Nutrient management plan training

Last updated on January 9, 2025

Nutrient management plans (NMPs) are used to help farmers efficiently meet their production objectives and protect the environment. Plans provide balanced recommendations for farmers on which nutrient sources to apply and what rates they should be applied at. 

In B.C., requirements for NMPs are being phased in for farms based on their location, type of operation, and soil test values. The NMP training program will provide trainees with the expertise to use planning tools and produce NMPs as a service to farmers or for their own farm. Course content focuses on how to build a plan that meets objectives laid out in the Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management

The NMP course has four steps: 

  1. A self-paced online course available at Open School BC. Expect to spend approximately 15-20 hours to complete this step.
  2. A facilitated session on fundamentals of nutrient management and how to prepare an NMP.
  3. An exam covering the content from the online course and facilitated session. 
  4. Prepare a ‘case study’ NMP approved by B.C. Government. 

There are two pathways to complete steps 2-4 of the NMP course: 1) virtual pathway and 2) accelerated in-person pathway.

For the virtual pathway, step 2 is a one full day online facilitated session at a scheduled date (see dates for the next session below). Steps 3 and 4 are to be completed online at each participant’s own pace.

For the accelerated in-person pathway, steps 2-4 of the course are completed in-person over 2 days with direct support from the facilitators. The training includes:

  • Day 1: Participants will be engaged in a full day facilitated sessions on fundamentals of nutrient management and how to prepare an NMP (step 2).
  • Day 2: Participants will complete their online exam (step 3) and prepare their case study NMP working as a team (step 4).

No additional cost will be charged for attending the accelerated in-person training.

Participants must complete the step 1 online course prior to attending the facilitated session either for the virtual or accelerated in-person pathways.

The program is meant for: 

  • Individuals with a background or training in agriculture who would like to develop a skillset in nutrient management planning 
  • Consultants or retailers who provide nutrient management advice to farmers 

Scope of the training content: The training program currently includes content for developing plans for using manure or fertilizers in forages, vegetables, tree fruits, berries and field crop production.  

Pre-requisites: This training program is not a comprehensive course in agronomy. Trainees should meet the following criteria at minimum:  

  • Be a Qualified Professional with an area of practice in soil fertility and nutrient management; or  
  • Have at least 4 years' experience in carrying out agricultural operations; or 
  • Have at least 4 years' experience and post-secondary training in agricultural sciences combined

Fees: There is a $100.00 enrolment fee.

Enroll now: Enroll in the training program through the online course administered by Open School B.C.

Open School B.C. enrollment  


Upon completion of the course, trainees will be certified and qualified to develop NMPs in British Columbia. A trainee may choose to have their name included on a public list of NMP planners.

Dates for upcoming facilitated sessions

Date Location Pathways Registration
February 11 & 12, 2025 Nanaimo, BC Accelerated in-person training (steps 2-4) Register here
February 26, 2025 Online Facilitated session (step 2) Register here
March 4 & 5, 2025 Vernon, BC Accelerated in-person training (steps 2-4) Register here

For questions, please email

Are plans required in my area?

Soil post-harvest nitrate levels may trigger a Nutrient Management plan (NMP) on farms located over a Vulnerable Aquifer Recharge Area.  The specific areas and types of farms that require NMPs are gradually phased in over time. Interactive map of Vulnerable Aquifer Recharge Areas

Soil nutrient testing
Soil testing probe

Good monitoring is part of good planning. Learn more about soil sampling and testing.

Funding for nutrient management plans

Farmers may be eligible for funding to support nutrient management planning if they are enrolled in the B.C. Environmental Farm Plan Program.

Contact information

AgriService BC

Have a question? Call or email and request a nutrient management or soil specialist to assist you.

1 888 221-7141
