematodes in the spring or summer before the year of planting. This allows adequate time to prepare the land for fumigation in late August or September, if necessary. Organic matter reduces effectiveness of most fumigants. Therefore, if manures are to be used, apply in spring prior to planting.
Details of soil sampling, field preparation, and fumigant application timing and method are given in the section “General Berry Pests” in this guide. Refer to this section when planning for nematode control.
Nematicides can be applied to new raspberry fields following planting, as per the recommendations for established plantings.
Good weed control practices will help prevent nematodes from building up in established plantings.
Velum Prime (500 g/L fluopyram) at 500 mL/ha (200 mL/acre) through the drip irrigation system into the root zone. Works best when applied to newly planted fields. Before applying, lightly wet the soil to reduce soil tension. Use a minimum of 7 days between applications. Do not apply more than 500 g/ha of fluopryam (200 g/acre) per year through soil or foliar applications. Can be applied up to the day of harvest; or
Vydate L (24% oxamyl) at 9.35 L/ha (3.8 L/acre) as a soil drench in a 1m wide band centred on the row. The drench should only be applied to moist soils and should be followed with about 2 cm of irrigation to ensure that the Vydate is washed into the root zone. The drench may be applied any time between the end of harvest and the end of the growing season. Do not apply after October 31. Do not apply in the spring. Do not re-enter treated fields within 3 days of application. Apply only once per year.