Water legislation and planning

Last updated on June 6, 2024

Effective water management that is compliant with provincial legislation is crucial to the success of agricultural businesses and to support water and food security in British Columbia. The Water Sustainability Act, in effect since 2016, requires water licences for diverting and using and/or storing surface and groundwater for many different uses, including agricultural purposes, like irrigation and livestock watering.

Water Sustainability Act and water licences for agriculture

For in-depth information about the WSA and water rights in B.C., visit the Water Sustainability Act or the water licensing and rights webpages.

Information specific to agricultural water use purposes and the associated licensing requirements can be found in the water licences for agriculture (PDF, 585KB) guidance document.

Provincial drought response and information

Agricultural producers can access valuable information and tools related to drought conditions and response actions across the province through various webpages. The B.C. Drought Information Portal] offers up-to-date drought information, with the provincial map of current drought levels and other resources to help the public understand provincial drought conditions and regulatory actions.

The drought information page provides comprehensive information on drought conditions, impacts, and water management. Additionally, the Water Sustainability Act temporary protection order page provides guidance and clarity on water use restrictions and temporary protection orders during droughts.

Agriculture Water Demand Model

The agriculture water demand model was developed by the B.C. government in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in 2006 for the Okanagan region. The model estimates current and future water demand for agriculture based on soil type, irrigation system type, crop type, historical climate data, and future climate change models. To date, the agriculture water demand model has been expanded to 18 regions in the province. 

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